Gruvia: I care

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Originally published in 20 Oct 2015

Juvia Pov

Gray left one year ago, for a job, I know he will be back soon but the wait was killing me. I sat by the window in my room and couldn't help but to sigh. I heard the squeak of my door being opened and turned around.

"Juvia-san?" Wendy entered the room cautiously. I flashed her a smile. "Do you want to head to the mall with us?"

"Sure." I got up and walked out of the room with her, I see the rest of the girls waiting for us. Levy, Lucy and Erza.

"What's the occasion?" I asked with a bit of a chuckle.

"You are going to buy a present for Gray's birthday." Erza stated. I looked at them, confused.

"Its today." Levy reinforced.

"He is retuning today?" Lucy asked.

"Juvia gets to see Gray-sama again!!" I exclaimed making the girls brust out into laughter.


"So, Juvia what are you getting him?" Erza asked, I shrugged.

"What does he likes?" Levy questioned.

"Not clothes." Carla joked and all of us laughed.

Then I had a light bulb idea.


Gray Pov

"Ah...we're finally done." Natsu exclaimed.

"Aye sir!"

"Hey Gray, isn't it your birthday today"

"yeah so what?"I shrugged.

"Aren't you going to celebrate or something?"

"I'm not five. I don't need to celebrate my birthday."

"Yeah but have you ever even celebrated it before?"

"No but I don't care." I repiled. He was right I have never celebrated my birthday before but its not like I plan too now.

Erza Pov

"Not clothes." Carla joked, we all laughed.

I saw Juvia's face lit up.

"What is it, Juvia?"

"Juvia just got an idea what to give Gray-sama." She smiled.

"What is it?" Wendy asked.

"It's a surprise." She giggled.

"Well, we still have to buy stuff for the party. So, why don't you go buy the present while we get the stuff?" Levy suggested.

Levy Pov

Lucy, Wendy, Erza and I spilt up to buy the diffrent party items. I was in charge of buying the cake.

"Shrimp, what are you doing here?" A loud voice came from behind me. I turned and had to look up to see a man with several pricings on his face and thick, long spiky hair.

"Gajeel, what are you doing here?"

Gajeel Pov

"I just happen to be wondering around." I repiled. I see a tint of pink starting to spread across her cheeks and could help but to feel butterflies inside my stomach.

"What about you?" I returned her question.
"I'm helping Juvia buy a cake for Gray's birthday this afternoon." I explained, examining the different cakes on the shelf. He had bend down beside me and started to do the same.

"What about this one?" He pointed at the ice cream cake, I giggled.

"Sure, okay."

"May I help you?" The lady behind asked.

"Can we have the ice cream cake please?"

"Do you need ice packs for that?" She asked as she placed the cake in the box.

"Yes please." I replied, Gajeel stood quietly behind me.



Gajeel carried the bag once she placed it on the counter while I went to the counter to pay.

"Erza asked to head to the guild once we're done." I said, looking at the screen of my phone.

"Are we done?"


"Let's go."

Natsu Pov

"I can finally see the guild!" I exclaimed.

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled excitedly.

"It's good to be back." I heard Gray mumble to himself.

"So are you going to make a move on her?" I nuged him. He shrugged.

"What about you?" He returned the question.


Gray Pov

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAY!!!" The guild screamed the moment I stepped into the place. I didn't know what to feel then, happy, shocked and I felt something was missing. Where was Juvia?

"Wow minna, thank you." I said in the state of shock.

"Well come join the party!" Cana screamed, tipsy. I looked around. There were streamers everywhere, a table stacked with colourful boxes and ice cream cake in the middle of the room. I laughed.

"Was that on purpose?" I asked whoever would hear me.

"It was Gajeel's idea!" Levy huffed.

"What are you upset about?" The big man placed his hand on the top of her head "he loves it, do you Gray? Gee hee."

I laughed "yes I love it." I continued searching the room for the blue head.

"Are you searching for someone?" Erza's voice sounded from my side.

I shook my head "Not anyone in particular."

"You're such a bad liar, Gray." Natsu ringed from my other side.

"He is abvoiusly looking for Juvia." Carla stated with a smirk. I felt my face start to heat up.

"Look he is blushing." Lucy giggled.

"He mmmiss her." Happy purred.

"No, I don't!" I shouted, embarassed which made all brust out into laugher.

"Don't worry, she'll be here soon." Erza comforted. I took my mind off it and went to join the party.

Gajeel pov

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and left levy to anwser it.

"Juvia? Where are you?"

"Gajeel-kun, Juvia needs your help."

Gray Pov

"GRAY-SAMA!!!" The beautiful voice of Juvia rung in my ears. I turned, a smile formed on my lips. She ran into me and gave me a big bear hug which I returned.

"Juvia misses you." She glanced up at me.

"I missed you too." I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"They llllllllike each other."

"When did this happen?" Natsu questioned. I forgot that we didn't tell the guild about us. Juvia and I jumped off each other and blushed.

"Well, are you going to tell us something?" Erza asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Ermm.....Juvia and I have been together even since she joined our guild." The whole guild let out a gasp.

And to snap them out of their shock Juvia quickly changed the topic "Anyway, Gray-sama, Juvia wants to give you a present now."

"Where is it?" I asked, slipping my hand into hers.

"Its outside, come." She pulled me out of the guild. There was nothing there and I stared at her blankly.

"Watch." She mouth befire running up to the center of the empty space.

"Ladies and gentlemen, gee hee. Prepare to be amazed." Gajeel's voice boomed over the speakers.

Juvia raised her hands and shot a jet of water into the air. She continued creating patterns and shapes with her water. Each drop shone like crystals. Everyone was cheering.

Then with one last splash and stopped.

"Gray, look in your pocket." Gajeel said. I was surprise I even still had my clothes on.

I searched my pockets and sure enough there was a small velvet box in there. I opened it, there was a small diamond on the golden band. I looked at Juvia and she nodded, smiling. She was finally ready. I held the box open abd kneeled in front of her.

"Yes!" She screamed, tears streaming down her eyes as she jumped into my arms.

A/N: Happy birthday to Da_Duq_Queen I wrote this one shot just for her. If you want one you can just tell me. Anyway I hooe you have enjoyed this simple sweet story. ^^

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