Chapter 5: On the other side

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Inside the Halls of the Arcadian Royal Palace, Juniper, the Queen of Arcadia, was looking through a list of reports concerning the growing rebellion growing on the various worlds that they've controlled, all of which were well-organized.

However, all of which were forces that were never encountered before, and their attacks on various key worlds and places of importance made it suspicious to her, as most of them have prisons that hold a few members of the One-Five or held key elements to future projects provided by Nicholas for the future of Arcadia.

However, it was the loss of Bianca and Newt that concerned her the most; since Bianca was next in line to becoming the General of Arcadia and Newt was part of a project which was to use her mana to transport into a set of Armor for Nicholas to use for future battles against rebellions of Arcadia.

She just brushed this aside and focus on two other Projects; Project: Herrscher and Project: Jaiger, two of which were planned to be relocated to Herta's Space station by Jade Arc. Just then, one of her maids came in, holding a tray with a tea set alongside Julius and Jeanne Arc, both of which who supported Nicholas.

Juniper: What is the status of the occupation in Midgar?

Jeanne: Unfortunately, all the Peacekeepers that were sent in went dark and didn't respond to any of our comms, almost as if they're swiftly defeated.

Julius: And what's more was that just recently, Sanctuary had been captured by one of the rebel forces. What's even more puzzling was that the rebel force present were equipped with strange weaponry that utilize energy and legged armored vehicles that were well-armored. Plus, with the current failures of Nicholas' Peacekeepers, it's best that we should replace them with my special unit of Spartan III's.

Juniper: I see, but since the Peacekeepers are the only stable military force large enough to deal with the rebellion, you can replace those Peacekeepers under your command.

Maid: Tea, ma'am?

Juniper: Thanks, and can you pour two cups for our guest?

Maid: Will do, ma'am.

The maid poured tea into two more cups before the water ran out.

Maid: Ma'am, could I be excused for a moment? I need to refill the teapot if you wish for more.

Juniper: Very well, you may leave.

The maid proceed to leave the room, which left the three alone in the room to drink the tea in peace. However, as soon as the tea made contact with their tongues, the drink felt bitter, before a foul smell they were familiar with entered their taste buds.

They immediately recognized the smell too late and spat out the tea, with the trio trying to get the awful taste out of their mouths.

Juniper: Who the hell replaced the water with piss?!?!?

Outside the room, the maid was walking away from the room when it happened, but when the commotion struck, many of the Royal guards rushed towards the room to see what was going on, and the maid had disappeared into thin air.

However, it was revealed that the maid had somehow crawled into the vents, before a mist of smoke surround her to reveal a man in a red, formal suit and a red mask crawling through the vents.

The man chuckling to himself at what could be probably the biggest prank done by Sniper and himself, before reaching outside the castle where his teammates were waiting.

POV Switch: Herta Space station

Onboard the Herta Space Station, an Arcadian Space Cruiser was docked by its port, where Arcadian Royal guards were escorting a young woman with blonde hair and green eyes, who was revealed to be Jade Arc.

However, behind her were a huge number of cryo-stasis pods in huge numbers, all of which were blurred due to the frost from the cold temperatures. Following them were a group of scientist that were assigned to this station to research to run tests on the subjects frozen in the cryostasis pods.

At the entrance, they're being greeted Herta, who was described as a puppet-like and short in appearance, alongside Screwllum, a mechanical lifeform that was dressed up as an elegant gentleman.

Herta: So the pods are here?

Jade: Yes, alongside the team of researchers assigned to this project and the security.

Herta: I see. Screwllum would personally see them to their segment of the lab.

Screwllum: Very well, Madam Herta.

Screwllum proceeded to lead the scientists alongside the pods and the Royal Guards to a segment of the station, leaving Jade and Herta alone at the entrance.

Herta: You do know who are in those pods, right?

Jade: Unfortunately yes, and when he hears about it, he would go ballistic over this matter...

Herta: I see... What do you plan to do about it?

Jade: I'm... Not sure... I know that this is by far illegal and damming, but with the tight leashes being forced on us by my parents, it's impossible to act against them without consequences...

Herta: I see... Well, there's nothing we can do now until they act.

Jade: They?

Herta: You'll see soon enough...

