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"Eonnie, where did you come from? When did you arrive? Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask her, while washing rhe dishes. She laughed, wiping her hands on a towel.

"Why do I need to wake you up, its rude." She replied.

"Anyway, eonnie," I turned off the tap water "what's your name?"




I furrowed my brows, chuckling, "That's a guy's name. Come on eonnie, its not funny."

"Wait no I'm serious that's my real name. So this whole time you thought I was really a eonnie?"

I raised my head to look at the 'eonnie'. Rubbing my eyes, I blinked.

"SURPRISE BICH!" I heard Hansol in the background, laughing so hard that he held onto the couch for support. I never knew his laugh sounded like hiccups slash a dying whale though.

"Not funny, Vernon!" I yelled, turning back to the 'noona' while pointing at 'her' "You! You ate my food on the plane!"

"Yeah its me. I didn't know you were Seungcheol's sister." 'Noona' rolled her eyes. It was that goddamn pretty boy I met on the plane! How could I be so stupid not to notice that?

Oh I get it why. His hair was down, blocking the view of his face. His long hair was down.

The front door creaked open, and there appeared my brother, "Jeonghan I'm back from- oh Lia you're awake! I see you've met him?"

"Him? Him? Hyung you better explain what's going on, and why is this - creature - is here," making a disgusted face as I emphasized the word creature "and why is his hair down?!" I helped him with the groceries and placed them on the kitchrn counter.

"That's Yoon Jeonghan, he's a friend. He arrived here last night too." Explained Seungcheol hyung.

"She mistook me as a noona," laughed Jeonghan.

"I knew that would happen." Added Hansol.

"But really, I didn't even realize you were a guy because of that long hair. You're going to get a haircut." I say, pulling out a pair of scissors from the kitchen drawer.

"Hey hey don't make a Rapunzel scene here!" Yelled Hansol.

I hesitantly kept the scissors back in place and sat on a chair, trying to calm down.

"So, let me get this straight. Yoon Jeonghan, you are my brother's friend. You were also that idiot that I met and sat with on the plane. You were also a noona that I mistook for. And you, are at my house, right now, eating freaking toast." I said in one breath, trying to understand.

"That's right," Jeonghan replied, his mouth full.

I crossed my arms, "Seriously! Can you not act like this is your house?" I took the remaining toast that he was eating, putting it back on the plate.

Seungcheol hyung stepped up and put his hands up, "Hold up. So you guys already met on the plane?"

"Yeah." Both of us chorused.

"And you guys know each other?" Hansol asked.

"Yeah. Our seats weren't actually next to each other, but he was just too lazy to change the seats." I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of the remaining toast. Wait did I just eat- what the-

"You should tell her off Cheol. She slept on my shoulder the whole way and it hurts." Jeonghan complained. I wonder who was the guy that said it was fine when I slept on his shoulder. He must be regretting what he said last time.

"Hey! You said it didn't hurt the other day!" I shouted.

"I said that because you were a stranger and I was trying to be nice!" He shot back.

"Alright there Lia just be nice to him, okay?" Seungcheol hyung tells me off, sighing as he puts on his apron.

"Is he like, your wife or somerhing?" I say.

"They're not freaking gay, oh my god!" Hansol groaned, sinking onto the sofa .

I snickered. Right. Of course my bro's not gay. Seriously what is up with gay stuff now?

"So what can I help hyung?" I ask him, folding my pyjama sleeves. Reminds me, I haven't even took a bath yet. Nahh who cares anyway, I mean, I don't even want to take a bath this early.

"Why does she call you hyung Scoups?" Jeonghan asks. Wait, Scoups?

"Why don't you ask her I mean stop talking to me I'm busy." Replied Seungcheol hyung, who was busy cutting the...meat? Why is he chopping it so intently like come on dude its just meat we're gonna eat it anyway.

"Because I want to and its my life so stay out of this." I answered, sticking my tongue out. Jeonghan stuck his tongue out back.

"Lia, you know the tradition of giving out rice cakes once you move into a new place right? Here, hand this out to the neighbours." Seungcheol hyung placed a bag which contained containers filled wirh rice cakes. I actually swallowed looking at it.

