Gruvia: Rain

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originally published on 11 sep 2016

Juvia Pov

It always seems as if it is always raining, wherever I go or whenever I look out of my bedroom window. It is always grey clouds and rain. Even the children who were happily playing seemed to be drenched in rain. I don't know when it happened, one day it just started to pour. Maybe it was the day I lost all my friends, got bullied in school and my family met with a car crash. Ever since that day, time just kepy dragging longer and longer. One day it all changed.

I'm forced to continue school as ended up living with my aunt who was the only other relative I had and she didn't particularly like me. So to getrid ofme at least for half the day she made me go to school. So, I dragged my feet off to the school I dreaded so much.

The day, as always, was dark. As I walked across the lawn about to head for the entrance of the school building I heard a coupl of guys talking.

"Stay away from her, it's always so depressing when she is around." The guy cautioned his friend.

"She seems so sad, did something happen to her?" I took a quick glance fast enough to see tje guy who repiked had spiky, raven hair. I walked away. With my head hing low.

"Well well well. Who do we have here?" I could tell by looking at their shoes that it was Lucy and her gang who stopped me in my path.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sneered Erza. I remained silent and begging the tears not to fall.

"Why so quiet?" Levy spat.She grabbed my chin and pull it so that I looked at her.

"What an ugly face she has." Lucy laughed.

"Let's see if it can get any uglier." Levy threw my head and for that moment I lost mu balance. Erza took this chance to land a punch in my jaw. Soon, all of them were kicking and punching me like I'm a boxing bag.

"Woah woah woah. What is going on here?" The guy from just now stood between me and the girls.

"What do you want?" Lucy's voice wasn't as mean.

"I want you to get lost." He said simply.

"Make us." Erza challenged. He said nothing but he obviously did s9mething because the next moment I hear them walk away. My gace was still buried in my arms in the ground. My body curled up into a ball. I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey, it's okay now. They are gone." He pushed away my hair and pulled me into a sit position. I looked everywhere but him. He wiped away my tear and smiled. I was shock it's been a while since I saw a smile. He loiked so bright, his eyes sparkled. And as if I transported ti another land, the world around me started to have colour. The grey skies have opened uo and there was no more rain. My lips they curled at the the corners, it felt weird but nice.

"Does it hurt?" He gently ran his hands over the wound on my face. I shook my head.

"Doesn't matter, let's go get you cleaned up."

"Can you stand?" I looked away.

"It's okay I'll carry you." He turned around in a squat posiiton, his back facing me.

"Come on climb on." I climb on, a bit reluctant.

"My name is Gray." I smiled, gigled a bit.

"You like it?" I nodded my head. Gray was the colour in between black and white. The colour that takes both sides and not side one. That name had so much meaning and his presence changed my life.

"I'm Juvia."

"She talks!" He joked and laughed.

"Juvia. That's a nice name."


"Juvia does that mean water?"


"So, Juvia tell me. Why were they hitting you?"

"Juvia doesn't know either."

"Well, don't worry from now on, I'll be here to protect." Tears streamed down my face and hit his shoulders.

"Why are you crying?"

"Juvia sees colour. Before Gray all I saw was darkness and it was always raining. Gray-sama allowed Juvia to see the sun."

"Then, I'll never leave your side." I could tell he was smiling and so was I. We became best friends after that. I made new friends and even became one with my aunt. My gays were brighter and filled with laughter.

Then one day,

"Gray has been....what?!" I screamed as I was told about the news. I threw everything aside and rushed down to the hospital. He was lying in one of the steel frame beds with many wires coming out of him.

"Gray-sama." I started to break down, I sat at his side, my head buried in the bed. My colourful was starting fade again. Starting to take the original darkness. Tears were coming down uncontroably.

His hands touched my head feebly. My eyes shot uo and my world had colour again. He smiled at me weakly.
He opened his mouth and attempted to talk but his was too weak and it came out as a whisper. I stood up and leaned in close to him.

"Don't let the rain come back." He whispered into my world. The monitor beeped, signalling his death. The nurses rushed in. I sat back down, a smile plastered on my face as I let the tears fall.

I replied to him "I won't let it."

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