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Clyde's P.O.V.

Days flew by like this. Bullying, getting saved and patched up by Kevin Stoley, bullying..
Actually, it went from Kevin, picking me up and helping me to me, walking to the Stoley's by myself. Being with Kevin was like being with a doctor. Very nice, asks to many questions and does a great job, helping me recover. Just that this was for free and all the time available.

"God, Clyde, please, I'm trying to help you! Stop moving so much."
"But it hurts, dammit. Ouch!"
"Why are you hitting me? I'm doing this for you, you know!"

.. To..

"All done! I'm so sorry, you have to go through all this.. You deserve better, Clyde."
"I don't care what you think and nobody asked for your opinion, okay?"
"Oh, okay, bye.."

.. To..

"Hey, Stoley, you here? Hellloooooo.. ?"
"Clyde! You look horrible, what happened? Oh my god, you're bleeding so much!"
"As if I can't see that. And it doesn't matter, just help me with my injuries."
"Okay, come in.."

.. To..

"Clyde, what am I to you?"
"Why are you asking this bullshit?"
"I want to know.. "
"Look, I told you many times, you should stay away from me, but you didn't listen! Don't regret your decision."
"I don't!"
"Yeah, well, you're nothing but a doc to me."
"Haha, that's something right?"
"Not really."

.. Yeah, great. I mean, this wasn't that bad. I could have gotten used to this.
Today, someone nearly drowned me in the fountain of the school. It was awful so I went to Kevin, I wanted him to help me again.

"Kevin, you there? Help."
"Yeah, hi. I'm wet, dry me."
".. No?"
"No, I'm not your toy."
"Stoley, what are you-?"
"You can't just come here whenever you want and command everything I should do."
"Wasn't it like this until now?"
"Yeah, and it stops right now. You're just using me. You haven't said 'thank you' ONCE. After helping you, you just leave me until you need me again. I have feelings too!"
"You have no idea how awful everyday for me is! You're so fucking naïve!"
"You're such an ASSHOLE! No wonder, no one likes you! Just because others treat you like shit doesn't mean you should do the same to other people, who maybe.. Actually care about you?!"

I looked at him and ran out of the house. I didn't know, but I felt betrayed and hurt. I thought he liked me.

Kevin's P.O.V.

"Unbelievable how he's acting! He's being.. So- URGH!"
I sat on my bed, pouting. Was that really the right decision?
He never really noticed me until he got bullied and I thought I was something special to him. That look on his face.. When he ran out of the house was just so horrible.
He was vulnerable and I wanted to protect him no matter what.
I slowly began to regret my decision and stared outside my window. The wind was singing a goodbye song.

At school, when I saw Clyde, I turned around and walked away. I really didn't want to talk to him. I heard him calling for me, followed by steps coming closer and closer.
"Wait, Kevin! Wait!", he yelled before grabbing my hand and squeezing it.
"I'm sorry", he began, "I was an asshole and I am sorry for not realizing how much I hurt you. Forgive me. Can I come over again? I'm not hurt, I just want to spend time with you."

My heart was beating and beating and couldn't stop.
My arms were about to pull him closer to me, ending with a warm, romantic hug..
But then I remembered how he called me naïve and I turned around.
Looking at the white snow and talking in a deep voice.. I felt like I was in a movie.
What was in movies again? Oh yeah.. Drama.
"Don't come close to me anymore, don't come to my house anymore, don't talk to me anymore and especially don't play with my feelings anymore. I know that apology is nothing but liars and I detest you for that. Stop seeing me as your servant. I hate you."

Then I turned around and tried to walk without wobbling and falling on my knees, crying. It was hard but I managed.

Clyde's P.O.V.

".. Please don't leave me..", I cried out, falling on my knees. I reached out for your jacket but you were too far away already. Tears streamed down my face, I felt like drowning inside.

Why was I so attached to him even though I didn't even know him for that long but it felt like someone I loved just left me forever. Did he?
Why was I crying for him even though I never cried the last few days when people were physically harming me, which was a lot harder to endure. Was it really?
Why did I feel so empty even though he was never really part of my heart or my life. Was he?