"Can't Hansol do it too?" I ask.

"He has school." Seungcheol hyung answers.

Hansol fell off the sofa, "Oh shit school!" In a flash, he runs off back to his room and slammed the door. What- why- how can he forget school? Aish seriously this kid.

"What about her?" Asks Jeonghan, eyeing me .

"I graduated," I say smugly.

"But before you do anything, go take your bath Lia." Seungcheol hyung pointed to the bathroom at the top floor. I groaned.

"Fine," dragging myself upstairs, I grabbed my towel and locked the bathroom door.

"Seriously, what is up with that Jeonghan creep?" I say to myself.

How did he end up here? Of all places why here? Of all people why him?!

I never knew he was Seungcheol hyung's friend. I mean, he never told me about that Jeonghan guy. When he moved to LA, I haven't seen that Jeonghan guy anywhere. So why was he on the flight to Korea with me? I wonder where Seungcheol hyung met him. He probably picked him up at the streets mistaking he was a pretty noona or something. Oh come on don't lie I'm pretty sure we all would accidentally do that.

I slipped into a pair of jeans and a sweater, tying my hair into a ponytail. I went down the stairs and headed straight out the door.

"Hyung, I'll be going now," I say while tying my shoelaces. Closing the door to my house, I walked out of the gates and strolled around the neighborhood.

This neighborhood looks like that kind for rich people, where nobody really comes out of the door even if you ring the bell. The owner of the house will be like, super busy because they're cliche business people, and come home late from work. And there's always that son or daughter living alone in the house, like what we usually see in the movies.

I stopped at a house that looked a little lot smaller than the other houses. And it looks really comfortable anyway.

I rang the doorbell from door to door, waiting patiently for someone to answer. I've rang like, five houses straight and nobody even peeked through the window! These people must be rich that they be workaholics.

"Come on people, I can't wait all day," I muttered, tapping my feet. The plastic filled with containers of rice cakes was still in my hand, still full. I haven't even handed out one yet.

Just as I was about to leave, the door swung open, and there stood a guy with blonde hair, that was parted in the middle. He looked a little sweaty, and his breathing was kinda fast. Did I mention he looked like a bunny?

"Oh hi!" He greeted me cheerfully, eyes getting smaller as he smiled "who are you?"

"Oh um hi." I replied nervously. This is the first neighbor that I'm talking to "actually I just recently moved into that house over there, so I'm a new neighbour."

He craned his neck to where I pointed, "Oh Seungcheol hyung's and Hansol's house? I thought he moved there like, five or four years ago?"

I nodded, "Right, but I'm their sister. I recently moved to Korea to live with my siblings and so - here I am," I say, spreading my arms wide awkwardly. This is truly embarrassing.

"Anyway, Seungcheol hyung told me to hand these rice cakes out for you." I handed him one of the containers in the plastic bag that I carried. He smiled at the food I gave.

"Uwaaa~ rice cakes! So delicious..I was actually craving for some. Thanks!" He grinned, showing his teeth "I'm Soonyoung by the way. Nice to meet you, neighbor."

"You too," I replied.

"Yaa, Jihoon-ah! Come meet our new neighbor!" Soonyoung called someone from inside the house, and I heard voices but it wasn't that clear.

"That's Jihoon." Soonyoung explained, pointing the inside of the house "he's kinda busy, so he can't meet you at the moment. Sorry."

"That's alright." I smiled back "is the neighborhood often quiet and peaceful lile this?" I ask. I felt like this is the only house that has a human living in it.

He scratched his head, "Yeah its always like this. People who live here are mostly business people, so they don't stick around at home too much." Just as I expected. The cliche neighborhood.

"Ahhhh...I see...anyway, I think I'll be going now. Nice to meet you by the way." I shook his hand. His palms were still sweaty lol.

"Alright, if you want to hang out just knock on my door. Remember, naega Hoshi." He striked a pose, putting his hand on his face, which made me crack up at this guy's bubbliness. Is Hoshi his nickname or somethimg?

We said goodbye, and I proceeded to the other houses.

