Chapter 4: Rescue of the One-Five (Part 3)

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Outside Phoenix Labs, it was a battlefield and nightmare for the defending Arcadian security troopers, as Marines, ODSTs and Spartan-IVs were giving them the hardest times of their lives.

At first, they thought that they're sent by Carmilla and the remnants of the Black Arms to capture the prisoners, but soon found out that they don't have the typical white numbering designation on their chest armor.

Another thing that they note was the use of their M808C Scorpions, M12 Warthogs, and Pelican Gunships, vehicles that were not even designed or seen used by the Black Arms before.

The M808C's 90mm Smoothbore High-Velocity cannons fired a High-Explosive round at the pillboxes, killing the soldiers defending in them while the M41 Vulcans shoot down any soldiers or air reinforcements.

Back inside the building, Blue and Red Team regroup with one another, protecting both Hazel and Newt from the Arcadian Escort troopers while making their way to the Extraction point.

In one instance, Caboose used his immense strength to hit his opponent with a golf club he found in the office earlier, which sent the trooper ricocheting off various walls and killing him.

Yes, you heard me right: He killed an Arcadian trooper by swinging a golf club.

Meanwhile, Sarge was running in close and blasting anybody he comes in his way with his shotgun, while Simmons, Grif and Tucker fired their BR75s and M392 Bandit DMR at a distance, picking off any Arcadian troopers that they come across in the hallways.

Jaune-117 and Lopez laid suppressive fire, supporting the Reds and Blues as they charged at their opponents aggressively, before reaching the extraction point, which was the hangar area.

Inside the hangar, a lone D77-TC Pelican was waiting for them, alongside Carolina, Wash and Doc.

Wash: Were you guys able to secure the targets?

Tucker: Yes, the child is safe, but the other one is in pieces.

Doc: Physically or mentally?

Tucker: Physically.

Donut was shown dragging a large box, which contains parts of Kira Wayland that had been dismantled.

Donut: Would you guys help me out here? Her box is way heavier than I thought.

Caboose: I'll help.

Caboose proceed to walk to Donut and lift the entire box from the bottom with his two bare hands without breaking a sweat. This surprises Hazel and Newt, since they both knew that Kira's cybernetic body and the attachments for her body weight like a large military truck.

Hazel: Is he that strong or...

Tucker: No, we just call it god's way of compensating.

Doc proceed to look at Kira's condition, and saw that what they said earlier was true, she was split into various pieces, with some recognizable parts being limbs and main body parts while some others are unrecognizable attachments.

Doc: Geez, why did they even split her body parts?

Hazel: Ease of transport.

Carolina: Really?

Hazel: Yes.

Sarge: Ah, no matter. We'll get Lopez and caboose to fix her up later.

Caboose/Lopez: What/Que?

They're able to load the box up to the ship, before the Pelican took off and left the hangar, while trying to avoid friendly-fire above the battlefield. Once they got out of the planet's atmosphere, they proceeded towards the hangar bay of the UNSC Endless.

POV Switch: Arcadia Midwest

In the Arcadian Midwest, a large group of soldiers clad in white armor and dark visors forcibly gathered the people to watch the execution of a certain gunslinger of the One-Five, who's also the daughter of the town's sheriff.

Peacekeeper#1: To all of the citizens of the Midwest, we'll make an example to all if those that rebel or oppose the rule of Nicholas, the glorious and rightful leader of Arcadia! Today, we'll give justice by executing the one that assisted that Vile Prince who's responsible for killing all those innocent civilians that started the war!!!!

He then motioned for the prisoner to be brought up to the galley, where a woman described to have a dark brown hair in a bob-style cut in a prison jumpsuit being forced up. She was seen having bruises all over her face given by the Arcadians or Peacekeepers. 

The people then booed at the Peacekeepers, demanding them to release the prisoner as they hurled objects at them.

From the shadows of the building, a Spartan-IV clad in dark grey armor with green markings was seen taking aim from the second story of a wooden building, which overlooked the execution. He took aim with his M99A2S3 Sniper Rifle at the Peacekeeper who's going to hang Jessica.

On the streets, similarly-colored themed Spartan-IVs were waiting in the alleyways, with their weapons at the ready for the sniper to take the shot.

Just as the Peacekeeper was about to put the noose around her neck, a anti-material bullet penetrated his helmet and into his brains, killing him on the spot. The force of the bullet also sent his corpse flying towards the local bar at the end of the road.

The rest looked at where the shot came from, distracting the Peacekeepers long enough for the Spartan-IVs to rush out of the alleyways and ambush the Peacekeepers, shooting them down without a shed of remorse or mercy.

Peacekeepers: Shit!! We're being attacked!!!

