Chapter 22

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"Hey," Harry greeted Ron and Hermione as they got up to rush after the Slytherins. "I heard from my godfathers and Dumbledore that you two are my friends." 

"No?" Hermione was confused as to why this person even thought that. 

"We don't fucking know you, we're friends to the person forced to be your understudy. We actually dealt with all of those situations, you didn't." Ron glowered at Harry. "Leave us alone and make your own friends." 

"The fuck?" Harry sneered at Ron, he was taller than Damien, the picture of Harry they were used to, but Ron was still a head taller than him. "I'm the chosen one, all of you should be thanking me for so much as existing, and here I am saying that you two are my friends, you don't even have to, you should be more than honoured. You should get on your knees and thank me, follow my every word." 

Ron didn't say anything, walking up to Harry so they were standing chest to chest. His eyes were filled with a cold rage, making any words rising even in the arrogant Harry's throat die. The students who had not yet left the hall, all but the Slytherins around Damien, were watching them. 

"You're damn lucky that we are going to find our friend, otherwise I would wipe the floor with you right here in front of everyone." Ron's voice was low, but it carried around the whole room. 

"Come on Ron." Hermione called, the only person who didn't seem silenced by Ron's tone. 

"You're the one who punched Malfoy in third year." Ron pointed out as the two opened the large doors. 

"I can't sucker punch him when you two are that close." Hermione's comment was joined by a golden glint in her eyes as the Great Hall door slammed shut behind the two of them. 


"Any idea when Damien will wake up?" Draco asked, looking at Blaise as Fred and George carried him to the Hospital Wing, more than a little worried about him sleeping and the transformation. 

"Impossible to say," Fawkes landed on the floor gently as they became a human. Their hair matched their feathers, golds and reds and short, the right side shaved to just above the ear. Their ears were pierced and they were wearing robes with flames embroidered on them. "The song will make him sleep until his exhaustion passes. It shouldn't be more than 24 hours, this sleep will be the most restful he will have unless I sing for him again." 

Hedwig squawked at Fawkes, flapping her wings aggressively at his head. Nobody understood her as well as Damien did, but she was obviously annoyed with the phoenix. 

"You also came to reassure him into sleeping better." Fawkes didn't seem offended by Hedwig's actions. 

She was a smart owl, who seemed to understand everything that was said around her, but she didn't seem to have any response for Fawkes' words, flying over to land on Fred's shoulder to look over Damien. 

"Hey! Wait up" Hermione yelled after them, two sets of running footsteps slapping along the stone behind them. 

"Where's Ha- uh- Damien?" Ron looked at the Slytherin group, the two of them panting to catch their breath. 

"Who are you?" Hermione noticed the flame haired individual. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fawkes. Though I was returned to a state where I can take my human form, I cannot remember if Fawkes was my original name." He bowed, causing Ron to scoff. 

"He's here," George turned to the two. 

"What took you so long?" Fred added, Hedwig looking at them dangerously. 

"That 'Real' Harry Potter caught us. Talkin' 'bout how we're friends and when we refused sayin' we should be grateful he even asked. Twat." Ron glared at an uneven stone as he spat the words. 

"I know he was raised like a prince but he's a real bitch." Hermione's tone was light in a way that seemed to emphasise her anger. 

"And you didn't punch him?" Draco raised an eyebrow, if anyone knew the kind of punch she packed it was him. 

"Couldn't, Ron was too close and I didn't want to hurt my hand on him." Hermione shrugged, though nobody's attention was on her any more. 

"He has been raised with self importance, we can only hope he changes. Rude as he may be, though, he has never done anything to Damien, therefore we can do nothing." Fate seemed far less intimidating than they did during the trial. 

"I hope the teachers now in charge will handle any misbehaviour from him, but if need be we can be called upon again." Magic certainly seemed more friendly, looking like an unsorted first year. 

"Will... Will he ever heal fully from this?" Blaise knew he needed to ask, though he didn't want to know if it was the more likely negative. 

"No, never fully. The magic used cannot fully be removed without putting him in more danger, and we all decided it wasn't worth it. And the experiences he has been through will always be a part of him too. He can heal more though." Time smiled at him sadly. 

"I... See..." Blaise deflated a little, looking back at his twin. 

If their parents could have been believed the two were identical twins, but that wasn't true any more. Damien was paler, noticeably so, he had the well known lightning shaped scar, and his eyes still had a hint of green in them. Damien will forever be the odd one out in their family. 

"He needs a strong sense of family and affection. All of you need to support him for a long time, it will help him recover emotionally. He will also be more tired for a while due to the power needed to return to this state." Magic explained, their power wasn't enough, and even if it was Damien would not be able to withstand it. 

"Will that interact with the song you sang?" Fred looked at Fawkes. 

"It shouldn't. From my experience the exhaustion ebbs and flows." Fawkes shook his head. 

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