Chapter 14

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"Cornelius Fudge," Magic began, addressing the small man who shrank away from their gaze, "not only have you been abusing my gifts and your position for years, but you have made life more difficult for Damien than you would for other muggle borns."

"N-no, I would never abuse my position, I have no idea what you're talking about." Cornelius said, trying to look tall and proud, in spite of being dwarfed by Magic, the shortest of the three.

"Are you sure about that?" Time asked, looking down at the tiny man. "Because you are a lot richer now than you were before becoming Minister, more so than you should be. And I believe you have now shot yourself in the hand-"

"-Foot" Hermione hissed from the Gryffindor table.

"Shot yourself in the foot," Time corrected, hearing her quiet comment, "when it comes to disputing the claims of being overly harsh on Damien."

"Ah- Wh- But- Th- It was a preposterous accusation, I would never!" Cornelius got out, seeming to forget how to form words.

"Preposterous you say? Your people should know the difference in magical energies between a wizard and a house elf, and yet you accused him of using magic outside of Hogwarts when Dobby floated a cake." Fate said, an angered glint in their eyes that sent a shiver down the spine of the little man in front of them.

"I- Well- um.. I was only doing as instructed by Dumbledore, the boy's magical guardian. He said it would be best to teach the boy responsibility." Cornelius said, finally telling them the truth.

"Doesn't that prove your corruption? The law shouldn't change because a guardian said it should, even if the guardian is holding a phoenix hostage to look like his familiar." Magic said, walking behind the chairs, silently calling to the magnificent bird, setting her free.

"Well, it's Dumbledore, he almost was Minister..." Cornelius stuttered out, trying to redeem his actions.

"And that makes his word law? Because last time I checked, he's not the Minister." Time said, giving those tied up an evil smile.

"N-no." Cornelius stuttered, his head down, hoping for mercy.

"No, you took the word of a powerful, but corrupted wizard as law, and now you are to pay the price." Fate said, a tone so cold they could have convinced lava to become ice. "We, the Concepts that control the wizarding world, convict Cornelius Fudge to life as a muggle, allowed no contact with the wizarding world for the rest of his life unless he is babysitting a magical child with at least one muggle guardian."

"Wait, Please!-" Cornelius tried to argue, but was cut off when Time waved their hand, causing the small man to disappear, his signature bowler hat left on his chair as the only evidence he was ever there. Today it had been a dark red, around a shade darker than the Gryffindor colours.

"What a waste of the hat to leave it with such a rotten man, I'm sure Knowledge will put it to better use." Fate said, picking the hat off, brushing it off as though they could wipe away Cornelius from the hat.

"Delores Umbridge, you are guilty of using blood quills on innocent people for years to get them to confess to crimes they didn't commit or to force them to agree with you on everything you say. You sent dementors after a boy you knew hadn't committed any crimes in the hopes of them either kissing him or him casting a spell to ward them off." Magic said, looming over the toad like woman who seemed to be cowering in her chair.

"I am a ministry official, how dare you accuse me of such things?" Delores  said, not wanting to end up like Cornelius, as much as she sucked up to him.

"Not only have you done that, but you have also got laws passed to harm the magical creatures of this world, and if it were up to you, which it never will be, they would all be wiped out, and the muggles wouldn't be much better off." Time said, their green hands clenched tight enough for their knuckles to pale.

"Those creatures are dark, they would kill us all if given the chance, and, as for muggles, they're obviously filthy and inferior to us." Delores said, trying to sound high and mighty, although like an anime Moe schoolgirl at the same time, it did not work.

"Those creatures are dark? The muggles are filthy? You seem to be a master at putting your flaws on others." Fate said, sneering at the disgusting woman in front of them that sullied the term witch.

"As punishment for your crimes, you will serve as a house elf in Hogwarts, however you will only be able to use magic as and when it is requested for by whoever asked for you to work. Every time you choose to not work while the other house elves are working it will be extremely painful for you, unless you are ill or need sleep." Time spat, wanting the woman to be out of their sight as soon as possible.

"That's horrible! You can't do that!" Delores yelled, making the people in the room wince at her high pitched yell.

Fate didn't even look at the toad like woman, merely waved their hand and sitting in the chair was a small, scruffy house elf wearing a pillowcase. Another wave of Fate's hand and she was gone, probably in the kitchen with the other house elves.

The others sitting in the chairs were trying to pull away from the now empty seats, afraid of what was going to happen to them. 

The Dursleys looked especially pale, knowing what they had done, but also afraid of magic to begin with, it was worse now they were faced with the literal embodiment of the thing. Of course, racism didn't help improve their opinions of magic.

The rest of the students who were never very close to H̶a̶r̶r̶y̶  Damien were shocked, they had already seen the minister of magic and a ministry official punished by the concepts for not only breaking the law but specifically hurting the boy that had been the centre of attention since he got to Hogwarts, and they were the ones who hurt him the least. Just how much worse could it get?

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