But I don't know what's wrong with these people. Are they like, hibernating or something in their homes? Dude! Its not even winter!

I walked back home feeling kinda frustrated, because usually, my neighborhood in LA was so lively, not quiet or peaceful like this one.

But I'm sure Soonyoung's house was basically the mood maker of the neighborhood, because I can clearly hear Girls Day's Something blaring from the speakers at his house. So he was dancing I see? No wonder so sweaty.

"What are you doing?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up to my right to see Jeonghan eyeing me, walking the opposite direction I was walking. I eyed him back.

"I'm flying. Can't you see that?" I answered sarcastically "What do you want."

"Well, first of all Seungcheol was worried because you were taking your long precious every-second-is-gold time too long," he sniggered. I rolled my eyes.

"And two, I'm here to help you." He beamed.

"Why do I even need help when I'm finished?" I raised my brow. If I knew he was willing to do this thing I have long asked for him to do this so I can go back and read manga in bed. You can't blame me if I am an otaku, Josh dragged me into these type of stuff.

Jeonghan took the plastic bag from my hands and laughed, "So you call this finished," he says, walking ahead of me.

I ran to catch up with his pace, "Its not my fault that they're not finished, I mean, the neighbors barely even come out of their burrows!"

Jeonghan laughed lightly and patted my head, "That's why you'll need me."

"And why is that?"

"Because I've got some magic up my sleeves."

*plays fairytale-like song in the background as BGM*

Magic? What the actual- why this guy?

We both went from house to house, ringing the doorbells.

And I don't know what he did but if magic is true then I'm sure he used it, because once he rang the doorbell, the owner of the house comes rushing at the door, accepting the rice cakes.

He's really creeping me out now.

"Ahhhh...so Lia-ssi? You're Seungcheol's little sister right? I'm sorry to hear the news about your father a few weeks ago." Mr. Kim asks me, patting my shoulder.

"Uh, yes, and I recently moved here to live with my siblings." I added.

"If you need anything, you can ring ding dong this doorbell anytime!" Mr. Kim laughed heartily. Jeonghan and I laughed nervously, where did the Shinee pun come from?

Suddenly, a little girl appeared from behind the door. She tugged on Mr. Kim's pants, making him bend down so she could whisper something.

Mr. Kim got up and laughed, "Jeonghan-ah, she said that you were pretty."

Jeonghan chuckled and smiled softly at the girl as he bowed, "Ah...thank you...she's also pretty right?" Jeonghan pointed to me. Did he just compliment me or...

The little girl eyed me suspiciously, and then shook her head.

"EHHHHHHH?! WHAT IS THIS?" I shouted, but then quickly covered my mouth.

We ended up laughing so hard before we said goodbye.

"She said I was pretty, unlike you." Jeonghan stuck his tongue out at me. I snickered.

"But you did say I was pretty too," I say and flipped my hair "besides, my hair is much longer than yours."

"I was just complimenting you, idiot, and its not the length that matters here," he says. He did say he complimented me right?

"By the way," I started another conversation "why didn't you deny that you weren't a noona when I called you one?"

"Because I thought you were joking so I decided to play along," he smiled. Seriously, this guy -_-

I just kept walking, ignoring his non stopping laughter.

"Its not fair you know," I stuffed my hands deeper in my pockets "how come the neighbors answer their doors when you rang the bell?"

"I told you, I had some magic." He seemed smug about it. Right, as if I would believe that 5 year old magic stuff.

"That answer isn't logic. Why did they answer their door when you rang their doorbell?" I asked once more, expecting a better answer from him.

"That's because I'm an angel."

I eyed him, disgusted.

"What?" He asks me.

"I hate you." I muttered.

Jeonghan just laughed at my statement.

"Oh, and by the way, starting from today, I'll be living with you guys."




anyway, yes jeonghan is that noona lol why

Thanks for 1k reads guys! Phew~ so fast~~

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I am blessing y'all with my update at 2:57 am in the morning (Malaysia time lol) and I have school tmrw dammit.

Today is July 12 whIch is my birthday! Lol OK enough with this shit

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- Cee

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