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"Hi," the person smiled at me "you seem familiar. Have we met?"

I just stared at him. Blankly .

Apparently no, I don't even know you. All I know is you're the one who was at the coffee shop and stop talking to me like we've been friends for years.

"Uh...I think we met at the coffee shop...?" I say, leaving my sentence hanging.

"No, I meant before that." This guy shifted in his seat trying to buckle on his seatbelt. Your seatbelt is on stop being such a safety freak now.

"Um...we met when we were queuing at the coffee shop...?"

He sighed, "Nevermimd."

I glanced at the ticket that was on his lap. His ticket says its C2 but why is he sitting at B1?

"Your ticket," I say quietly "its C2."

"Hm?" He turned to me, flipping his fringe .

"Your seat is C2. " I continued.

He narrowed his eyes, looking at the ticket for a few times before saying, "Oh right. Should I exchange seats?"

Yes, I wanted to say. Please get lost and stop talking to me.

He stood up, turning to the back of our seats. Two Chinese men were seated behind us, sleeping.

I was expecting him to take off his seatbelt and move, but instead he sat back in his seat, put on his earphones and tucked his fringe away casually. If I have a pair of scissors right now I am seriously gonna cut his hair, because its too pretty.

I frowned, "Aren't you gonna change your seat?"

"Hm? No can do, the man's sleeping." He answered.

"You mean - you're not going to change seats?" I stuttered, grasping the end of my blanket tightly.

He laughed, "Its not like I don't want to, its just that he's sleeping behind there. Do you dare wake the old man up?" Well I dare. If only the plane didn't took off at the exact moment I wanted to.

"Are you scared of me?" He raised his eyebrow "don't worry, I'm not a bad guy."

I ignored him, scooting away from him as far as possible. How could I even do that, the seats weren't that big. I placed my bag in the middle, blocking the gap between us.

No wonder Mrs. Hong warned me about strangers. Who knew I ended up sitting beside this creepy talkative - pretty boy - with long hair who acts like he knows me? How does he even take care of his hair anyway?

Plugging back on my earphones, I went back to sleep.

• • • • •

"Hey. Hey, wake up."

A voice was heard, followed by a flick on my forehead. Rude much?

I blinked a few times, the pain on my forehead could still be felt.

"We landed," pretty boy stated.

I unwrapped myself from the blankets, and buckled off my seatbelt instantly, taking a look of the view from the plane window.

'It rained,' I thought. Fresh water driplets were dripping down the window. It must have rained when we landed.

I had seriously no idea how long I slept in the flight. Did I sleep the while way? I didn't even wake up for food!

Speaking of which, if I didn't wake up for food, what happened to mine?

"What happened to my food?" I asked pretty boy who was struggling trying to open the cabin compartment at the top of our seats (if that's what its called).

"Well since you didn't wake up I- hey hey ow!" Before he could finish his sentence, he was attacked by bags that hit him right in the face. Which was - my bag, followed by his bag, followed by two other bags and a box. Ouchies.

I pursed my lips, slowly getting my bag. I shouldn't help him. He deserved it. He ate my food. I just knew he did.

I fixed my cardigan, brushing off the lint that was stuck to my clothes. Pretty boy was still in pain, groaning and pressing his temples. I'm not surprised the other people didn't help him though.

As soon as I got off the flight, I headed straight towards the bathroom to freshen myself up. When I stared in the mirror I was like someone else.

Prominent dark circles were clearly visible, my face looked puffy from just waking up, and I don't know what actually happened to the braid that I did, my hair's all frizzy now. Did pretty boy stole my hairband and tied his hair?

I met another lady in the toilet, and she was nice, so I asked her the way to get our luggages. She told me the directions, and I followed.

I didn't know my way here, its actually my first time at Incheon Airport. I mean, I've been living in LA my whole life....even if I am half Korean. At least it was a good thing I found my way to the baggage carousel.

I waited in line for my luggage, the people around me taking theirs and going. Oh come on, where is mine?

"So where are you going after this?"

I turned to my right to see pretty boy waiting, his right hand holding an umbrella.

"Stop talking to me and go home," I muttered under my breath.


"Oh what? Sorry. I'm going home, do I need to explain my address and all so that you can keep asking me questions and follow me back home?" I retorted sharply.

"I wasn't expecting that to be your answer." He glared "Anyway, you must be a really heavy sleeper." He laughed when he ended his sentence.

"Excuse me?" I frowned.

"You slept on my shoulder for like, the whole journey."

"Oh really? I'm so sorry, you should've just pushed my head to the side so that I woke up and could eat." I grabbed my luggage as soon as I saw mine.