Peacekeeper#3: Shoot them!!!

The Peacekeepers tried to fire back with their FN F2000s, but were proven useless, since they discovered that the Spartan armor that provided them energy shielding from conventional weapons.

One of them who was armed with a MA40, decided to get up close to one of the Peacekeepers and melee him with the butt of his rifle. This knocked the Peacekeeper out cold, forcing some of them to retreat to their shuttles.

Peacekeeper#3: Get to the shuttles. We must warn Nicholas of this threat.

However, their shuttles were shot by two rocket rounds, which destroyed the vehicles on impact. They turn their heads to see B312 clad in a black MJOLNIR Armor with a Wolf-battalion inspired helmet reloading a M41D SNPKr Rocket Launcher in his hands.

He proceeded to fire two more rounds at the Peacekeepers, where the blast knocked them off their feet and killing them. The rest that weren't taken out by the blast were given a hefty dose of lead by the grey-colored Spartans. B312 soon went up to Jessica and released her restraints, freeing her from her impending execution.

Jessica: Thanks, whoever you are...

B312: You're welcome.

Jessica: But to be clear, are you guys with Carmilla?

B312: No, but we're with your leader.

Jessica: Jaune?

B312: Yes, and once we've helped you to liberate the Midwest, we'll continue to break out the prisoners on Scariff and rejoin with your leader.

Jessica: Scariff? But isn't that where most of Arcadia's experimental weapons projects are?

B312: Yes, but' it's also conveniently had a vault for future projects and a prison for it's most dangerous criminals, with rumors that members of your battalion are also there.

Jessica: So, in this case, you are willing to assist us to take down Nicholas?

B312: Indeed, for the safety of something much larger at play.

POV Switch: Kingdom of Midgar

High above the Kingdom of Midgar, the SES Emperor of Freedom was orbiting above the Kingdom of Midgar in the region of Arcadia, where Jaune (Helldiver) was getting ready to drop with his squad and a few other Helldivers. 

Due to him being chosen as the General and representative for the Arcadian Rebellion, he had been promoted to the rank of General by Super Earth's military and gifted the Saviour of the Free Armor Set.

He walked up to the Weapons bench and grabbed himself an AR-23P Liberator Penetrator, a P-4 Senator, two G-12 High Explosive Grenades and one G-23 Stun Grenade.

His three other fellow Helldivers are armed with an ARC-12 Blitzer, a LAS-5 Scythe and a MG-43 Machine Gun. Earlier, they had Hellpods set up to launch when they're running low on ammo or request for special-use weapons.

Jaune (Helldiver) then got onto the ship comms, with the signal connecting to 12 more different ships orbiting the planet above.

Jaune (Helldiver): Attention to all Helldivers, as a motivation to my fellows Helldivers doing their duty, I will give a speech before the battle starts.

He paused for a moment, before he continued.

Jaune (Helldiver): Truth be told, we may never get out this alive, but consider this, even though we may never had the technological advancements nor the superhuman abilities of our enemies over a 100 years ago, but did we fail? No, not even once. We would pull this through no matter what. Our ancestors fight for the freedom of our future, and now, this so-called 'Emperor' thinks he could take our freedom in the future? Think again!! We would not sit idly by and wait for him to take war with us!! Instead, TODAY, WE'LL TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE FALSE ARCADIANS!!! TO ALL MY FELLOW HELLDIVERS, ARE YOU WITH ME TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM ADN SUPER EARTH?!?

All of the helldivers on their respective Super destroyers cheered on for him, with other chanting in excitement and patriotism with one word: "FOR SUPER EARTH AND FREEDOM!!!"

POV Switch: Streets of Midgar

On the streets of Midgar, the Peacekeepers were patrolling the streets, with some beating up and mistreating the citizens for their own sadistic pleasure.

This sort of thing had been going on for the past few days, with no sight in end to this abuse of power. As such, Willow had decided to organize a rebellion force to fight against Nicholas' rule.

The only problem, however, was that the soldiers of Arcadia were well-equipped and trained to deal with these kind of situations, but with the One-Winged Angel assisting the rebellion in secrecy, this could pose a potential problem for the King and Queen of Arcadia.

But despite that, he sent in more Peacekeepers to suppress the riots, which only made them hate Nicholas even more. However, all of this fell on deaf ears, as the Queen was in favor of Nicholas for his actions, even though she was blinded by them.

As a riot was taking place, one of the citizens saw a pod descending towards the Peacekeeper's riot control crowd, which eventually squashed 4 of the Peacekeepers when it landed. A Helldiver  wearing Steel Trooper Armor set came out of the pod and started shooting with his AR-23 Liberator Assault Rifle.

