Chapter 20

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The room was filled with a tense silence as everyone stared at Dumbledore, the leader of the light, chained and bound to the chair like Voldemort who sat beside him. They guessed that this was a case of who had caused the most harm to Damien, the person they had all thought was Harry Potter, not who had done the most evil things. There must have been a good reason for Dumbledore to have done that to Damien, right? Dumbledore almost seemed to know the future at times, and surely knew more than one seer, perhaps if he had not done as he had to Damien he would have become a worse person.

The Concepts seemed to be taking their time getting to Dumbledore as the hall became more and more tense. Damien was the only one in the hall not tense, still sleeping on Draco's shoulder as Blaise held his waist.

The Slytherins, and perhaps the twins, Ron, and Hermione, were the least surprised by Dumbledore's presence. He had never been good to the Slytherins, so there was no affection for the man there. In fact, at many times it felt as though he was trying to push them towards becoming Death Eaters. As for the twins, Ron, and Hermione, well, Dumbledore was the only one pushing for Harry- well, actually Damien- to be resorted into Slytherin. Sure, it seemed to have worked out for the best, but that was unlikely to have been his intention.

"Now, we finally get to this old man." Fate looked down at the man in disgust, the man who had done the most to distort their messages and plans.

"We will be keeping you alive for Knowledge to have her time with you, unfortunately her being unable to come today." Magic sounded disinterested as they cleaned the underneath of their nails.

"It's a shame that we can only punish you for your crimes towards Damien, though Knowledge will not be held to such constraints." Time's words held an almost sickeningly sweet venom, all three seeming to want to rip Dumbledore apart limb from limb.

"Anything you'd like to confess before we start?" The hall seemed to freeze at Fate's tone, and later Fred would swear that he saw ice forming in his pumpkin juice.

"Confess? My dears-" If possible the room got chillier, "you must be mistaken. I am a teacher first and foremost. I admit I sometimes fail, but I always do my best for my students." Of course, Dumbledore couldn't have gotten to his current position if he didn't know how to act, and as the second to last he had had much time to collect his thoughts and reason to make the best play to date.

"Your dears?" More than a few flinched at Magic's tone, knowing the pain it promised to come, nobody noticing the other man who appeared close to the doors, looking rather like the Dumbledore sitting chained at the front of the hall. The doors were unable to open, so the man couldn't leave, giving up and sitting down. "How you managed to get my gifts I have no clue- oh wait. I remember now, you used a method older than myself to take what was owed to your sister, turning her into an obscural and when she started to be able to speak again you made sure to get her killed."

There was a loud clatter filling the hall as the man who had been brought in as Magic spoke caused the chair he was sitting on to topple over with the force he stood up with. All eyes turned to look at him, half turning back to Dumbledore as though to check he was still there, before looking back at the man. He seemed to be holding himself back, his eyes seething with rage.

"You!" He seemed to be struggling for words as he glared at the near identical old man at the front of the hall. "You're the one who killed Ariana-"

"Neither of us can know that for certain." Dumbledore corrected the stranger, gasps filling the room at Dumbledore's words; he didn't deny that he could have killed his sister.

"But you planned it!" The hall seemed to crackle with the magic pouring out of the man, many students shuffling away from him from fear of what he could do.

"Aberforth," Dumbledore finally said the stranger's name, his perfectly caring persona slipping a little with the frustration he felt. "You must not believe the words of these people, they were not there and we have never before met. What could they know?"

"Everything, Dumbledore, we know everything. We know the months you spent whispering in Grindelwald's ear, knowing how close he was to the brink after the curse and death of his familiar. We know how you convinced him she had heard the discussions between you, orchestrating the fight you knew she would die in." Fate said, they set plans in motion, but they were not capable of controlling everything, just as Knowledge could not control what people could learn.

"Who cast the spell that killed my sister?" Aberforth ignored Dumbledore and directly asked the Concepts, though in the tense silence it was not missed that he called Ariana only his sister.

"Albus himself." Time's eyes seemed to soften towards Aberforth as they spoke into the deadly silence, tears running down Aberforth's cheeks.

"Preposterous!" Albus spat, Aberforth falling to his knees, but none of the burning eyes fixed on the eldest Dumbledore believed him. "With the number of spells flying at that time, how can you claim to know which one caused her untimely departure?"

Magic bit back a laugh, though it sounded a little forced. "How could we not? You aimed right for her chest."

"We are getting off topic, this trial is not for all of Albus Dumbledore's crimes, only those against Damien Zabini." Fate clapped their hands, a few nearby students attempting to comfort Aberforth.

Odd as it may be to feel after finding out one's older brother had tormented their sister and killed her directly, Aberforth felt a certain level of relief. He now knew how much Ariana had suffered, and he knew the selfishness of his brother that caused it, that caused the destruction of their family. But more importantly he knew it had not been he who had killed her. The grief of that possibility had filled him since he felt his lips form the spell he hadn't known before that moment and promptly seen her body fall to the floor.

It was no wonder Ariana's soul portrait he had made never wanted to visit Albus.

"Where to begin? The problem with your actions is that your crimes against one person will bleed into your crimes against another. But let's start with the prophecy, shall we?" Magic walked closer to Dumbledore. 

"You had made sure that a Death Eater could overhear the conversation you were having with the well known grand daughter of a seer plagued with visions constantly since the age of 23. Then, when the two of you were alone and you knew nobody could see in the room, you induced a prophecy from her, knowing the Death Eater would run off and give it to Voldemort. You then went about arranging the two families whose children the prophecy could be talking about into hiding. You wanted it to be Harry Potter because of your influence on their family, so you suggested they took Damien and blood adopt him to play the part. You made sure Voldemort chose him. You had him watch the deaths of copies of Lily and James. You abandoned him with a family you knew would abuse him and leave him open to a saviour." Fate felt a little guilt in giving Trelawny the prophecy, but they could not control when a seer got a prophecy, and they each had only the ability to produce certain prophecies.

"You made sure Damien saw you as his saviour so he would do whatever you told him to. You sent him to deal with problems you caused in order to make people look up to Harry Potter. Then, last year, you tried to have him killed. When he lived you decided this year to try a different method to get rid of him. You put him in Slytherin, his true house from the start, in the hopes it would isolate him and make people hate him before Harry Potter showed up." Time glowered down at Dumbledore.

"Like hell we would abandon our best mate!" Ron yelled from the Gryffindor table, standing up, all eyes in the hall turning to look at him, but Ron was too caught up in his anger to notice.

"As you said, he was supposed to be in Slytherin, as a head teacher, it is my job to look after my students and ensure that they are in the right place for them. How much do you misunderstand me so much you accuse me of trying to make people hate Damien to allow the real Harry Potter to come back in glory?" Dumbledore's act was almost fully transparent.

"It is near impossible to truly know how to punish you in a way that truly allows you to pay for your crimes. But I believe we can come up with something." Magic's voice sounded oddly gentle.

"You, Albus Dumbledore, will live as the fae do, unable to lie or tell half truths, you will not, however, be able to keep your stolen magic, or even be able to communicate with those around you. Nobody will ever trust you, and you will often find yourself completely isolated." Fate waved their hand, causing Dumbledore to disappear.

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