"I couldn't do that, haha." He replied. Because you wanted to eat my food, that's why.

"I'm sorry, its just that I was too tired. Your shoulder must've hurt." I apologized half heartedly. I didn't need to apologize, he ate my freaking food.

"Nah, its okay. You do seem tired anyway, those dark circles are seriously...dark." He says, tracing the dark circles under my eyes using his fingers.

"Right..." I say awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably after being touched by a stranger, under my eye. I scooted a few steps away from him and avoided eye contact.

"I'm...going home." I say, bowing slightly and ran off in a flash.

By the time I arrived at the arrival area, I was gasping for air. I felt like I was in a marathon for some reason.

"Its 6 in the evening here?" I say to myself, glancing at the huge digital clock on the airport wall. I wasn't expecting it would be night time here.

I took a seat by the bench, swinging my feet as I waited for my brothers.

The reason why I didn't call them instantly was because we lost contact after mom and dad divorced. I never spoke to dad again after that, and I wanted to ask mom about them, but that would hurt her even more. I don't know how they look like anymore. We were really young back then. I didn't get to see them deal with their hormonal days. I'm glad I didn't though.

"Where are they...I can't remember their faces anymore." I whispered, sighing as I sat cross legged on the bench. I know it might seems rude but people look like they don't care.

My eyes scanned the whole crowd. None of them looks like my brothers. Maybe one of them did, but maybe I was just too stupid to see that.

Seriously, my brothers should hurry up and fetch me, I don't want to end up with pretty boy again.

"You know what, I'll just take the taxi," I muttered, reading the house address that was written on a piece of paper. I waited for half an hour already, what is taking them so long?

"Seriously, can't they even remember my face? I will seriously kill them when I get home and-"

Suddenly, a hand tapped my shoulder from behind.

I turned aroumd, facing the person.

It took me a few seconds to recall who that person was.

"Amelia? Choi Amelia?"


We both stared at each other. He pursed his lips, his arms extended, and I buried my head in his chest, sobbing. I couldn't remember when was the last time I saw him, the last time we hugged like this. When he left, I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.

"There there, its okay, don't cry," he placed his chin on my head, patting my back. He wiped his eyes using the end of his sleeves.

"Lia noona! You're getting snot on Seungcheol hyung's shirt!"

Another voice interrupted my sobbing, making me turn around.

There he was, laughing at me. His laugh was extremely contagious like it was years ago. I laughed along with him and slapped his shoulder.

"I missed you guys," I say, breathless.

"GROUP HUGGGGG!" Seungcheol screamed, his deep voice getting the attention of people.

But I didn't care. I hugged them like there was no tomorrow. I missed them so bad. My brothers. My only family I have now.

"My sister was crying, I should've recorded it." Hansol cackled as he pointed at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Is it wrong to? I mean, I missed you guys. Read the situation here, Boonon." I mocked, making him choke after laughing his ass off at me.

"You did not just insult my name."

"Oh yes I did, what you gonna do bout it?"

"Ya got better sistah,
But that aint workin,
Cuz I'm better than you when it comes to rappin uh,
Vernon CHECK IT." Here he goes wih his rap thing again. Hansol, I'm sorry but you got no jams.

"You guys know how to rap I don't care now let's go back." Seungcheol dragged me and Hansol by our collars, both of us trailing behind him.

"That doesn't work hyung." I commented.

"Y'all got nothin but I got ma swag jammin." He continues.

"Can we just stop this its embarrassing." I faceplamed.

"Why are you calling him hyung though?" Hansol asks me. Brilliant question.

"Because I want to. I don't want to call him Oppa. It feels weird." I shuddered at the thought of it. Hansol high fived me and we both laughed. I'll make it straight here that I'll call him hyung, like how I used to. Even if it's against the laws of language.

Jisoo. Do you still remember me? Have you recovered?

I'm really glad to be back with my brothers. I really wished I could stay by your side, but... yeah..and to this day I feel so wrong.

But I missed my family, and all I want to say is thank you, for filling the empty feeling in my heart when my parents divorced. When I was at my hardest times. When I needed a shoulder to cry. When I was at the end of a cliff about to fall, and you pulled me back safely.

Jisoo, I know you can't hear me but thank you.

I smiled to myself at the thought of it.



This update is a bit short tbh. I was so touched when lots of you guys requested for updates. thank you, and please continue supporting me.

Anyway, what do you think of Scoups and Vernon being Amelia's brothers?

What do you guys think of pretty boy though? ;)

Okay, do comment your thoughts and please do leave a vote ily guys

- Cee

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