Chapter 11

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In the common room, the other 5th year Slytherins and Hermione were waiting for Blaise and Snape to exit the room. When Hermione saw that Harry wasn't with them, her nerves shot through the roof. Draco was just as worried, although his Malfoy mask was hiding his emotions better, his nerves were still showing a bit.

"How is he?" Theo asked, voicing the question everyone was thinking.

"He's sleeping now, but he obviously will need the help of a mind healer." Snape said, looking slightly shaken.

"I never knew things were that bad..." Blaise muttered, he, just like everyone else, thought Harry was treated like a prince, he had, after all, saved everyone more than once.

Snape went back to his office, planning to write a letter to St Mungo's to get a mind healer sent to Hogwarts for Harry, all the while cursing Dumbledore. He kept such a close eye on the child he must have known what was going on with the muggles. No wonder the boy was so bad at potions, he probably didn't have the opportunity to read the textbooks, and it was more than likely those glasses weren't the right prescription. Snape couldn't pretend he would have cared if Harry had been any other house though, and even now he felt rather less strongly than he would if it had been Draco or even Theo who had been in Harry's position. He just hated the boy who was Lily's son but not his.

Blaise immediately got to writing a letter to his parents asking for one his friends to stay with them during the Christmas holidays, and went to the owlery with Draco who needed a walk. A snowy owl Draco recognised as Harry's flew down to greet them, more specifically Blaise, as they walked in.

"Hey there." Blaise said, greeting the owl as he went to look for his barn owl.

When he got to his own owl, Hedwig let out an offended cry, and flying away, clipping him on the back of the head as she flew away. His own barn owl taking the letter and flying off.

"Why was Harry's owl like that?" Blaise asked, rubbing the back of his head where Hedwig's talons had caught him.

"What do you think I am? An owl whisperer?" Draco asked, looking at his friend as though he was stupid. "I'm going to have a dragon inheritance."

"I know, but it was like she was hurt I used my own owl." Blaise said, shrugging and turning back to the door, heading back to the Slytherin common room.


When Harry woke up, everyone, including him, pretended nothing had happened earlier. Harry hoped this meant he could forget about the whole thing, but the others weren't about to forget such harm against one of their own so easily. Harry did seem a little more distant though, but nobody pushed him.

"What was the spell you guys were talking about?" Harry asked, it was about time for his next detention, no Umbridge did not care it was the weekend.

"It's a spell to get vengeance for those who have wronged you, calling for justice for those who drew your blood or otherwise caused you harm." Draco explained, handing Harry the piece of paper. While he had been sleeping, Draco had checked the spell many times, there should be no way for it to backfire.

"So, should I cast it now?" Harry asked, looking at the paper.

"That would probably be best." Pansy said, looking at Harry with concern.

A hissing, spitting sound filled the room as Harry cast the spell, immediately a warm summer breeze filled the room. It all seemed to be working and going well, until Harry grabbed his stomach, feeling as though he had been stabbed in the gut.

The summer breeze seemed to hang around Harry, before he collapsed, Draco catching him before he hit the ground. 

Harry almost looked like he was melting, his skin changing to look like a slightly paler colour than Blaise's. His hair was darker, and although messy, much neater than it usually was. The lightning bolt scar that was so signature was standing out much more on his face, looking very pale on his dark skin.


In the warm headmaster's office, a freezing draught rushed through the room, putting the fire out and causing all of his hairs to stand up.

He snapped, summoning the useless house elf he had entrusted to shut all the windows, but clearly hadn't done so.

"Dobby!" Dumbledore yelled, the house elf trembling where he stood, unsure of what he did wrong.

"Master called Dobby." The house elf said, doing his very best not to tremble or stutter.

"Why did you  leave the windows open?" Dumbledore asked, his voice scarily calm.

"Dobby didn't. Dobby swears, Dobby did all master asked him to." Dobby said, playing with the hem of his pillowcase.

"Don't lie to me, house elf." Dumbledore spat, slamming his fist onto his desk, causing the house elf to flinch.

Dobby knew there was no point responding to that. His pillowcase was dirtier at Hogwarts than it ever was at the Malfoy Manor, Dumbledore was far worse than any of that family. They would yell at him a lot, but they never made him bleed, Dumbledore did that weekly.

Before Dumbledore could raise his wand at Dobby again, the cold draught was back, and formed a barrier between the two magical beings, before taking Dobby somewhere he would be safe until the trial "Harry" had called for was complete.


"Finally, we get to give justice."

"I wish I could go with you."

"Next time, Knowledge, promise."

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