POV Switch: Lab Area

Screwllum: Here you go, good sirs. This is where you'll be conducting your research for now.

Screwllum proceeded to open the door for them, which shows a dark, empty room inside.

Arcadia researcher#1: Uh, excuse me, sir, why is the room dark?

Screwllum: Oh, you just have to wait for the lights to turn on, so you can wait in about three... two... one...

Soon enough, the lights of the lab turned on, only to be greeted by a nasty surprise. Inside the room were a battalion's worth of soldiers armed with machine guns, all of which were aimed at the researchers and the Royal Guards.

Their red goggles blinked to life and shot down the group, leaving Screwllum alive while they scream in pain as they're being gunned down.

Screwllum: Ah, the screams of human pain are soothing to my ears...

The soldiers began to march up to the pods, deactivating the cryostasis pods for the subjects inside to wake up, which were revealed to be MANTIS Squad and the Wesker Squad, who were dazed and disoriented.

However, despite this, their leader split the battalion into two groups, one of which was to lead both of MATIS and Wesker Squad to their ship while the other group headed off to secure the Arcadian Cruiser and the personnel onboard.

??? Battalion Leader: Wolf-01, alert the Ravens to be on standby for any Arcadian reinforcements heading towards the station and get the drone walkers ready for escorts.

Wolf-01: Copy.

Wolf-01 then opened his comn channel to a nearby starship, which housed a few large mechas, all of which were huge enough to be as the same size as an Arcadian Cruiser.

Wolf-01: Wolf-01 to SHS Black Unity, release all AC's units to my Co-ordinates. Copy?

SHS Black Unity Captain: This is Capt. Talon of the SHS black Unity, we hear you loud and clear, Wolf-01, let's show the Arcadians what the Skull Hand is capable of.

The Black Unity proceeded to launch a few large pods, all of which were large, heading towards the Herta Space Station.

Meanwhile, the Skull Hand Wolf Battalion soldiers had seized both the Arcadian cruiser and all those onboard, alongside Jade.

Jade: So this was what you're talking about, Herta?

Herta: Indeed, Jade.

Arcadian Soldier#1: You do realize that four Arcadian battlecruisers are now making their way to this station as we speak, so you all are still doomed.

Wolf-01: Are you sure that they'll come in one piece?

POV Switch

About a few meters away from the Herta Space Station, four Arcadian battlecruisers were approaching the station, with boarding craft full of Arcadian Soldiers ready to subdue the rebels onboard.

Arcadian Battlecruiser Captain#1: Attention to all Soldiers, prepare to board and retake the Herta Space Station and crush any rebels that stands in our way. Be prepared to defend your homeland for the glory of Arcadia!!

In the bridge of the command center, the captain was looking at the station, confident that the rebels won't stand a chance against the might of four battlecruisers and a huge platoon of Arcadian soldiers. 

However, all of them will find out the hard way that they're doomed from the start.

As the four battlecruiser approached slowly, one of the few naval officer stationed noticed 5 large hostile craft approaching the four battlecruiser at a fast rate.

Naval Officer#1: Captain, our radars are detecting five unknown craft heading towards our cruisers ETA 12 seconds.

Arcadian Battlecruiser Captain#1: Shoot it down. They may be enemy transport craft filled with rebels.

Naval Officer#1: Understood, Captain. Attention to all gunners on the port side, shoot down the hostile craft ETA 10 seconds.

The Arcadian battlecruisers aimed their guns at the five approaching pods, before releasing a torrent of lasers at it, all of which melted through the craft and made it explode.

Naval Officer#1: All targets down, Captain.

Arcadian Battlecruiser Captain#1: Very well, advance onward-

The ship suddenly shook, before alarms blared  from the bridge. The Naval Officer looked at the radar to see 25 rapidly advancing enemy craft heading towards the four battlecruisers.

Naval Officer#1: Captain, 25 enemy craft are rapidly approaching our positions! ETA... 0.1 seconds!!

Arcadian Battlecruiser Captain#1: What!

As he finished, a large robot landed on the battlecruiser, with the head unit facing the bridge, taking the entire crew by surprise. The Armored Core Unit activated it's beam blade and cut the entire bridge in half, killing the crew as they're evaporated by the heat of the blade before it flew away.

