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"Is this the last one?" The man shouted from outside, pushing in the last box inside the truck.

"Yes, sir!" I replied, suddenly standing straight like a military soldier, or whatever it was called.

The man laughed, "Come on kid, we're not the army here." Yes but sir, you look so much like Hitler. No offense though. I'm guessing its the moustache. God I shouldn't have thought of it, now my mind is going back to history class where we learnt about that war.

I shifted a little, going through my pockets while trying to search for the money that I kept a while ago, "Sorry, you just remind me of a sarge. Here you go," I handed him the money and said a quick thank you to him before he left. Of course I shouldn't say that he looked like Hitler, should I? I've offended so many people in my life without even meaning to.

When I stepped back inside the house, Mrs. Hong was waiting for me, closing her book about medical stuff. She's a doctor, I think. She could also be a surgeon or a dentist. How can I not know my best friend's mom's occupation what kind of friend am I.

"Ready?" She asked, taking off her reading glasses.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Honey, I think you should go and check your room one last time," she fumbled with her car keys " just in case so you don't leave anything. I'll be waiting in the car."

"Okay." I replied, and waited for her to go before going inside my bedroom.

This was where my most important memories were created. Where I shared laughter and happiness with my family, where I fought with my brothers, where I used to watch Netflix with Jisoo while sharing blankets that wrapped around us , and most importantly, it was where I shed most of my pain.

Dear pillow, I'm sorry for all the tears.

And most importantly, dear letters that I used to write, I'm sorry for not giving them out to whom I was supposed to. I ended up burning all of those letters that I wrote. I wanted to forget my dark past.

"Moving on." I muttered to myself and breathed into the scent of my room, which didn't really help, I just ended up coughing because of the dust.

I jumped a little when I stepped on something that was on the rug.

It was the feather.

"Its still here?" I picked it up, twirling it around between my fingers "I thought I lost it."

The feather looked the same like it was since last night. The glow was still there. The ticklish feeling that I get when it brushed against my cheek could still be felt. And something tells me that it wasn't an ordinary feather.

"Mrs. Hong's waiting for me, I should go." I decided not to take too long and quickly stuffed the feather inside my bag.

After checking for more stuff I closed the door to my home and went inside Mrs. Hong's car.

"Ready?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I answered.

She started the engine, and soon we were on the road, driving in silence. Usually we talk a lot, but maybe its because Mrs Hong just wanted to give ne a little more time after what happened.

"Are you sure you don't want to pay your mom a visit?"

Her question silenced me. I didn't want to. I didn't want to see my mom. I just wanted to forget everything that happened, and move on with my new life.

"Its okay. I visited her yesterday." I say, turning my gaze towards the trees by the street.

"You don't want to visit Josh either?" Mrs. Hong asks me again. I just shook my head in reply, guilty.

It took an hour drive to the airport and while we were in the car, none of us spoke. We did speak but you know, it was basically plain awkwardness. Only the radio filled the silence.

'I'd go back to December all the time..'

Yes, I know, one of the cheesiest but heartbreaking songs in history was playing on radio.

That was the song that made me want to break into tears again. That song was as if dedicated to Jisoo. His birthday was on December. All those memories came back to me, where we would celebrate his birthday in the snow, in the middle of the night.

We would always come home catching a cold, our nose puffy and runny.

I couldn't really recall what happened in the car, because I'm pretty sure I fell asleep then.

By the time we arrived at the airport, it was almost evening. I think we arrived at six or something.

Mrs. Hong offered to accompany me inside, but I refused. She should be with Joshua. I mean, I'm pretty sure his treatment is gonna start in an hour or so.

"Lia, are you sure you'll be alright?" Mrs. Hong puts a hand on my shoulder.

The boarding gates have opened, and instead of having a small chat with Mrs. Hong, I decided to just go inside early. I just need to rest. Besides, there are a few shops in there.

"I'm fine, please, don't worry about me. You need to worry about Joshua." I smiled, squeezing her hand a little.

Mrs. Hong smiled back, "I hope you arrive there safely. You should be aware of those strangers you sit next to in the flight. Be careful."

"I will."

I pulled out my luggage and put on my hoodie.

"I guess this is goodbye...?" I say awkwardly.

Mrs. Hong pulled me into a hug, "I'll miss you." She says, patting my back.

"I'll miss you too, mom." I said back, but quickly broke the hug when I realized I said wrong "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have called you that oh my god this is so embarrassing I-"

Mrs. Hong broke into laughter, wiping off the tears that were visible in her eyes, "That's alright, I know you miss her."

"Mrs. Hong, thank you so much for everything. Thanks for being like, a second Mom for me. Thanks for accepting me as Jisoo's friend." I say.

