Chapter 12

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It was late Monday afternoon when Harry woke up, feeling a little stiff, but better than he usually did. It took him a while to realise the bed he was on was much softer than his normal one, the sheets smoother and more comfortable too.

He looked around to see he was still in the Slytherin dorms, in the same room he normally slept in, except that now he was in Draco's bed, not his own.

His head felt as though he had been hit there with a bludger, although if that were true, he would be in the Hospital Wing, not the Slytherin dorms. Honestly, he was confused as to why he wasn't there instead, not that he was against this, he hated being in the Hospital Wing.

Just as Harry was trying to sit up, the door opened to reveal Draco and Blaise, holding three plates of food. When they saw Harry sitting up, they rushed over, putting the plates haphazardly on the bed beside Draco's.

"Damien, you're awake!" Blaise said, tears in his eyes and he looked over the moon, Draco looking similarly worried and happy.

"Wha-?" Harry asked, wondering if one or all of them had hit their heads, his sure felt like it had.

"Oh, Right. You aren't really Harry Potter, the spell you cast yesterday revealed who you really are." Draco explained, perching on his bed, being careful to not touch the small, confused boy sitting in it.

"Then... If I'm not Harry, who am I?" He asked, trying not to show how scared he felt. How much of his life had been a lie?

"You're my twin, Damien. Mother will be over the moon when she finds out." Blaise said, holding himself back from throwing himself at Damien and hugging him.

"I never knew you had a twin." Damien said, looking at Blaise, who shared a melancholic look with Draco before responding.

"That's because our family doesn't really parade it around, seeing as you were kidnapped when we were 1." Blaise was looking at Damien with sad eyes, although they were still filled with brotherly love. Draco gave him a look of concern, which the other boy shrugged off.

"Oh." Damien said, not really sure how to respond to that. How are you supposed to respond when you find out you weren't who you thought you were, but the long lost twin of someone who had never gotten along with you?

"I'm so glad to have you back." Blaise whispered, finally hugging Damien, who was shocked, only being hugged by Hermione or Sirius before, otherwise he had been giving the hugs.

"While we all have a lot to catch up on we also need to eat, none of us have eaten a thing since yesterday." Draco said, when Blaise's stomach rumbled.

Damien didn't feel the need to mention that he had gone much longer on much less, deciding it wouldn't be the right thing to say while the other two were so happy. He didn't feel particularly hungry, his stomach still sore from whatever the magic had done.

He still accepted the rather full plate he was given, and did his best to eat it. While the others were talking, he cast a glamour on his plate to make it look like it was finished.

"Um, I was wondering, why am I here and not in the Hospital Wing? I mean, it's a lot more comfortable here, but I'm not even in my own bed." Damien asked, his voice quiet, still not sure if the other two were going to be mad at him for asking questions.

Draco rolled his eyes and fixed Blaise with a playful glare. "We were going to take you to the Hospital Wing, but the protective side of Blaise's veela came out and he wouldn't let anyone take you."

"And you're on Draco's bed because it's the most comfortable. We figured it must have been a painful change and wanted you to be as comfortable as possible." Blaise explained after sending a pout to Draco.

"Oh, thank you." Damien said, swallowing his questions on veelas.

"No problem, you are my baby twin." Blaise smiled at Damien, unsure if he was accepting being a part of his family, but he wasn't out right rejecting the idea.

"Will I... Will I have to go back to the Dursleys?" Damien asked, finding the seamless covers rather interesting, probably magic.

"Hell no!" Both the other boys said at the same time, anger that was directed towards the muggles who had hurt the child in front of them flared up within them.

Damien didn't say anything, but a relieved smile managed to work its way onto his face. He really didn't want to go back there, not when he was coming of age to consent this summer. Hopefully he wouldn't have to be treated like that ever again.


It was time for dinner when Damien finally got up, Draco and Blaise on either side, ready to hex, jinx, or otherwise harm people who looked at Damien the wrong way. Damien didn't tell either of them, but he was feeling a bit weaker than normal, nothing serious, he had done all the chores at the Dursleys feeling weaker before.

None of the Slytherins, who were being very protective of Damien, noticed the practically murderous looks Dumbledore was sending at the boy, too focused of sending their own death glares at the other students.

'I will need to talk to that brat. Maybe he knows where that useless creature is, no doubt it was him who summoned Dobby away last night. He will have to suffer for them both. Hopefully I'll be able to claim there was some accident, perhaps involving that Ministry spy.'  Dumbledore though, smiling to himself.

Hermione and Ron were looking around frantically, they hadn't seen Harry all day and now there was a Slytherin they had never seen before, looking a similar build to Harry. Neither had been there when he cast the spell, but it was obvious nothing had happened to Umbridge, at least not yet.

Snape had marked him as ill, but he wasn't in the Hospital Wing when they had gone to check. They just hoped it hadn't been so serious he had been sent straight to St. Mungo's. If it had they would have been told, right? They are his best friends.

Just as the food appeared on the tables in front of them, three figures entered the Great Hall.

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