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After all the tasks of Rajsuya yagya was done Arjun visited to Subhadra in night. He was guilty over his misconception regarding Subhadra's action, and his motive of visiting her was seeking her apology.

Entering into his chamber Arjun found Subhadra sitting lost near a canvas holding some painting in her hands. Going near to her he saw that she was holding his paintings.

Seeing his paintings in her hand he remembered that she loved to paint. Even, Krishn had teased Arjun once addressing him as the painting interest of Subhadra. She had made many paintings of Arjun in his memories during her stay at Dwarka.

None knew about the truth except Krishn who had used the truth for giving a tough time to Arjun through teasing.

"These paintings are so beautiful, Subhi!" Arjun chose the build up to start a conversation

"Credit goes to the person who's there in paintings," Subhadra casted a small glance of admiration at her arts.

"Your love filled heart has also equal credit in making these paintings beautiful. These paintings are portraying all your emotions you are filled with," he shared the credit with her.

"If I am filled with anything then it's nothing except childishness," a glare of hurt was shot by her at him.

"I am sorry, Subhi. I shouldn't say like that to you. Forgive me for not trusting you, this one last time. I won't repeat it ever, I promise," his voice which was firm all the time had become fragile while uttering apology.

"What won't you repeat, not trusting me or seeing me as a childish princess?" Her glare towards him was same like before.

"I have realised my mistake, Subhadra. Can't you give me a chance?" His inner self was scolding himself even for asking a chance instead of earning that.

"I would have given you a chance if had any hope of earning respect in your eyes. You never had seen me above than a childish princess," the mention of respect by her made remember the incident of garden in front of Jayadrath.

"When the question of respect has arose then I too have something to do complain with. I know that you love your brothers to no end, but I too have a place in your life. when Jayadrath had asked you about your security you took your brothers' name before me," Arjun started to open the knot of his suppressed hurt.

"I don't have any objection about that. At least, you could have taken my name along with them," the sadness inside him came out in from of a long sigh.

"Saying something later doesn't decrease its importance. You always put bhratashri before yourself, don't you? I too had done the same, and I had believed that you would never have any issue about this," her words made him realise that for him Krishn was prior to anything and anyone.

Guilt overpowered him for being carried away by the words of an evil opportunist like Jayadrath.

"You are right. Being manipulated by Jayadrath I had ignored these facts. I am sorry again," he apologized, again.

"The moment I had met you at first you had acquired love, trust and respect for yourself in my heart. For once, I had questioned myself whether all those feeling were influenced by your unbeatable charm or something else," her narration drove her back towards one of the delightful moments of her life.

"Later, I realised you deserve all those when I had interacted with you. Today trust for you is missing from my heart. It's not about the trust over your goodness. It's the trust about being reciprocated by you with the respect I wish," tears pooled up in her eyes almost blocking her sight.

"You were my prince charming, but I was never the princess you had wished ever. Let alone wishing you never had imagined me near you," small sobs were suppressed by her statements which was clearly audible to him.

"Subhadra, I can.......," he was about to say, but her raised hand stopped him, abruptly.

"I don't want anything, Prince Arjun!" Her voice hardened.

"You addressed me as prince!" He was standing shocked at his place.

"Yes, because the one who had addressed me as a childish princess at assembly wasn't my arya who had promised to listen me and trust me during marriage. He was definitely the prince of Indraprastha only," her counter had captured him as a prisoner to any authority.

"But, Subhadra.....!" He made an weak attempt of speaking, but she prevented him once more.

"Ohhh! Sorry, I forgot to thank you for not addressing me as childish in an audible voice. It was just in between me and you. I am really really thankful for that," she threw a sharp glare of mockery.

"I too was aware of the importance of Rajsuya yagya for our family. I too had felt all of yours struggle against the suffering given by Kaurav brothers (cousins of Pandav brothers). How could you even think that I would play pranks at assembly?" He went nearer to her as she was one the verge of breaking down.

"How could you, Prince Arjun?" She yelled the question at a high pitch of voice.

"Subhadra, please don't cry. It was all my fault. Please forgive me," he joined his hands.

"Good night!" Saying so she went sleep without glancing at him for the last time before turning her back towards him.

He left from there with a heavy heart. In morning he came to know that Subhadra had gone somewhere for one week after seeking Kunti's permission.

Kunti (mother of Pandav brothers) had come to Indraprastha on the day of Rajsuya yagya. She used to live in Hastinapur, previously, but after her sons completed Rajsuya yagya she came to live with them.

On that day Arjun received a letter from Dushala conveying the news of her pregnancy to him. Along with that she revealed the secret that Subhadra would live with her for one week as Dushala wished her presence.

The letter left Arjun numb in concern of Subhadra's security. If person like Jayadrath was around Subhadra then she would be under the shadow of danger for sure.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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