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"Its still eight. What do you guys wanna do?" Seungcheol hyung asked as the three of us entered his car.

I pulled the car door close, putting on my seatbelt before answering, "I don't know. What about you guys?"

"I'd rather go back and sleep," Hansol cuts me off, pulling out his mp3. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go grab some tacos before we go home, alright? We could talk about how our life was and everything there." Seungcheol hyung suggested. Hansol and I agreed, and we both drifted off into our own little worlds.

It was still awkward, our relationship, after not seeing each other for so long. We kept silent the whole time. Still, Seungcheol hyung did ask me a few questions along the way. He's trying his best, and I don't want him to feel down.

I glanced at the rearview mirror to see Seungcheol hyung's eyes. His became no longer sparkling, they were dark, but in a good way. His eyes represents an adult's. No longer the little big brother eyes that I knew.

Hansol and I didn't even need to talk, we were close since we were little. We were still close like we used to be when I arrived. I don't need to be surprised though. You can tell by how sarcastic him and I were.

Seungcheol hyung and I can be awkward sometimes. And of course, I understand he wants to try to get rid of the tense situation but he doesn't know how.

When mom and dad got married, Seungcheol hyung and I were officially step siblings. That was when I became Choi Amelia. It was really awkward. I may did hate Seungcheol hyung when I was young, its not because of him but I was just angry that's all.

But no matter how hot tempered I was towards Seungcheol hyung when I was young, he still smiled at me and treated me like I was his real sister. I appreciate it so much.

Then comes Hansol, who had mom's face, and I have no idea where that Leonardo DiCaprio look came from.

Dad got all smug saying that Hansol got that face because they were watching Titanic when mom was pregnant. That's when they named him Vernon. Honestly, why Vernon of all names?

He and I got along pretty well, because maybe we were kinda alike. No, not in our personality but just the face. Just the face. Because I do not smell of old stinky socks, like he does.

And Jisoo and I started our friendship ever since we were in elementary school. Our school held a camp in the woods so we both went. The first time we talked was when he shouted at me when I accidentally stepped on a small frog and it died, and Jisoo helped me bury it.

Yes, till this day the historical grave of the frog still exist. I admit, that is one of the weirdest ways how to start a friendship. Jisoo was seriously different from how he is now. I wonder where he got that gentleman aura though.

And to this day that I am breathing in, he is still the bestest friend I have in the world, who corrects my grammar and annoys me.

I guess mom and dad's relationship didn't turn out like what they wanted to. That's why they seperated ways.

The car door that I was leaning on to suddenly opened, making me lose balance and almost fell out of the car.

"You know sis, you're eighteen this year, I don't need to open the car doors for you. I'm not a chauffeur." Hansol snorted, laughing. I laughed sarcastically at his statement.

"And you are eighteen, Hansol. A year younger than me. No respect I guess? We're not in LA you know, you have to address me as noona." I nagged, purposely making him annoyed. Hansol ignored me, following Seungcheol hyung enter the taco shop. Hm, I guess he grew out of my nagging.

The taco shop looked kinda like a 50s diner, which is pretty nice, I haven't seen these type of restaurants lately. It was bright and lively, the walls decorated with pictures of vegetables and tacos and food and burritos and stuff. There weren't much people since it was night anyway.

"Ayo wassup hyung!" A guy behind the counter greeted Seungcheol hyung, both of them fist bumped. He had nice teeth- wait why teeth of all body parts — But his teeth was nice, no joke.

He's really tall too. Taller than that pretty boy I met.

"As usual, the tacos I like. What do you want to have Lia?" Seungcheol hyung looked at me who was still standing at the door entrance.

"You might want to come in," says another guy who appeared behind the counter as he chuckled. he was a bit shorter than the tall guy, and he had a sharp gaze on me, which looked kinda scary for a while.

"Oh right," I shuddered, slightly startled by his words. I took a seat next to Seungcheol hyung by the counter. You know what 50s diners look like right? They have high chairs by the counter, where you can just sit and order and eat while watching people cook

"I think I'll have the one Seungcheol hyung is having," I say nervously. I don't even know the menu here.

