Chapter 19

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"Severus Snape, you may not have acted the way that you did knowing that the person you were hurting was Damien and not Harry Potter, but that hardly excuses what you did. In the end, you bare the heavy burden of mostly causing this situation. If you had not decided you were entitled to Lily after stalking her, if you had not decided to join the people who wanted to kill people without magic, or those who had any connection with them, if you had not spied on a private conversation, if you had not told Tom Riddle or Albus Dumbledore about your actions, begging for Lily's life alone, none of this would have happened." Fate glared down at the man, their prophecy did not require such actions to work.

"Yes, I acted poorly, and I regret treating Damien like he was the son of James Potter, but that man put me through hell at school, how could I not hate him after he stole Lily from me? Besides, I have already suffered enough for accidentally setting the Dark Lord on Lily. I lived for years thinking she was dead, having to mourn her, seeing her dead body and having to see her last happinesses with the man who was so cruel to me." Snape tried to defend himself.

The hall was filled with a judgemental silence. Nobody believed him, not even Draco, his own godson. Snape hadn't been a good godfather at any point of his life, even if he was the reason Draco took up doing potions, in a desperate, but failed attempt to get attention or affection from the man. True, Snape seemed to favour Draco at Hogwarts, but that was only because he was a useful tool for the man.

"You did not, and would not, have contact with her for years before that circumstance because of your actions. James Potter is a bad person, but he is, in the end, somewhat better than you. He made your life hell by using your own spells, by returning your energy, and by you sometimes being caught in his pranks? James deteriorated after becoming an adult, you never deteriorated, because you were never good to begin with." Time was cold as they spoke, not even bothering to look at the greasy man.

"You think you were punished enough by making you think someone you had no connection with was dead? You already knew the law would put you in Azkaban and that you pushed the feelings you had over the death onto the boy you thought was her son. As we said, you may not have known that he wasn't a Potter, but you still mocked him for what you would have known was untrue if you simply used your eyes to see the students you harass for once, you forced him to bare the weight of your feelings about Lily even knowing he couldn't understand why. The only kindness you showed him was either out of obligation or what little you could to stay out of Azkaban." Magic was sounding bored with the trial now, but there wasn't much left.

"I know I was wrong, but I thought he was being treated like a prince, he's just as much of a trouble maker as his- as Potter, and I wasn't even his head of house until recently. When I became his head of house, I started looking out for him." Snape was starting to panic, he had never questioned his actions or line of thought unless he was embarrassed, it made perfect sense to him that Harry Potter should bare what was left of the Potter name, and if everyone was going to treat him as something akin to a god then if he couldn't handle someone bringing him down a couple hundred pegs then he didn't deserve his respect.

"You were only caring for him out of obligation, and your solution was to give him potions that can be dangerous if overused, information you had kept from the only person there who might have known, and just left him to be poisoned by it." Fate's voice was sickly sweet as they ignored Snape.

"I- do you really think it's possible to genuinely care about the number of people that are in Slytherin house? Do you know how many people that is? Do you know how annoying they are!?" Snape had no way to argue against the claims that he knew that dreamless sleep potions could act as a poison if taken for too long. He had talked about getting Harry a mind healer, but then never even thought of it again, and he had only talked to Mme Pomfrey while she was in the middle of something, he didn't think she had even heard him. He had told himself the boy would get a mind healer and would be treated before it could act as poison.

The looks on many of the Slytherins' faces were hurt. Snape said he couldn't genuinely care about all of the Slytherins, but it was more than easy to read as him hating all of the students in Slytherin, and that he only liked the house name if you knew him in the slightest. There were more than a few students that needed extra support from an authority figure, and Snape was the easiest person for that, hearing he didn't like them only made them feel worse about their insecurities.

"Your punishment will be that you can never be able to touch a cauldron or potions ingredients again, and if you do then you will feel an intense burning sensation in the part of your body that touches it. You will have to take care of muggle children, and you will be incapable of causing them harm. If you can genuinely care about them and form bonds then you will be allowed back in the wizarding world normally. Otherwise, after a year you will be put in Azkaban as you always should have been." Time only sighed before waving their hand and causing Snape to disappear.

Now it was just 2 people left, the largest problems.

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