Gruvia: Halloween With You

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originally published on 12 Oct 2016

Juvia Pov

"Gray-sama~!" I bounced up to my beloved. "Do you like Juvia's costume?" (Look at pic for ref)

He chuckled and patted my head gently "How can I not? I picked it out."

I giggled and hugged his arm.

"Shall we go?" He asked,giving my forehead a small kiss.

I nodded.

We were going trick-or-treating in the neighbourhood. The two of us had matching buckets shaped as a pot of blood to match our vampire costumes.

"Happy halloween, give us some candy or.."

"We will suck your blood." I finished the catchphrase we came up with.

The person at the door giggled "My aren't you two adorable." She commented before reaching out to drop a handful of candy in each of our 'pot of blood'.

We thanked her and moved on to the next house and the one after that, we continued until our pots were filled to the brim.

"Its almost time for the party." Gray commented, looking at his watch.

I nodded "Shall we head over now?"

"Let's go my creepy little vamp." He said in a low voice beside my ear.

I blushed and returned it "As you wish Sir count."

He slipped his hand in mine, holding onto it tightly. His thumb running over the back of my hand gently. Our arms swung slightly as we walked. I smiled into the night sky as we walked to the party.

"Yo! You guys are finally here."

"Natsu-san, haply halloween!"

"Happy halloween to you to Juvia. I like your costume."

"Thank you very much. I like yours too." He was dressed up like a dragon.

"Couldn't find anything at the shop eh Gray?"

"Oi, what are you trying to say huh?!"

"Mou, can you guys go one day without fighting?" Lucy came out and joined Natsu at the door, she was dressed as a princess with a pale pink gown.

"Hime-sama." I said and bowed to her.

She chuckled "Thank you Juvia. You may rise."

We met each others eyes with a big smile.

"Come on in you two." She pushed Natsu out of the way and opened the door wide of us.

"Thank you." Gray thanked before grabbing my hand then walking in.

Everyone from the guild was here so you could imagine the scene. The place was a mess, furniture thrown everywhere, food spilled all over the floor and some of the members were lying drunk on the floor. There was music blaring but it wasn't ear-splitting and the lights were dimmed slightly with just enough light to see our surrounding.

"We should have held the party in the guild hall." Gray commented when he saw the scene.

"We didn't want to spend money on repairs." Mirajane appeared beside us as one of her take over souls.

"But you still have to pay for this." I commented.

"Yes but it won't cost as much."

"Isn't it tiring to hold that form?" Gray asked.

She shook her head "Not at all. This is a costume."

We must have looked shock because she giggled.

"Anyway go enjoy the party, the night is still young...very young." She smirked and raised an eyebrow at us.

I blushed and just nodded. Gray placed our pots together with the rest of the bags and such. He pulled my hand and we joined the mass of body.

He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close, the other combing through my hair. I thank the lights for hiding my blush. His one hand tangled in my hair, he reach over and pulled the hair tie out.

Our eyes locked, my arms resting around his waist as we swayed slightly to the rock music but we didn't care if we were dancing wrongly to the song.

He leaned in close and planted a kiss on my lips. A short and sweet on.

I smirked slightly and tipped my toes to reach his lips. My hands cupping his face as I press hard into him. I parted my lips for his tongue to enter. His warm, wet tongue tasted every inch of my mouth.

"You are very sexy today." He whispered, his hand on my back slowly walking up my spine.

Without another word, i was suddenly up against the corner wall of the room. I traced a finger down his chest.

"What are you going to do to me?"

His breath tickled my ear "Everything." His lips on mine and hands on my chest, slowly rubbing circles. Soft moans escaped my lips.

"People might see us."

"I don't care."

One hand on the back of his neck, the other traced all the way down "Sir count there seems to be something hard in your pants."

"Well, Doctor Vamp what do you suggest I do with it?" His fingers reached my wet area, stroking it gingerly.

I smirked "Juvia thinks she knows the answer." I unbuckled his pants and lower his underwear so that only his member was exposed. Hard and straight, my hand grabbed hold of it.

"My my, this might be worse than i thought."

"Help me then, Doc."

"With pleasure." I started running my hand along his length, gently pressing the tips at times, enjoying the sweet moans that comes out of his mouth.

"Juvia doubts this is effective enough, Sir count. We need something more."

He automatically lifted me up, pushing my wet underwear to the side and spreading my legs.

"How will this do?"

"Juvia thinks its perfect."

"Not yet its not." He slowly lowered me.

"Sir Count, it seems like you have gotten bigger." I supported myself on his shoulder, moving slowly. His hands were holding onto my butt for elevation.

I moved my hips faster, clamping tight around him. Our moans and pants mixed together, muffled by the music.

His hand moved and he inserted two fingers into my other hole making my mouth drop in a gasp.

"Sir count, Juvia didn't know that your condition was so serious."

"Oh it is, I'm feeling a little hungry as well, you think you might be able to help with that?"

I giggled and pulled my dress to reveal my collarbone "of course. Help yourself."

He attached his fangs and started to drain me of my blood. My head threw back in pleasure, eyes shut and mouth parted.

"Doctor what is this feeling? It feels as if I'm about to explode..."

"Its only natural. It means the treatment is working."

"What should i do?" Our speeches were coming out as pants.

I traced a finger on his jawline and titled his chin up "You let go of course."

"You mean inside you Doc? Is that safe?"

"Of course it is."

"Then Doc. Im going to do it."

Warm liquid was sprayed inside me, dripping down to the floor. My back arched, my mouth and eyes shot open as it did.

I planted a kiss on his forehead and he gently removed me and my feet touched the floor.

"So, Sir count did the treatment work?"

"Wonders." He smiled and leaned his head on mine.

"You are cleaning that up yourself." Mira said as she walked pass.

The End

Hey minna,

Yes i know its way too early for Halloween but I would be busy with exam so im doing this now.

I hope you enjoy this little something and HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

Also, you can use this as inspiration for you and your partner ;) (if any)

For those who are like me and have exams ALL THE BEST!!

Juvia wishes all of you a Happy Halloween, get lots of candy but remember to drink plenty of water and brush your teeth!

Gray any last words?

Oh yeah. Have fun and enjoy this occasion. Whatever you choose to dress up as just be proud of it and enjoy yourself! ALSO MIRA PLEASE DELETE THOSE PICTURES YOU TOOK!

huh? No way. Im keeping them. My look at your expression Gray. So sexy.

Ooo...Can you send those to Juvia?

Of course. There! Done.

Not you too Juvia..

Well enjoy the holidays and I'll see you soon. :)

Luv u all,

12 october 2016

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