The two guys started making tacos behind the counter while talking to us. They mostly chatted with Seungcheol hyung though.

"So who's this?" Asks the tall guy, placing the plate of taco in front of me. Smells good.

"She's our noona," answered Hansol who started eating his tacos.

"Jinjja? I thought she was Seungcheol hyung's wife," Sharp Eyes laughed. That sounded. awkward to be honest.

"Anyway, I'm Mingyu," the tall guy called Mingyu stuck his hand out to shake mine. I reached for it, shaking his .

"And I'm Wonwoo." Says Sharp Eyed Wonwoo "relax by the way, I'm not that scary, I think," How did he knew I thought he was scary?

"Its just the eyes," Mingyu laughed. I smiled back.

"So hyung, I didn't know you had a sister," Wonwoo wiped his hands on a towel and sat opposite of Seungcheol hyung.

"Yeah well we haven't met for a long time." Says Seungcheol hyung.

"She just recently arrived here today." Hansol explains, now taking a sip of his cola. Wait did he just finish his taco? Well that was pretty fast.

"Oh yeah? Interesting. What's your name?" Asks Wonwoo.

"Choi Amelia. You can just, you know, shorten the name if you want to." I say nervously.

"We'll address you as Lia, are you fine with it?" Mingyu asks me. I nodded, making it certain.

Suddenly a boy a few centimeters shorter than me appeared from behind. He looked like he just came home from school, his school uniform still on. Do students here go home at eight? That's a bummer.

"Yah, Lee Chan! Why are you so late?" Asks Wonwoo, wiping his hands on a towel.

"Sorry hyung, they were doing a street dance battle and I watched," The kid named Chan smiled sheepishly "you're not mad right?"

Mingyu sighed, "How can we be mad at this kid..."

His eyes landed on me, and he gasped, "Its a girl!"

Wait what?

"Noona annyeong! Noona! Where are you from? Noona! Please cook for me! Noona noona! Saranghae~!" He suddenly came up to me and attacked me with his aegyo. I swear I turned kinda embarrassed for a moment, but has this kid never met a girl his whole life or something?

"Uh, yeah, hi." I replied shyly.

"Chan, not fair, you only greeted noona." Seungcheol hyung pouted. Okay. My bro just pouted. Awkward.

"Yeah what about us?" Added Hansol.

"Oh right. Mianhaeyo hyung hehehe," he laughed, taking a seat next to me "when did you guys come?"

"Last year," Hansol replied sarcastically. I jabbed his arm using my fork lightly, making him grunt "what was that for?"

"They arrived like half an hour ago. And she's Lia, their noona." Wonwoo explained. Chan nodded.

We talked a lot, mostly Chan though. He told me that all his life, he's been living with boys. All boys school, Mingyu and Wonwoo, his dad. He never really gets along with girls.

"Ahh...no wonder you were so excited when you saw me," I laughed "so you don't have a girlfriend?"

"I can't even speak to girls my age when I see them," he says shyly. Right, sometimes living with only boys is hard when it comes to communicating with girls.

"Anyways, who owns this place?" I ask.

"Its him." Mingyu answered. Who?

"Chan, he owns this place." Wonwoo added.

Alright. A seventeen year old boy owns thus place.

Kill me now.

"That's right noona, I'm the boss here," Chan bragged, folding his arms "that's why I make people call me Dino instead of Chan. Why Dino? Because Dino is dinosaur. Dinosaurs are big and awesome and they rule the world and they defeat aliens and-"

"You should shut up now." Wonwoo cuts him off "nahh, its actually his dad that owns it. But his dad is kinda busy since he's a dance trainer, so the taco shop was left for him to take care of."

"Mostly US to take care of," Mingyu rolls his eyes, emphasizing the word 'us'. I laughed.

I turned to Seungcheol hyung who was stuffing taco into his mouth, "Hyung, when you guys moved here, what did you do?"