"I see you as Jisoo's more-than-a-friend kind of person," she winked mischieviously . Okay what ?

I chuckled after I heard her words, "Right. I hope you take good care of him. Can you please give this to him after he wakes up? Just in case he gets amnesia."

I searched my bag for the Polaroid that I had. Well, both of us had one. But since he got cancer, I took both of them, just in case.

It was a picture of both of us in Jisoo's backyard, paint smudged on each of our hands and faces. I drew cat whiskers on his cheeks. I think we were working on a project or something at that time.

"How cute," Mrs. Hong gushed, making me laugh a little "Sure, I'll give this to him. Take care, okay?"

I nodded eagerly, "Thanks Mrs. Hong."

Both of us bid our last goodbyes, and I went inside the airport to search for a drink. Honestly, my throat is burning right now. I haven't drank since those movers came, because my fridge was taken away and well, I shouldn't be rude to ask Mrs. Hong to stop by the convenience store.

I placed my order at the counter, and waited for the guy at the cashier to call me.

"Americano, order up!"

What a weird way to serve coffee, I thought as I got up to the counter to get my drink. Aren't they supposed to call our numbers?

I grabbed the styrofoam cup, but at the same time another hand touched mine.

"Sorry," I apologized, quickly letting go of the coffee "you can have it."

My eyes landed on the stranger. He had his earphones plugged in, one of his hands was holding an iPad. His hair was neatly tied back into a low ponytail, leaving only his long, side bangs free.

"Oh its okay. Looks like you ordered for Americano too. What number are you?" He craned his neck a little towards the small paper that I was holding.

"45," I answered shortly.

"I'm 47. You can have it." He pushed the coffee towards me, smiling.

I stared at him blankly, "Thanks..?" With that, I quickly grabbed my coffee and ran. I could still sense his gaze trailing behind me. Creepy.

• • • • •

"Miss? Miss, the gates are now open, you can now board the flight." A voice woke me, followed by a tap on my shoulder. My neck hurts.

"W-what? Oh I'm so sorry." I straighten my back, still feeling drowsy after realizing I slept on a random person's shoulder. Did I drool? Oh god, please no. How did I ended up falling asleep here? I thought coffee was made to keep you awake?

The woman smiled at me, "That's alright, you must be very tired. You can sleep in the flight afterwards." Well, everyone says that.

I brushed my clothes and bowed at her, "I'm sorry for causing trouble. Thank you." Bless that woman, she's not even mad even after I drooled on her shoulder. Either that or she didn't noticed it.

"Hmm, seat B2, Business Class...wait business class?" I looked closely at my ticket a few more times, making sure I didn't see wrong. Please don't tell me Mrs. Hong booked me a business class ticket. She shouldn't have done it.

My phone buzzed, and there was a mesaage from Mrs. Hong:

'I booked you a business class ticket! Surprise! I just thought you deserved it, please don't get mad at me :( '

I laughed slightly at her message. I should send her something from Korea to her in return. I mean, she was the one who paid for my ticket.

The stewardess greeted me with a smile - almost plastic - on her face. I just know these kind of stewardess. They're those snobbish type, which annoys me, but I decided to ignore it anyway.

"Orange or apple?" She asks me, the tray of drinks in her hand.

"Apple, thanks." I took the glass of juice and went straight for my seat. Honestlt, why does it always have to be orange and apple juices? Can't they go for something new like perhaps strawberry, kiwi or something?

Oh look, I got the seat by the window.

Business class was definitely different from the Economy, there's only two passenger seats on each left and right side.

I wrapped myself using the blanket that they gave while observing the other passeengers. Those men in suits that sit in the business class doesn't surprise me, they are businessmen after all. They were still busy on their laptops even when the plane is about to take off, their eyebrows stitched together.

I glanced at the empty seat next to
me. Is there no one sitting here? If so, I could just, you know, lie down...sleep..

"One passenger hasn't boarded yet." One of the stewardess said to the head captain, who was trying to make an announcement at the airport. I'm wondering if this person accidentally fell asleep too, like I did.

"Seems like the person's not coming," I say, plugging in my earphones before going to sleep, resting my arm on the armrest and leaning back.

Just before I dozed off, I felt a hand brush against mine.

"Hi," the person smiled at me "you seem familiar. Have we met?"



Anyways, how was part two? Yes it was quite boring since I focused more on what the heroine did, and I'm guessing y'all already know who that guy with the long hair was *whistles*

I seriously love you guys so much like I reached a hundred reads in just, Idk, it hasn't been a week I published this story and so many reads tqsm ~~

Comment what you think, and do leave a vote if you please!

- Cee

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