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"So hyung, this is your cafe?" My eyes focused on a row of shops located beside a building. The building was big, but I didn't know what it was. This was my first time being around Seoul with my brother.

Seungcheol hyung's cafe was in the middle of a row of shops, a strategic place if you ask me. He was right, the cafe was often crowded because it was in the middle of a bustling place. A city, moreover.

Especially now, lunch hour.

"Dad opened it two months after we moved here," says Seungcheol hyung, pulling into a parking lot.

"So you often help a lot?" Asks Jeonghan.

I rolled my eyes, "Well duh he's the manager."

"I was just asking what's your problem," Jeonghan retorted.

The three of us got out of the car, going after Seungcheol hyung who lead the way towards the cafe. I could smell roasted coffee beans from far away, and the smell was relaxing. I love the smell of coffee. I even bought coffee-scented perfumed once. But that didn't last long though, I didn't really wear it because I was scared of ants coming to get me. Because you know ; ants - sweet things - makes sense. Even if its just a perfume.

The sound of bells tinkled as we entered the cafe door. People's attention turned towards us, to Seungcheol hyung and Jeonghan ; mostly. Well yeah I'll admit they're both really good looking. Lets not forget Hansol.

"Hyung annyeong !" A familiar face greeted us by the counter.

"Soonyoung!" I called, my jaw dropping. He smiled cheekily and waved.

"You know you can just call me Hoshi," he says, turning his attention back towards Seungcheol hyung "so hyung, what do you want to do today?"

"Naah, I just came here to check on you guys. Besides, I wanted to show Lia around. It seems like you guys already met? She did give you the rice cakes yesterday didn't she?" Seungcheol hyung asked, sitting on a chair.

"Yeah we did, and she's nice. And he is...?" Hoshi eyed Jeonghan.

"Yoon Jeonghan. Seungcheol's friend." Jeonghan bowed.

"Ah, okay nice to meet you hyung." Hoshi replied, shaking hands wih Jeonghan.

The cafe was nice, really. It was kinda based on a vintage concept, antique stuff were put up as decorations, and at the corner of the cafe was a huge stack of books and novels displayed for people to read, but no one seemed to. They were kinda busy anyway. The books look really old too.

Those books were probably dad's, because I used to read some of his books when I was young, even if I didn't understand a thing about what those books were saying. I liked to play smart okay?

"Can I look around?" I ask, my gaze still on the pile of books.

"Go ahead. I'm sure you would love those books. There's a small library too, dad built it just in case," Seungcheol hyung scooted forward a little and pointed to a door beside the bookshelf "here's the keys." He handed me the keys and off I went.

"Oh and do you want anything?" Seungcheol hyung called me.

"Maybe...latte will do," I replied, and went.

Honestly, I didn't really know what kind of books dad read when I was young. There was this one book that I really liked, his book, to be honest. I couldn't remember what the title was. That was the only book that I understood, for some reason. Even if the storyline was kinda complicated, I liked the story somehow.

As soon as I unlocked the door, dust and cobwebs greeted me. Literally. I coughed a few times because I sucked in the dust.

"Seriously...how long has he not cleaned this?" I used the back of my hand to cover my mouth. It took me a while to dust the small library and all before I looked around.

The room had shelves on each side, books filled up to the ceiling that wasn't very tall. There must be lots more dust at the top row of the shelves I'm sure.

Most books were about world history - which I am so not into - and some were language books. The fourth row of the shelf caught my attention, because there were a lot of classics and fiction. Dad loved thriller as much as I do.

Classics like Gulliver's travels, Tom Sawyer, Secret Garden were our favorites. I used to reads those three books a lot of times.

I scanned the fourth row, looking for more books besides all the classics till one book caught my eye.

'Death by You'

"Its this book!" I shouted, jumping up and down. Yeah, it was this book that I loved to read when I was young. Although I didn't remember the title, I remembered the hard, velvety book cover, outlined with gold at the sides.

