Chapter 13

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"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked from the head table, on guard but not wanting to worry the students.

"Who are we? Have you all forgotten what brought you all to this place and time? Perhaps Knowledge should have been here." A scornful voice came from behind the dark blue mask shadowed by a paler blue cloak that trailed on the floor.

"What are you talking about?" Dumbledore asked, baffled by what was being said. All the students sitting by the doors were shuffling, unsure of their safety near the newcomers, but not wanting to be insulting by moving away, not to mention the possible danger of such actions.

"Oh, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, shouldn't you have figured out who we are by now? You're supposed to be wise." The one in the black cape that covered their face said, holding a greenish hand to their face.

"What are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked, realising he wasn't going to get a straight answer to their identities.

"We're here because we were called here. Here now to judge those who wronged the boy who called us forth." The final person said, their ornate purple cloak seeming to be caught in a breeze that didn't allow it to settle, a small clump of a darker purple hair moved along with the cloth, hiding their face as well as the others' hood and mask.

At the Gryffindor table, Hermione gasped, the spell they had found must have been more powerful than they thought. If she was right, they had summoned the Concepts, but if that was the case, where was Knowledge? Or was this simply a matter that didn't concern her.

Knowledge was the only Concept with a fixed form and gender, and there were many theories surrounding that, but Hermione never really payed them much mind, more interested in how this wizarding religion had come to be.

Behind their mask, Magic smiled, leave it to Knowledge to be the first to figure it out.

"I, Magic, call on those who have caused the harm that befell Damien Zabini to be judged in front of the council of the Concepts." The one dressed in blue declared, pulling their mask off to reveal themselves as someone who looked like a first year, large, dark eyes, half shaven blue hair, the unshaven hair remaining was stiff, almost as though it was frozen, it was pale enough to hide any frost, and dark skin that almost made the teeth visible when they smiled look pure white.

Immediately the chairs and tables that made up the teachers table moved aside to reveal the same kind of chair H̶a̶r̶r̶y̶- Damien had sat on in the summer for casting the Patronus charm. There were all filled with some rather surprising people and some that were only to be expected.

From least to most harm there was Cornelius Fudge, Delores Umbridge, Dudley Dursley, Remus Lupin, Lily Potter, Petunia Dursley, Peter Pettigrew, Vernon Dursley, James Potter, Sirius Black, Severs Snape, Albus Dumbledore, and finally, Tom Riddle.

Seeing all these people in front of them, including people who had been reported dead, and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named made many gasps fill the room, almost sounding like one. It didn't help the students nerves to see their headmaster locked into one of the chairs as well.

"I, Time, call for Harry Potter to be present for this trial." The one clad in black declared, pulling their hood back to reveal a green skinned elf with long blond hair with black highlights, heterochromatic eyes, signalling they had never found their destined.

In a flash, the boy in question was in the Great Hall, stumbling from the unexpected transportation. He did not look how the Hogwarts students were used to seeing him, much fuller and taller, his clothes much finer, almost like a red version of Draco's green clothing. His hair was better tamed, although still messy, and his scar was on proud display for the world to see. 

Seeing this Harry confirmed it to Hermione that whoever they had all believed to be Harry was abused, or at least neglected for the drastic height and width difference. She just hoped she would be able to find him, probably the Damien Zabini mentioned before, and make sure he knew she didn't care what or who he was, she's his friend and she wasn't going to give him up, not unless he wanted her to.

"If that's Harry, who's the Harry we knew?" Ron whispered to Hermione.

"Probably the Damien Zabini they were talking about earlier. I don't think he knew he wasn't Harry. He was being abused by those muggles, why would he go through that and not tell anyone if he was trying to make himself look like Harry?" Hermione whispered back, hoping Ron's hot temper wouldn't explode.

"Of course he didn't know, we're his best mates, of course he would have told us who he really is." Ron replied, rolling his eyes, making Hermione feel relieved.

"Mum, dad, Padfoot, Moony, what's going on? I thought we were coming here next year?" Harry asked, looking at the adults who were chained to the chairs at the front of the room.

"I don't know, what do you people think you're doing? You're putting my son, the savoir of the wizarding world, in danger." James spat, glaring at the Concepts as though they had just kicked a puppy in front of him.

"Silence, you are here to be judged, Harry Potter is in no danger, and he stopped being a saviour when you decided to pervert my proclamation." The regal, purple clad person said, their voice commanding, almost forcing everyone in the room to do as told.

The room fell into a chilling silence, Harry stumbling his way to an empty seat on the Gryffindor table, not noticing the confused or hateful looks he was getting from the Weasleys and Hermione. The Slytherins were all blocking the rest of the hall's view of Damien who had no idea what was going on, but the fact that Sirius, his godfather, was there... It was going to be hard. Draco and Blaise each had a hand on his shoulders, providing him at least a little support.

"As of now, you are on trial by us, the Concepts." The purple clad one, Fate, said, lowering their hood, making their nature as a veela obvious to everyone, tan, flawless skin, chocolate brown hair with a streak of purple and dip dyed purple ends.

Lily visibly paled, they were so screwed.

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