"Hansol went to school, of course, and dad had enough money to open a cafe which is cliche because why a cafe exactly? And I just helped him at the cafe after I finished my studies." He told me.

"So now you run the cafe?" I ask.

"Most of the time though. I work as a musician too." He smiled.

"Really? Wow, what do you guys do?"

"There's this one friend of mine, he kinda produces his own music you know? He's really good. And I became a rapper." Seungcheol hyung beamed. He's a rapper? Swaeg.

"I'm a rapper too," Hansol added, returning to his chair.

"We've been working on a project lately," says Seungcheol hyung.

"Wae? What project?"

Seungcheol hyung played with his straw, nibbling the ends, "We wanted to audition for a company but we're not sure yet."

"Really? You should go for it hyung! If that's your dream than you should. As long as you're happy." I say.

"But if I do debut, who's gonna take care of you?" Asks Seungcheol hyung worriedly.

"That's why I need to get married~" I say jokingly.

"Girl yo too young for that," Hansol tells me off. Well excuuuuuse me I know I didn't have a boyfriend for 18 years of my life but that ain't none of yo biz.

Mingyu and Wonwoo appeared, wearing fresh clothes, looking like they were gonna close the restaurant. Their aprons were gone, and no more greasy stained cloth whatsoever. I just realized that they were actually kinda good looking.

"Hyung, tie your shoelaces," Mingyu pointed to Wonwoo's untied shoelaces, dangling from his sneakers.

"Why? I don't need to." He answered.

"Because I don't want you to fall for anyone else."

Wonwoo :

Mingyu :



Wonwoo: bro....

I cringed. Chan made gag noises. Hansol and Seungcheol hyung started slapping the table laughing their asses off.

"They're gay," I heard Chan whispered in my ear.

"NO WE ARE NOT!" Mingyu and Wonwoo chorused at the same time. Whoa, they heard him, are they really gay?

"We don't look like we're gay right?" Wonwoo asked, almost shouting .

"I think he didn't mean like gay as in gay, I think he meant gay as in, bright and happy go lucky kinda meaning." Mingyu says, panicked.

"I really hope you guys aren't gay," Hansol groaned. This kid, seriously.

"Lia-ah! We're not gay right?"

"What do you think?"

Amidst the tense situation, I only laughed loudly. Chan, you're such a mood maker.

"I think you guys are straight," I answered.

Chan turned to face me, "But noona! You don't know what they do in Wonwoo hyung's room! There's groaning and awful moaning sounds!"

"Aish seriously this kid-" Mingyu was about to climb over the table and attack Chan, but Wonwoo held him back.

"Chan, you're just sixteen. You don't know anything." Seungcheol hyung says.

"We were watching goddamn wrestling in his room!" Yelled Mingyu in defense.

"Oh." Chan muttered.

Wonwoo sighed, plopping himself on a chair. Case closed I guess?

"Wait. Shouldn't there be screaming and cheering noises instead of groans?"

Dude, please.



"AISHHHH THIS KID-" Even before Wonwoo could reach for Mingyu, the tall fella climbed onto the counter and tackled Chan to the floor, tickling him.

• • • • •

"So this is your house?"

I looked at the white fence, decorated with flowers neatly planted in rows. There was a mailbox outside, and the house looked like it was pretty neat for a house that guys live in. Its quite big though. Dad must've taken good care of the house. So did Seungcheol hyung too.

"Welcome to your new and permanent home," Seungcheol hyung smiled, putting my bags down. Look at how nice he is, taking my bags. At least he didn't threw them, just like the other guy did...→_→

Seungcheol hyung unlocked the door, and lights blinded me. There was a banner hung from the top saying 'Welcome Home!', and there were lit candles on a cake. I just smiled brightly at that sight.

"You can cut the cake now," Seungcheol hyung handed me the knife. I took it and- ooh its cheesecake!

"Choi Amelia do you hear me? Ehh? Earth to Amelia?" Hansol snapped his fingers in front of my face, making me jump a little.

