Chapter Sixteen

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This finally hit 1k! Woo!


Max heard the sound of footsteps behind him and didn't even bother turning around. He knew who it was, anyway.

"Hey Pres," he murmured, glancing over at the prince. The auburn seemed to be admiring his attire. Rolling his eyes, the shorter boy faced forward again. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"If I had my phone, I would."

"Oh please, a picture of me on your phone would crack your screen."

"What are you talking about? You're adorable!"

The ravenet laughed loudly. "Bitch, I'm in fucking rags. No one looks quote unquote 'adorable' in rags."

Charming scoffed. "In your opinion. I think you look cute no matter what."

Maxwella felt the blood rush to his cheeks and mentally cursed himself. How could someone he's only known for an hour make him so goddamn mushy? Tink's words replayed in his mind. "That's fairytale love, silly!"

"Then why's fairytale love so sudden and scary?" he asked himself, annoyed.

"Pardon?" Preston questioned. It dawned in him that he said his thought aloud. He kept his eyes on the ground. "Nothing important..."

"Everything you say is important, Maxwella."

He tried not to cringe at the use of his full name. "Ok, I can't tell if you're acting or if you're just a lovesick puppy. Either way, it's sickeningly sweet and I appreciate it."

The royal boy blinked, surprised. "I wasn't entirely acting... You are cute and what you say's important... But I was in character..."

"Your prince character?"


Sighing loudly, Max stopped in his tracks and spun towards the prince. "Preston..." Without thinking, he grabbed the taller's collar and pulled him down to his level. "You don't have to act around me. I want to see the real you. I'm not gonna fall for that nice guy bullshit. I wanna meet the cocky, energetic, overdramatic prick Tink told me about."

Prince Charming's amber eyes widened. "She... She told you about all that?"

He nodded slowly. "Now, can I meet the real you, or not?"

Taking a deep breath, he nodded rapidly. The other teen sighed quietly. "Don't think too much on this, but..." He pressed a quick kiss to Preston's cheek and released him.

He put a hand over his cheek, watching Maxwella walk towards the carriage, talking to what looked like the driver. A smirk tugged at his lips. If Max wanted to see the real him, he sure as hell wouldn't be disappointed.

At least, he hoped he wouldn't be.

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