Sadly enough, dad put that book on the fourth row, which was basically out of my reach. I'm short, you can't really blame me about it. Even Hansol is taller than me so yeah :\

There were no chairs or stools for me to stand on. Of course there were chairs but I better not be a crazy person and take the cafe's chair. Why aren't there ladders when the bookshelves are ceiling tall?

I stood on my toes, trying my best to get that book.


"What are you doing?" A ticklish feeling landed on my neck.

I stumbled, backing away from the bookshelf and landed on the floor, hitting something that was behind of me. Fortunately, I caught the book safely in my hands, but the other books fell off the shelves too. Aish...what should I do about this. Now I'm coughing like crazy because there's even a lot more dust now.

Before I knew it, I was on the floor, leaning back against Jeonghan's shoulder.

"Seriously, how clumsy are you," he says, chuckling slightly as he removed the book that was on top my head. I didn't even realized that.

"Well you should learn how to knock." I shot back, face flushed with embarrassment after that awkward landing.

He helped me get up, picking up the books that were scattered on the floor, "I was just trying to help, you know."

"Right," I rolled my eyes "next time you should mind your own business. Don't try to help me if I don't ask you to."

"What book is that?" Jeonghan asks me, putting the last book back in its place.

"I told you, none of your business," I replied, quickly trying to get out of the room, but Jeonghan blocked my way through the door, arms spread out.

I just stared at him.

He raised an eyebrow.

We stayed like that for a few seconds, and I finally sighed.

"Fine, its just a fiction book alright, no big deal." I shoved the book at him "There. Happy?"

"Cool!" He says, looking at that book. Now don't get all excited on me. Not today.

"Should we read it together?" He asks me, eyes shining.

I made a face, "No. I don't like reading books with people," I took the book and stormed off "stop bothering me."

I could sense him rolling his eyes, "Okay, person who does not want to br bothered."

Geez, stop being annoying.

I returned to the table where Seungcheol hyung was sitting, talking to a person. Perhaps a friend of his. They look like they're talking about something serious.

I bowed to his friend when I reached the table, "Hello."

"Ah right, Jihoon, this is Lia. My lil sis." Seungcheol hyung introduced me to his friend, Jihoon. He was the one that was living with Hoshi right?

Jihoon had his hair dyed pink, which was eye catching, and surprisingly it suits him after all. Though I wonder what his hair would be like if he dyed it neon blue....

"Oh, hi. I'm Lee Jihoon. But you can just call me Woozi, if you'd like to." Jihoon smiled softly, showing off his eye smile. He's quite cute for a guy Seungcheol hyung's age. I'm not saying this as an insult or whatever though. Perhaps he's younger than Seungcheol hyung.

"Anyway, he's the one that I told you who produces his own music," Seungcheol hyung says proudly "he sometimes works for the company beside here, but mostly he works by himself."

"Which company?" I ask, taking a seat.

"Oh that building beside your hyung's cafe. Wait why do you calk Seungcheol a hyung?" Jihoon asks. Well everybody asks that.

"Its no big deal, actually." I answered, trying to drop out the question but sadly failing. Did I mention this Woozi guy was kinda scary too?

"Because its her life and its none of your business," Jeonghan butts in the conversation, sitting opposite of me. Crap, this guy. I'm so dead.

"I didn't mean it, to be honest, that was what I said to Jeonghan, but not you. Sorry..aha...ha..." I laughed nervously, glancing at Jeonghan who seemed to smirk, like he just won a battle or something. If only I could teleport a slap to his face.

"Okay...?" Jihoon seemed confused by our attitudes, turning his gaze back towards his Mac and continued working. I quietly sighed. Aish seriously this Jeonghan guy.

"What time does Hansol go back?" I ask Seungcheol hyung.

He glanced at the watch to check the time, "He'll be back soon. Sometimes he would hang out with Mingyu and Wonwoo at the taco diner."

"Hyung, are there any jobs that I can do here?" I ask nervously "I was thinking..I might get a job.."

Seungcheol hyung widened his eyes, "You don't want to continue your studies? You don't want to go to camp?"

"Seriously hyung! I just moved here, why do you want me to go to camp?" I ask, feeling slightly offended, even I know I shouldn't. He was just asking, why feel offended?

