Chapter Seventeen

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The fairies had just finished telling them some of the horrible things Daniel had done when Max and Preston came back. Max was in his signature outfit: blue hoodie, denim jeans, and red sneakers. They were a surprised to see they brought a little friend along.

"Why the fuck did you bring a mouse with you?" Neil asked in an annoyed tone.

Maxwella glanced down at the white mouse in his hand. "Well, he was human, but the spell wore off."

"Oh! Was that the coach?" The godmother practically squealed in delight. Charming rolled his eyes. "Yeah, he wanted to bring him along."

They noticed the prince's tone wasn't so forced and his sassy demeanor had returned. The teens shared a look, silently saying, "Let's not question it."

"I guess he can tag along..." Tink murmured. "But anyway! Change of plans, boys. We're going to go to the second story tonight. And..." She motioned towards the royal lovers. "We've gotta find a safe place for them to hide until this blows over."

The little mouse perked up and started squeaking loudly. Both fairies stared at the mouse, nodding and listening intently. Once it stopped, Nerris looked between the four males. "You're in luck! He knows a place that's tucked away where they can hide, plus it's on the way to the second tale."

"Ok, but..." Harrison interjected, "What's the next story again?"

"It's Rapunzel," Tink replied. "Or should I say, Meridunzel?"

"Seriously, who comes up with these names?" Neil muttered under his breath. He received some harsh glares from the other fairytale characters, but he ignored them. After an awkward moment of silence, the wild fairy spoke up. "Anyway, we should get going before he sends anyone else after us."

The group murmured in agreement and started walking. The fairy godmother, however, stayed behind. "I'll see you around, Tink!" she called out. The turquoise haired girl waved farewell and led them on. Max and Preston walked together in the middle, talking in hushed tones. Harrison and Neil stayed near the back, striking up a conversation.

"They're kinda cute together, don't you think?"

"Who, Max and Pres? Yeah, they are."

"We could be just as cute, y'know."

The brunet's cheeks flushed pink. "I doubt it..." he mumbled. He heard the other laughed softly. "Sure we can...." The magician intertwined their fingers, causing him to look up. Blue eyes met green ones. He watched the taller teen smile down at him. "Whatcha say? Wanna go out?"

The scientist couldn't help but return the shy smile. "Y'know what? Sure."

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