Midgar Peacekeeper#1: What the hell? Who the fuck are you?

Helldiver#1: Your worst nightmare, you freedom hater!!

He continued to shoot at the Peacekeepers as more Hellpods dropped on their heads. This eventually formed a line of Helldivers firing at the Peacekeepers, whom were desperate to shoot back.

Midgar Peacekeeper#2: Shoot back at them!!

However, more and more helldivers landed in front of them, which eventually forced them to a crossroad. In one part of the kingdom, Jaune (Helldiver) and a couple others began to advance towards the Peacekeepers' base in the city, which was heavily defended by fortifications.

Jaune (Helldiver) proceeded to type in a bunch of arrows on his arm control unit, before placing a stratagem for a Hellpod. It soon landed beside him, which opened to reveal a GR-8 Recoilless Rifle, a AC-8 Autocannon, and a LAS-99 Quasar Cannon, alongside large ammo boxes for various weapons.

He picked up the GR-8 Recoilless Rifle and took aim at one of the automated turrets, before pulling the trigger and destroying the turret. He quickly reloaded the weapon and aim again at the towers, while three other Helldivers picked up the Autocannon and the Quasar Cannon to destroy the other fortifications.

Midgar Peacekeeper#3: Deter them from entering the fort!!

The Peacekeepers proceed to strengthen their forces, but were overwhelmed quickly as all of the automated turrets were destroyed by the Autocannons and the Quasar Cannon, while Jaune (Helldiver) blew up the door with the Recoilless Rifle.

This eventually gave the Helldivers the push they need to storm the fort and take over it, with them arresting the surrendered Peacekeepers.

Jaune (Helldiver): Contact the others dealing with the riot Peacekeepers: We've take over their fort, I'll report the success of our campaign to the leaders.

Helldiver#2: Will, do General.


When Willow, who was out overseeing the construction of the Rebel base on a far-off planet, received word of the liberation and death of the Midgar Peacekeepers, she rushed back to see the collateral damage and the people behind all of this.

However, as she arrived at the Peacekeeper base, she saw not only that there was very little to no collateral damage, but the people behind it were none other than soldiers wearing Helldiver armor, or that was what at least she assume were soldier.

Willow: So, I wasn't expecting Arcadian soldiers wearing helldiver armor from Juni's side to join up with us.

All of the Helldivers went deathly silent as soon as she said it. They were not Arcadian Helldivers, but rather, Super Earth's Helldivers. They slowly and rigidly turned their heads towards her, who was understandably confused about what happened.

Helldiver#1: Excuse me, woman, what in the name of Liberty did you just said?

Willow: Uh... Wait, you guys are not Arcadians?!?!?

All Helldivers: There are Arcadian Helldivers?!?!

Jaune (Helldiver): Alright, everybody. Let's just calm down for a moment. I'm sure that there's just a misunderstanding.

Willow: Well, yes but more importantly, who are you guys, why are you here and why you chose to help the rebellion?

Jaune (Helldiver): Well, to answer your question, we'll have to bring you to our leader, whom you may find familiar...

POV Switch: Midgar Prison

In the Midgar Prison, the Bombshell squad had been waiting in that cell for an unknown amount of time, while Arcadian Prison guards made sure that they won't have a chance to escape. In anther part of the prison also held two other prisoners of the One-Five.

Just a few months earlier following their capture, prison breaks involving other One-Five members imprisoned before them were being broken out by both Willow and Bleiss as they're dissatisfied of the rule of Nicholas.

However, no one came to break them out today, as they knew that Willow was going to oversee the Rebel base construction, while Bleiss tried to break them out.

Just as they were waiting, the prison alarms went off, with the Arcadian prison guards rushing to deal with the intruders. 

However, the sound of gunshots and shouts of patriotic freedom filled the halls, killing the guards.

Nina: Mellona, do you think Bleiss is here to save us?

Mellona: I think so.

However, the next thing they saw were Helldivers coming into the prisons and freeing the Midgar people and the One-Five, who were suspicious of all of this since Arcadian Soldiers also wore Helldiver armor.

Mellona: Wait a moment, just to ask this but...

Helldiver#2: No, we're not Arcadian Helldivers, but from another universe. Please don't confuse us with those fake Helldivers.

Mellona: Oh, so who are you guys with?

Jaune (Helldiver): Your leader and the true prince of Arcadia, Jaune Arc.

Jaune (Helldiver) approached the group, where the Bombshell Squad, Stelle and Firefly grew a bit cautious with him, but yet, sense familiarity with his voice.

Mellona: (defensively) Who are you?

Jaune (Helldiver): Who I am may not matter now, but it will be later on when you reunite with your leader.


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