"He just wants the best for you." Jeonghan interrupted.

I snapped, "Don't act like you're my mother."

Seungcheol hyung pursed his lips, shifting a little in his seat. A pang of guilt hit me, after realizing what I said. I shouldn't have mentioned that word. Mother. I know, that incident that happened recently still hasn't got out of his mind. Especially when he didn't have the chance to visit mom.

"S-sorry." I muttered sheepishly.

Seungcheol hyung shook his head, "No its fine. At the moment, no, there's no need for more employees here. We can ask Hoshi if there's any jobs he can assign you to."

I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean?"

Hoshi came at the same time to serve our drinks that we ordered from before. He looked confused and blank when Seungcheol hyung was literally staring at him while grinning.

"Hyung stop you're creeping me out." He says, putting my latte in front of me.

"Soonyoung-ah, you have another job right? Can Lia work with you?" Asks Seungcheol hyung.

Hoshi's face brightened, that cheeky grin appearing, "Really? Are you willing to do it?" He faces me.

I nodded slowly, "If its good then I'll do it, I guess. So what's the job?"

Hoshi's grin widened, "I work for charity."


We went home at six in the evening. Hansol was home, arms spread on the sofa, sleeping. He looked like he was so done with his homework, with his books left open, pen on his mouth. What were you even doing, Hansol.

I woke him up for dinner and told him to go get a shower. I helped Seungcheol hyung with the dinner, spaghetti. It wasn't that hard, you just have to cook it the Hyung way. Which means just spaghetti and tomato sauce. From a can. Just two ingredients. Literally.

I didn't make a big fuss about it though, I just eat whatever Seungcheol hyung cooks. Probably because I'm too lazy to add stuff for seasoning, and I'm not a big fan of spaghetti either.

At the coffee shop, Hoshi and I exchanged numbers, and he told me to meet him at the small convenience store nearby tomorrow at ten. He didn't explain to me what he does for charity though. He just probably goes visiting children and being generous and all.

"Where's Seungcheol hyung?" I ask Hansol. He looked like he was going to go out, putting on his jacket and all. Where was he going?

"He's going to see Woozi hyung, and I'm going with him." Hansol replied, busy fixing his hair in the mirror. I never expected him go fix his hair though, all my life he was just this messy disgusting boy who smelled like old socks. Looks like he's upgraded his hygiene issues.

I filled my glass with orange juice, "What are you doing with Jihoon?" I ask, curious. He's got school tomorrow of course I'm curious.

"He needs help with his music," Hansol replied "we're rappers remember? Seungcheol hyung did tell you. We just help writing the rap lyrics and so."

I followed him to the front door, watching as Seungcheol hyung started the car engine.

"We might not be back till eleven or midnight though, composing takes a really long time." Hansol explains to me as he ties his shoelaces. I nodded in reply.

"You could show me some of your raps some time," I say. Hansol laughed at my statement.

"Sure, I'll spit them bars out." He laughed more, and I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"Well good luck with the composing stuff." We said goodbye, and off he went with Seungcheol hyung. I never heard Seungcheol or Hansol rap though. Not seriously. Might be interesting to hear them rap.

I took a shower, relaxing under the running water for a while. I wanted to finish that book tonight, but then again, I'm left with the dishes. Chores first, even though I'm not very fond of them. Oh come on who is fond of chores anyway?

When I was done, j went downstairs straight to the kitchen. It took me a while to scrub all the crusts off, getting rid of the oil from the pan. Why did Seungcheol hyung even put oil in the spaghetti?

That reminds me, I wonder what that idiot is doing.

I heard the front TV switch on, the voice of the newsman could be heard. That must be him.

"What are you doing?" I ask, entering the living room. Jeonghan was sitting on the sofa in front of the TV. He turned, looking at me with his blank face.

"Lia, come join me." He says. I shrugged.

"Okay," I truly wanted to finish that book but remembering that I was quite rude to him this morning, maybe I should you know, change things. I don't understand why I was so rude to him anyway.

"Can I dry your hair?" He asks me out of the blue, glancing at my slightly damp hair.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know," he answers, staring at the floor shyly "it just becane a habit of mine."