Did I just lose a person, I cared about because I was acting selfish and stupid? Again?
This was the third time, why couldn't I learn?!
I lost Craig because I was selfish and only cared about my well-being.
I lost Tweek because I was selfish and never cared about his well-being.
I lost Kevin because I was selfish and hurt him in ways, I haven't even seen.
Why was I this blind all along? They all cared about me and loved me and I threw them away. They hated me now and I still loved them. But I was always too late to realize.

Drips of tears fell on the snow and little snow flakes landed on my hair, melting immediately. I was cold.

• • •

The next day and the day after I tried to talk to him but he always turned around, ignored me, avoided me and walked away. The bullies made this even harder and it was rough to go through a day. When Kevin saw me getting bullied he always looked at me with this pitiful expression.. But never helped me again.
I didn't saw any other way and thinking straight was hard too, so I just..

"What are doing in my house?", Kevin shouted.
"I need to talk to you, Kevin, please."
"Who let you in?! Did you break in?!"
I stumbled back and gave him a questionable look.
"I'd never do that. Your sister let me in."
I clenched his fists and boiled of anger.
"Esther! Come up right now! Why did you let this guy in?!"
Esther, a raven haired girl with beautiful eyes walked up the stairs. Her hair was long and her make-up on point. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Do you know each other, oh my god! You know, brother.. He's my new boyfriend! I actually liked him for a while and now hr confessed. Isn't that destiny?"
Kevin's eyes widened and his mouth formed an 'o'.
He was so shocked, he couldn't move anything.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!", he screamed through the whole house.
Esther and I flinched and took a step back.

Kevin's head was as red as my jacket and his clenched fists were shaking of rage.
Then he took my hand and pulled me inside his room. I missed this room.
He locked up and his sister was of course knocking on his door, asking why he was acting this way. The boy screamed again:"Leave! NOW!" No more knocks were followed by that. He stepped to the door and punched it, making Esther shriek, showing that she was trying to eavesdrop. We could hear her running down the stairs.

"How fucking dare you?!", he yelled at me.
I looked at the ground with a look, I never showed before. It was fear and regret combined.
"You're playing with MY feelings and now with my sisters too?! Who do you think you are? You're the biggest scum on earth, I'm SO going to end you!"
I took a deep breath and tried to speak. My words came out uncertain, making me look pathetic.
"It was the only way.. You didn't let me talk to you!"
"Take a hint, I never wanted to!"
"But I did!"

"Why? What are you trying to save? When I asked you, I wasn't a 'friend' to you. We weren't friends, ever. So what if you talk to me, there will be no difference."
Kevin stepped closer and I walked backwards til I reached the end, a wall behind me.
The raven haired boy punched the wall, a few centimeters away from my face.

"Do you love me?"
My heart felt like bursting and somehow I couldn't look him in the face. He was so much more frighting and scary. The cute little boy, naïve and air headed, but now?
But this question, wasn't it too-.. ?
"Not at all! Why s-should I love you, I don't! Why d-d-do you think that?"

His confident look was very cold and threatening.
"I have a bet. You listening?"
I quietly nodded.
He began:"I bet, I can make you say 'I love you' or make you show me any kind of affection towards me within one week. If you win, I forgive you and I'll listen to you. If I win, you're never going to talk to me again or try to. Deal?"
I thought about it for a moment and then shook his hand.
"You can't force someone to say anything. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. A-a-and of course I don't love you, that's w-why I'm not going to say it!"

I smiled.
"You have no chance of winning this bet, Kevin."
He grinned at me and his eyes stared directly into mine.
"I already have a plan, don't be so full of yourself."
I blushed and avoided his gaze.
"A-a-are you g-going to s-seduce me?!"
"What? No! I'm not going to touch you in any way."
"Then, how are you going to-?"
Again with this confident look. I didn't like it at all. What was he planning?

Author's Note☕

Hey! Hope you liked this chapter! Thank you so much for your support on my new story. Anyway, somehow the roles changed, Clyde's now the idiot and Kevin's the confident jerk, haha!

What do you think is his plan?
What will happen to Esther?
If someone tells her, will she believe her brother or boyfriend?
Who will win the bet?
Who do you think is acting right in this situation? Or neither?

So many questions, it's exciting!!
It's really hard to put that soulmate thing and the fact that Clyde gets bullied constantly in the story, without it disturbing my story!

Okay, this has 1800 words, I'm going to stop -_-

Has anyone an idea for the cover? DM me in private, so the others won't see!❤👏

Ily, thank youu

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