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| Fall, year 2008 |

"Joshua! Joshua Hong! Hey! Hey let me see!"

I ran after the doctors and nurses who were taking him somewhere. I don't even know where. They were too fast. Too fast for me to follow. I was short too, compared to the other nurses.

Joshua was lying down on a bed. What was cool was he was riding a bed that had wheels. I wanted to ride it too.

Why was he taken to the hospital? I heard he just had a normal fever. Was it that bad that he got admitted to the hospital?

"Joshua! Hey what's wrong with him? Hey! That's my best friend! Hey let me in-"

Even before I could enter the room, the doors slammed shut, slightly hitting my nose. Harsh.

The people took him inside a room where other people like us visitors weren't allowed. I had no idea what that room was. I just wanted to see if Josh was alright, was it that hard?

" Mrs. Hong, what's wrong with Joshua?" I tugged on his mother's cardigan, who just happened to arrived at the place after I did. She stood by my side, gently gripping my hand in hers.

" Mrs. Hong? "

"Honey, " Mrs. Hong bent down and looked at me straight in the eye "he has cancer. "

| 2015 |

Memories from the past brought a smile to my face. Remembering how immature I was as a twelve year old, I'll admit, it was quite embarrassing. But people seem to understood me somehow, I was just scared of losing my best frind.

Ever since I heard Joshua had cancer, I came to the hospital everyday to check on him, regardless of what my parents told me. They told me not to, but do you think I couls stand living at home? It was like a world war there. Sometimes I felt like Joshua's home was more like family than mine.

The doctors at the hospital knew me better than anyone else. Especially Josh's doctor, who said that I was better at treating Josh than he was. Maybe because I always won when forcing him to eat his food .

And now, here I am, in this room where Joshua and I spent most of our time together. His hospital ward.

Joshua was there, on the bed. He looked almost as if he was lifeless. What broke the eerie silence was the beeping sound of his heart on the machine. Even if he was unconscious, he still looked innocent and angelic like he did five years ago.

" Hey. Hong Jisoo. Wake up." I lightly poked his shoulder " Hong Jisooooooo.."

"You know what? You always did that to me. You always called me by my full name, even though I tell you to just call me Lia instead." I went on talking to Jisoo, even though it was more like talking to myself.

I let out a slight chuckle before I talked, "This is pointless, actually. you won't even hear me. But since its my last day here, why not I tell you what happened."

Taking a deep breath, I started, "Two weeks ago, my parents died."

"Well no, not like died as in died but, how should I explain this..."

"There were statements and doubts that they were murdered, but the problem now is there were no absolute traces of murder. Everything was clean. Clear. Not a single print, and the house was perfectly fine. No signs of breaking in, committing suicide and all.

Two hours after, dad too was reported dead. The same goes to him, no signs of murder at all. It was surprising how he and mom died almost at the same time. Even if they were in different places.

It was kinda hard for me, you know? Especially without you here supporting me. It was hard having no one to lean on to. And tiring.

But sooner or later its you the one who'll be feeling lonely. And I'm guessing that its kinda my fault why." I swear I had to slap myself a few times when I made the decision of leaving him behind. It felt so wrong.

"Jisoo, I'm moving back to Korea tomorrow. Its basically because the rest of my family are there, and I've got no relatives here." I say, and laughed bitterly, imagining what he would say " you would probably tell me to just stay and live with your family. "

My eyes scanned his cadaverous body. It was pale, and he was just lying there, being Joshua without those vibrant colours that I used to see. He looked so peaceful, even if he was at the verge of death.

"I'm such a bad friend, leaving you when you're about to die."

I took his cold, frozen hand into mine, entertwining our fingers together. Even his hand wasn't the usual playful hand that I knew anymore. Josh, this must sound offending but I hope you understand that I'm joking, because it felt like I was holding a corpse's hand.

He looked as if he became one with the bedsheet. Pale. Colourless Joshua. That sounds kind of right.

" Its sad that I don't have the chance to say this when you were still awake. Thanks for being the bestest friend in the world, who would probably correct my English by now," I rolled my eyes at the thought of it " after you get cured and wake up, I hope we still contact each other. We can be pen pals? No, that just sounds so last year. Just make sure you keep in touch.

And pleeeeeease don't wake up forgetting me . Like, you always sang that 5sos song that wished you would wake up with amnesia or something. No amnesia Josh, I'm serious."

I glanced at the clock by his sidetable. I should go home. There's still a few things that I have not yet packed. I shouldn't say too much to Josh either, he needs to rest before he gets the treatment tomorrow .

"I'll be going now," I let go of his hand, which was so hard to let go of. Standing up, I stared at him one last time " Get well soon, Josh. I'm gonna miss you."

At the verge of tears, I ran out of his room.

• • • • •

By the time I finished packing, it was 2 in the morning. I wasn't even packing, I was just staring into space and putting stuff into random boxes. I was too tired to sort them out anyway.

I was still concerned about mom's death. I shouldn't just leave like this, and I wasn't supposed to.

But it was still the police's fault. They found the case too impossible to investigate, and dropped the case just like that. And I couldn't do anything about it.

Was it a coincidence that she and dad died at the same time? It couldn't be, how could the killer fly to Korea in just two hours?

The only thing that they found out was a small mark on their jaw, it could be a bruise but it also looked like a tattoo, and it was a permanent mark. Even they had no idea what it was.

"Maybe they died. Like, literally just died." I thought and shut my windows close, stopping the cold air from going in before I go to sleep.

Just before I thought I could rest under the covers, the window suddenly swung open again, and a hand was put on my mouth from behind, while the other was wrapped around my waist, holding me tight.


The husky voice whispered in my ear, which sounded like it belonged to a male. His lips were just next to my cheeks. His breathing was stable, but his breath was cold. His hands were cold too.

I could feel his weight on my back, he was losing his balance. I tried throwing him on the bed, but he collasped to the floor before I could move.

When I laid my eyes on him, the only distinct feature that caught my eye were wings. White, feathery-like wings.

I took a few steps back, not knowing what will happen next. Quietly, I rushed outside of my room and leaned against my bedroom door, hands on my mouth to quieten down my furious breathing.

'This could be a dream', I thought as I entered my room again.

But when I entered, he was gone.

The only thing that was left on the floor was a feather.

A silvery like feather.

I took the feather in my hands, staring at it . It was soft, more than anything.

"It was an angel," I whispered.


Nice to meet y'all seventeen trash!

This is my first Seventeen fanfic, and it was Jeonghan because of well, some reasons.

Hope you guys enjoy this fanfic, and please anticipate my updates! I'll apologize just in case my updates are slow.

Anyway, do comment your thoughts on the first chapter! My style of writing seems childish so pls bear with me heh. also, do leave a vote if you please


- Cee

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