"Uh, okay?" I say awkwardly, sitting on the floor in between his legs. This is awkward. He took the towel that I was holding and started to dry my hair. Gently. Not surprised though, he knows how to dry long hair.

"How long does it take for your hair to dry?" I started a conversation, so that I'll try to forget that a boy is drying my hair. And I'm sitting between his legs. Someone tell me what the hell am I doing.

"About half an hour or so," Jeonghan replied, drying the ends of my hair.

"Hey, can you help me get over my nervousness?" I ask.

Jeonghan laughed. For once he actually laughed. A real laugh, I mean.

"Says the person who tells me to mind my own business," he rolled his eyes.

"Come on, I'm nervous! Really!" I shuddered.

"Alright then. I guess I'll help this time." He chuckled lightly, ruffling the top of my hair "What are you nervous about?"

"Tomorrow," I muttered "I'll be working for charity. Which means there'll be kids. And I'm not good with kids. Nope. Super awkward wirh them. Touch them once and they cry," [ raise your feet if you're like me ;-; ]

"Its gonna be alright, don't worry too much." He assured me, patting my back. Thanks. A lot. Real inspired by that. Wow.

"What if I get scared? What if the kids are scared of me? What if I hurt them? What if-"

"Shhh," Jeonghan leaned forward, his face close to my cheek and smiled assuringly at me "I said its alright okay? Its your first try. Don't worry."

I stared at him, breathing in as quiet as possible, trying not to be nervous.

But something about him was strangely familiar.

That feather.

The scent of that feather. He had the same scent.

My eyes darted away first, landing on the floor, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

Jeonghan offered to brush my hair too, but I refused, saying that I was sleepy. I got up and immediately went inside my room, searching for that feather.

I put the feather up to my nose, and the exact same smell filled my nostrils.

" Who is he...? "

• • • • • •

9:30a.m •

"I am late you hear me! Late!" I rolled out of bed furiously, letting all the covers and pillows roll down with me, not even bothering to pick them up.

"I should've picked out my outfit yesterday!" I slapped my forehead, regret washing me. Remind me next time to set my alarm off louder, so that I would wake up.

I pulled out a few sweaters and pants, choosing the one that has less creases before I ran to the bathroom.

Seungcheol hyung left a note, telling me that the bathroom upstairs which I usually used had pipe problems, which means I have to use the bathroom downstairs.

"Jeonghan? Where are you?" I yelled through the hallways, pounding on each bedroom door. Where is he? I had no idea why I called for him anyway.

I made my way to the bathroom downstairs, pounding furiously on the door. I spotted a trail of red liquid that headed to the bathroom. What is this red liquid?

"Jeonghan are you in there?!" I called, not sure if my voice got through the door "hurry up! I need to get a bath!"

Seriously, how can dad buy a house that has only three bathrooms? I can't use the other one since its in Seungcheol hyung's room, and this - what on earth is taking him so long?

Is this like, blood? What's this red stuff?

"YOON JEONGHAN! WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG! I HAVE WORK!" I screamed, kicking the door with my foot.

No reply.

My palms were sweating, and I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I started to panic. He's scaring me. Did he really commit suicide or something in there? Don't you dare Yoon Jeonghan, I do not want to be responsible for this.

I'm sure he's in the bathroom. The sound of tap water running, the smell of lavender scented candles was present. He's in there.

"Open this door or I'm taking it down!" I shouted "I'm serious!"

Please don't die Jeonghan.

I twisted the door knob slowly, and surprisingly, it wasn't locked.

He didn't lock the freaking damn door.

"Jeonghan!" I yelled one last time, face flaming red after what I was about to do after this "I'm coming in!"

And for the first time in my life I barged inside a bathroom that has a man in it, with my eyes half closed.



and that's the end of this chapter. What happened to junghan? Hehe

Just to remind you guys, that this fic is also a fantasy fic, but we're not really getting into the fantasy. Not yet guys, not yet ;)

Thanks for reading y'all! Love all my angels, do leave a vote and comment your thoughts!

- Cee

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