"You're such a spoiler. I was just 'getting into the moment' here," I rolled my eyes, taking a seat at the dining table "what is it?"

"Nevermind, just finish your cake first. Seungcheol hyung is going to show you your room later on." Hansol patted my shoulder and went up the stairs, leaving me alone eating.

The house was Western styled I think, dad must have wanted to maintain how our old home looked like. He tried his best. The walls were painted the same colour, the decorations were the same, and there, our family portrait was hung on the wall.

Only that mom and dad were cropped out of it.

"Are you curious about that picture?" I heard Seungcheol hyung asks me, taking a seat opposite of me.

"You don't need to explain it if you don't want to hyung," I say, so that he wouldn't force himself to.

"I was just mad at that time. I had no self control." He explained it anyways "I was mad that the police dropped the case, and how mom and dad died just like that, without a single trace. I would say that I kinda blamed myself for their death." Seungcheol hyung spooned a piece of cake in his mouth as he talked.

I sighed, "Hyung, you should stop blaming yourself on everything. Just because you're the oldest doesn't mean you have to take care of everything. Me and Hansol can help too. We're siblings aren't we?" I held my fist up, signaling for a fist bump.

His smile widened, and we both fistbumped each other, laughing loudly.

We did the dishes, and talked more. The cake was half eaten, and I kept the leftovers in the fridge.

"This is your room." Seungcheol hyung turned the door knob, revealing a room filled with pale blue and grey and white colours.

"I tried my best," Seungcheol hyung sighed.

"I like it. Really. Its like my old one." I commented honestly. Wow, he really does know what I like.

"It wasn't me who made this, mostly dad did," Seungcheol hyung explained "he painted the walls pale blue like how your room was. When I asked him why he wants to paint a storage room a pretty colour, he said because you must've liked it. And now I understand why he wanted to paint it blue." Seungcheol hyung looked up, blinking back tears.

I hugged him and patted him gently, "He's a really caring dad, and you're taking after his footsteps for being a caring brother. Thank you hyung."

He ruffled my hair, "Thanks. Good night, Lia."

I said good night back, and closed the door.

Even after dad divorced, he still thought of me. I thought he totally threw me out of his life.

The walls were pale blue, my bedsheet was white and grey coloured. He hung cotton clouds with stars dangling from them for decorations. It was pretty, really.

The walls kinda remind me of Jisoo though. When we were young, he had the same coloured shirt like the wall was, pale blue. And when we were playing hide and seek, he would stay flat on the wall, pretending to blend in with the color (imagine how cute he is doing that lol)

"I'm so tired," I heaved a loud sigh.

Without even bothering to take anything off, including my shoes, I jumped onto bed and drifted off to sleep.

• • • • •

[ 8 a.m ]

"Why is it so hot in here," I murmured, turning sideways on the bed. The smell of old, clean socks woke me up from my sleep, the smell was disturbing but surprisingly comforting.

"Oh its morning." I blinked a few times to clear my blurry vision. The sun's rays blinded me, making me squint and close the curtains. My eyes feel so swollen right now, I can't even open them properly.

I stared at the blanket that I was wrapped in, "I thought I slept with my shoes on, so why are they off? Maybe Seungcheol hyung gave me the blanket."

I got up, putting on my cardigan and pulling my hair back.

Walking down the stairs, I greeted, "Good morning hyung, what's for- what the- eonnie who are you?"

The girl turned around to face me and smiled. Is she Hansol's girlfriend? Seungcheol hyung's girlfriend?

"Your hyung left early to go buy groceries, so I made breakfast. Its just toast, sorry." She apologizes, serving a plate of toast in front of me as soon as I sat at the dining table.

"Thanks eonnie," I thanked her and grabbed a bite.

"You don't need to call me eonnie," she laughed "I'm still young anyways."



I sound evil for a second there ehem please ignore. Seungcheol proposed to her haha.

Anyways, comment your thoughts on this chapter , and please leave a vote^^ Thanks for reading n commenting, your comments really makes my day haha

- Cee

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