Chapter 21

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Finally it was Voldemort's turn.

Damien had started to stir, something Fawkes and the Slytherins noticed. Seemingly in response Hedwig swooped into the hall, landing on Damien's shoulder and hooting, and Damien stopping moving other than the gentle breathing, asleep still.

The hall was tense, sure, they had just seen the Concepts do things beyond the scope of known magic, but this was You Know Who. He may be afraid of Dumbledore, but nobody could beat him. Even after he failed to kill who should have been Harry he still didn't die, his presence evidence of the fact, was it even possible to beat him.

Few were truly on Voldemort's side, those who were bearing the worst of the non trial injuries, but the hall's air was not unanimous. Some were scared by his presence, some were worried, first year muggleborns confused, and others gleeful. Every wizarding family had been affected by the war. Until Grindelwald there had been houses which had been capable of maintaining neutrality, but the sheer scale of the last two wars were too great. Even if not actively participating they had been affected. Losing homes, children, parents, even in some cases being experimented on. There wasn't a single person who didn't want the war to be over.

"And finally; Tom Riddle." Fate turned to the man who could hardly be recognised as such.

His skin was more sickly than paper white, with hints of blue and green making him look like a ghost. His hair was gone, his head starting to develop scales in its place. His eyes were milky and his eyelids transparent. His red eyes having sharp black slits for pupils. His nose was gone, replaced with two large gashes like open wounds. It was unclear if he still had a sense of smell. While his ears still appeared human from a glance they were shrinking, becoming more snake-like.

"My name," He hissed, a rustling of fear flooding through the room. "Is Voldemort."

Magic gave Voldemort a rather flat look, as though unimpressed with another's child. "Voldy then."

"Again," Time lamented, "it would be preferable if we could punish you for all of your crimes, but we have more than enough with Damien alone."

"Before we begin, have you anything to say?" Fate looked down on the thing.

"I was purifying this world. Magic is our birthright, it shouldn't be diluted to extinction by breeding with muggles." A goblet smashed. "Magic should prevent people from dying, who cares if mudbloods had to die for me to learn how! They are inferior to us! I have the blood of Salazar Slytherin flowing in my veins, I will accomplish what nobody else could. The muggles should serve us as their overlords! I am doing your work -"

The angry silence meeting Voldemort's words was broken as Magic slapped him across the face with the back of their hand.

"How dare you?" Even Voldemort was unable to find words at Magic's tone. "My work? You were doing my work? Since when have I said that only purebloods should have magic? Since when do I allow people such as yourself to choose who is born with magic? You have Salazar's blood but not his honour, not his passion, not his reason. That man loved my gifts and honoured all with them. Magic doesn't disappear no matter who you have kids with!"

"Your crimes," Fate was cold, a drastic change from Magic's burning fury, Time laying a hand on their shoulder to help them calm down. "Speak for themselves. You at least never tried to hide them. You intended to kill Damien as a 1 year old, you attempted to kill him when he found you drinking unicorn blood, you attempted to force him to give you a philosopher's stone, you attempted to kill him when you refused. You used a horcrux to open the Chamber and made the basilisk attack the students, putting all lives here at risk, when he found your horcrux you started working to drain him, though it was taken from him before you could. You then tried to kill him again. Last year you once again tried to kill him, after taking his blood to regain a body. You killed a boy in front of him and cursed him more than once. Do you have any defense?"

Voldemort cowered under Magic's gaze, not responding.

"As you are so desperate for immortality, we shall grant it." Time stepped forwards.

"What the fuck!!" Ron snarled, once again on his feet as he glared towards Voldemort. Somehow he wasn't as terrifying now he was bound.

The Concepts raised a hand towards the students, a forced silence falling upon them. Ron fell back into his seat, fuming.

"We shall grant you immortality to prevent such atrocities ever happening again. You will set every to be Dark Lord on the right track, and be unable to lead them astray. Should you fail to do so you must take them down, and you shall experience death every time your job is finished. When you are unnecessary you shall experience encounters with dementors, though they will be unable to kiss you." Time finished.

The silence was lifted, shortly followed by Ron once again getting on his feet and laughing, pointing to Voldemort's face.

"You have no chance for this punishment to be lifted, only tightened." Magic glowered at him as Fate waved their hand to place him in the dementor space.

"And, finally," Fate turned to the room, raising an arm. "Fawkes, Nagini."

There were gasps, and shrill, strangled screams as a giant snake slithered through the students to the front of the room, stopping by Fate's feet. Fawkes took flight from Damien, the boy being protected by Hedwig now, as the magnificent, flame coloured bird flew to Fate's outstretched arm. The long tail feathers looking like a flickering fire.

"You were both once human. Fawkes, you naively formed a bond with the Dumbledore bloodline, though when your next destined companion was born that bond was broken. By that time, though, Dumbledore had chained you to him. I apologise, my child, for not preventing you from being the poster child for a light as damning as the dark it claimed to fight. The punishment for your mistake is excessive. As such you may become human again whenever you choose until your current companion has moved on. Your form is your choice." Fate placed a kiss on Fawkes' head, gold light remaining in that space.

Fawkes flew back to the Slytherin table, settling down by Damien. Blaise hadn't realised he had started stroking his twin's hair.

"Nagini, you had chosen to follow your love who abandoned you when you could no longer return to your human form. You faced hatred and discrimination, before your body was forcefully taken over by part of a soul. You connected with this part soul and follow them as you had your lover all those years ago. You ignored his crimes due to how he treated you. I know you had little choice, as leaving could kill you, however your choice was to back a mass murderer. You must face your punishment as all before have. I will not be removing the consequence to your transformation, however I will be fully reverting you back to how you were before you were sold. I hope this time you will grow up better." And with Magic's word the snake disappeared.

"Thank you all for coming, the trial is over!" Time announced, turning to the students.

((A/N: Hello! Sorry this chapter took so long. I will try to remember it. This isn't the end of the story, don't worry. Bye!))

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