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Clyde's P.O.V.

"Tch." I clicked my tongue and stared at the ground. As always I walked through the hallways of my school, got spit on, got insulted and on bad days I also got a bucket of water poured over my head.
"Ah, how unlucky-", I said before my sentence got cut off by another round of my ex-bestfriend's commands.
"Let's give him another bucket!", Token yelled, pointing at me. I didn't even try to run away. I just closed me eyes and-..

"Hahaha!", the crowd laughed.
The water dripped down from the strands of my hair. As I continued to walk forward, I heard drops of water following my steps.
To my right I could see Token, giggling like a kindergarten kid, holding his hand in front of his mouth. Just because he was rich as hell..
I smirked. I was really friends with this douche? Well, I was a douche too, so uh.. I guess that worked out?

"Omg, what a masochist! He's laughing!", Red says, disgusted, pointing at me.
I ignore her and walk forward. Again. It just feels like ages, like I never move.
As I said next to her, she of course pushed me, making me trip. Landing on my nose wasn't as bad as I thought. Sure, it was probably broken or something, but in the last few days, I got used to pain. Physical pain was nothing anymore.
Sighing, I continued hobbling.

"I can't believe what he did to Tweek! This is just what he deserves!"

"What a pig.. Look at him!"

"Luckily, Craig was here to stop this asshole! Urgh, I hate him so much!"

"I thought he was cute for a while, but I guess it was all fake. This is the real him."

"Freak.. I'll make him regret his life."


I still had to get used to words, they.. Kinda hurt. But I guess they were speaking the whole truth. I did deserve every horrible thing happening to me. I was a pig, freak and all that stuff.

I was fake.

I suppressed the urge to vomit. Pinching my eyes, I sprinted to the bathroom. Instead of the toilets I chose the sinks. When I looked in the mirror, a horrible expression met me.
"I look.. Nasty."
Gigantic eye bags, brown eyes, that looked like rotten apples and a really dead, pale face.
I stared so long, that I didn't even realize how full the sink was. It almost spilled over.
I turned off the faucet and got back to the mirror. I had a little pity with myself, just a little. Because, I was really ugly right now.
Then I heard a toilet flush, which gave me a little heart attack because I thought I was alone.

The water was still there, it had to be.. Clogged or something. Anyway, that boy.. Kevin? He walked out of the stall and washed his hands next to me. Shit, that would have been the perfect opportunity to drown me in that sink. I stepped aside, just for safety. My heart was beating like crazy.

"Are you alright?", he asked me. It made me flinch.
I quietly nodded and I could feel him staring at me for a few seconds before he stepped closer. To be honest, I was really scared for my life, like, everybody would like to kill me right now..
He stroked my cheek which made me 1. Super uncomfortable, 2. Blush like crazy, 3. .. Scream.

"What are you doing?!", I shouted while trying to walk backwards and slapping his hand away. Unfortunately, there was a wall.
"Ah-.. !" The boy blinked repeatedly and awkwardly pulled his hand back.
"Sorry!", he said, "there were bruises and I-.."
"I don't need your help."
Then I walked out of the bathroom, leaving him in perplexity.
If I trusted people again, I would get hurt again, easy. I didn't need anyone in my life anymore. And even if that boy did stick out and I noticed him immediately when I first saw him, I hoped he would just stay away from me. Although a small of me also hoped to not see him tomorrow in the crowd, laughing at me.

After PE was over, I could not find my clothes anywhere.. Well, someone broke into my locker in the change room and obviously stole it.  The only thing I could find there were my shoes.. I got a towel from the showers and.. Decided to go to the lost-and-found box  with it? I mean, what choice do I have anyway? My parents were away again and my clothes were.. Gone! I could maybe just run.
When I grabbed my shoes, some kids sprayed pepper spray in my face. Of course it hurt like hell but the only thing I could do was run.. I stepped into my shoes and a gigantic wave of pain rushed t
through my body.

There were thumbtacks in there, which pierced through my bare foot.
"ARGH!", I screamed out of pain and fell on the ground. My eyes burned and tears just wouldn't stop. Shaking, I grabbed my foot and threw the shoe away. The sight of my feet wasn't very pleasing. Tiny holes, full of blood that would continue to flow out of them.
"How the fuck am I going to walk home now? With no clothes and holes in my feet?", I sighed. My sigh had staccatos in it.
I closed my eyes and thought, that I deserved everything that happened to me.
The blood on my feet mixed with the water I brought with me from the showers and rinsed, left through the drain, leaving me alone in this room with my thoughts.

"Clyde! Are you okay?", someone cried out behind me. My eyes were half closed, when a black-haired person knelt in front of me.
"Holy shit! Your feet! Crap, crap, what do I do?!" He panicked, which was kinda annoying but also very.. Caring and nice. Who was it? I didn't find out because I passed out just a few seconds later.

I woke up in a cute little room full of Star Trek merchandise and action figures. Posters, duvet cover, PC, everything was Star Trek theme based. What a nerd.
In that moment Kevin came in the room and smiled at me. My whole body hurt but my feet were in a bandage and actually my whole body was patched. The boy came up to my bed and gave me a glass full of water and my clothes, washed and folded.
I just looked at his puppy eyes and began changing.
"Look, I don't need your help. If you associate with someone like me, you'll be dragged in there too, so don't be an idiot and leave me alone."

"I can't leave you alone", shot out of his mouth, "don't you see in what condition you are? I need to take care of you-"
"No, you don't!", I yelled.
Breathing heavily, I stared at the ground.
He reached out his hand to comfort me and said my name in a soft, calming voice, but I just slapped it away.
"Stay. Away!", shouting, I ran out of the room, the house, the street. Heading home, I covered my eyes from the melting snow flakes falling off the brown hair ends of mine.

It was starting to get darker outside, so I hurried and climbed up my window. I always locked my door, since.. There was no one living here except me. People always worry about me, because I tell them my parents are 'overseas' or 'working' but little did they know, that they never came back when they left me. They told me, they hated me, that I should have never been born and that I should jump off a bridge. Then they left me with no money, food but at least I got a roof over my head and a home to go back to.

People said, home is not a house, it's a place where you feel safe and protected. I felt neither of them here. No where. Since my parents left, I've been stuck in an endless loop of self-hatred. Every day, I looked in the mirror and wondered how bad I must have been for my parents to see me as such a disgrace. I would do every stupid, unnecessary, dumb thing for my parents to say 'I love you' for the first time. To me. In my face. They never did. It was always 'I hate you'. It was always a hurtful slap and a 'you should just disappear' or 'why did god give me a son like you?'
I smiled at the thought. I loved the times, when my parents still saw me as their son. Nowadays, I am just a stranger, maybe even  an enemy.

I loved my parents. The taught me things, I never thought about. They taught me.. To never trust anyone, no natter how close you are to them. And since the day, they left that door and never came back, I decided to never trust a person again.

Author's Note☕

Finally out! Man, I hope you can feel with sympathy Clyde even if he was a complete asshole in the other story.

Okay so, don't get me wrong, I HATE BULLYING, but it's just.. Idk, I also like Clyde and stuff but writing the bully scenes is interesting. It shows how rotten society can be. I get some of my ideas from manga, anime, real life, experience and that just shows, what happened to this world.
The next bullying scene contains needles, yaya

Stay tuned, and how do you like mah cover? I personally find it very OK. The mask totally doesn't fit his face. Thank you for reading, I can't wait for another journey with YOU!❤

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