As it did, it fired it's missiles at the cannons on the port side, ensuring that the crew won't be able to retaliate before focusing it's fire on the vehicle bay with it's shoulder-mounted grenade launchers, destroying any of the craft that was supposedly used to attack on the Herta Space Station.

Meanwhile, two more Armored Core units were firing with their Gatling guns on the other parts of the ship, ensuring that there would be no survivors.

They proceeded to focus on then engines, destroying it in just a few shots before the entire ship exploded. The same can be said with the other ships, as they're constantly being swarmed by AC units before their eventual destruction at their hands.

Far away, the Arcadians being held hostage were looking at the battle with fear, now realizing that they're in enemy hands without any reinforcements to rescue them.

Wolf-01: Wolf-01 to AC-956, how's the situation out there?

AC-956: This is AC-956 to Wolf-01, all targets had been neutralized, we're heading back to the SHS Black Unity for refueling, over.

Wolf-01: Copy that. Kill all the Arcadians here, but leave the girl alive.

Skull Hand Wolf Battalion Soldier#1: Copy, boss.

The Skull Hand Soldiers began to take aim at the Arcadians, who're pleading them to spare them.

Arcadian Soldier#1: W-wait, spare us, please!!! We have families!!

He was cut off as they fired on the Arcadians, killing them off and leaving Jade alive. When it was complete, they began to pile the bodies in a corner before setting them ablaze with a flamethrower.

POV Switch: Kingdom of Kugane

In the kingdom of Kugane, Peacekeepers patrolled the streets, detaining any suspected individual that were allied to the rebels.

In one part of the alleyways, Xiu, the Daughter of An, was leading some rebels into a warehouse that was off-the-grid from the Peacekeepers normal patrol routes when they saw two Peacekeepers beating up an old man in broad daylight.

Kugane Rebel#1: The Peacekeepers had been abusing our people ever since Nicholas had been in rule...

Xiu: It's time that we show them who's in charge of Kugane... Not them...

As they left, one of them had stepped on a soda can, which alerted the Peacekeepers towards their direction.

Peacekeeper#1: Over there!!!

Kugane Rebel#1: Shit...

Xiu: Run!!!

They began to give chase and head for the winding alleyways of the kingdom, but they remained undeterred, shoving aside anybody that comes in their way. 

Xiu and the rebels reached a dead end, which left the being cornered by the Peacekeepers with nowhere else to run.

Peacekeeper#1: Capture every one of them, and kill those who resists.

They armed themselves for combat, knowing that they'll be killed anyways once they've been tortured of any information they'll be forced to give.

On the rooftops, a grey ninja was heading towards their location, before jumping off, unsheathed his Wakizashi and cutting down a Peacekeepers in broad daylight in front of Xiu and the Rebels.

He proceeded to throw three shurikens at one of the Peacekeepers and cut down another one as they stood still in shock.

Peacekeeper#1 :What are you waiting for? Shoot him.

The Peacekeepers snapped out of their shock before a rocket hit where they're standing and sent them flying, before a man in a black jacket, grey shirt and pants with a helmet, shotgun bandoleer and armor plating armed with a sword and a rocket launcher landed before them.

Man in Black: Sorry, no cavalry for you today, assholes.

Grey ninja: Zip the jokes, Gunmaster. We're here to help the rebels, not crack jokes.

Gunmaster: What's wrong with that, Sparrow? Can't I let loose sometimes?

Sparrow: Well yeah, but it's best if we get this mission done first.

Gunmaster: Fine, and speaking of which, looks like the rebels are interested in our stunning performance, eh?

Xiu: Cut the crap, who the hell are you guys?

Sparrow and Gunmaster looked at each other, before they nodded in approval and turned towards the rebels.

Sparrow: We're here to assist you guys in Kugane to rid the Peacekeepers.

Xiu: And how can we trust you?

Before they could answer, the sound of minigun fire erupted in the streets, before a thick, heavy Russian accents shouted in excitement, which shows a large man in a red shirt, black vest with grey pants and an ammo belt firing a minigun onto the Peacekeepers, which killed them on the spot.

Big man: HAHAHA!!! Cry some more, little babies!!!!!

Sparrow: Well, that answer your question.


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