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Y'ALL DID HEAR ABOUT JUNGHAN AND THE MV RIGHT?! I'M SO PROUD OF HIM but that pout is illegal, Jeonghan. Who allowed you to?



"Yoon Jeonghan! What the hell man?"

I peeked a little through the gaps of my fingers that I used to cover my eyes. Its not like I wanted to do this, he didn't lock the door and he wasn't answering me and I was dead worried and-

There he was, in the tub, scented candles surrounding him. The water level was up to his chest, just a little below his collarbones. How revealing.

It was a good thing he had a bubble bath, no way I'd want the water to be transparent.

Here's the most interesting part.

He was sleeping.



I threw a bucket of cold water at him with eyes still closed, furious. How could he sleep in the tub? Was he bathing and suddenly fell asleep? How did he fall asleep while bathing? Like what, did he get shampoo in his eyes and dozed off?

Then what the hell was the red liquid outside the bathroom?

"Wake up Rapunzel!" I shouted, getting angrier as I watched him lazily rub his eyes as if nothing had happened.

"What the heck Lia?!" He asks / yells at me after fully waking up.

"Oh really? What the heck ME? Oh my god YOON JEONGHAN GET OUT OF THE TUB RIGHT NOW!" Goddamit please, don't make my morning get any worse. I'm already going to be late and even though there's another half an hour but y'all do know how long it takes for girls to get ready. Well no I don't take that long to get ready but I have a big problem.

Especially when today, of all days, is my bad hair day.

And Jeonghan was still staring blankly at me.

"But I'm naked." He replies.

Oh god this guy.

"Great, so you went inside the bathroom without bringing a towel or anything?" I laughed sarcastically and folded my arms "Brilliant! You're a real genius, Yoon Jeonghan, remind me to give you an award for being Einstein the Second. Now get out."

He rolled his eyes at my statement, "I told you I'm naked! What, do you want to see me get out of the tub without wearing anything?!" He yelled back. I could see his cheeks flush with embarrassment, which matched mine, both red. I'll be honest here, his collarbones were kinda hot.

But no, no time for this.

I threw my towel at him, "Hurry up and get out!" I turned around, allowing him to get out of the tub and exit he bathroom (not to mention without wearing anything at all) so I could shower.

I heard the bathroom door close behind me, and I sat on the cold marble floor, still feeling embarrased.


• • • •

"Seungcheol hyung! I'll be going now!" I yelled from downstairs, cupping my hands around my mouth. Did he hear me?

"Sure, stick to Hoshi! Don't talk to strangers! Call me if you need anything!" I heard him yell back from his room. It sounded like muffles, so he was probably about to doze off in bed.

Seungcheol hyung came back from his usual running routine evey morning when I was in the shower a few minutes ago, and I'm sure he's gonna continue his sleep after I leave. He and Hansol came back from the recording thing like, 3 am or something. What took them so long?

I was about to tell him off about how I'm already eighteen and don't need to be babied or anything, but its getting really late and I honestly can't find my shoes anywhere.

The only pairs that were left in the shoe cabinet were a few sandals, Jeonghan's shoes, Seungcheol hyung's shoes and Hansol's pair of velcros.

"Aish this kid Hansol. Why is he wearing mine?!" I muttered and slammed the cabinet door shut, the pair of velcros in my hand. Seriously this kid! He still hasn't stopped wearing velcros? Why is he wearing my shoes?!

Hansol, I know you're embarrassed about wearing velcros SO STOP WEARING THEM YOU'RE LIKE SEVENTEEN GROW UP BRUH.

I squatted on the floor, slipping into the pair of 'Diamonds', like Hansol calls them. He even names his shoes! There's Diamonds, and Sapphire, and Metal and Gold and Silver and I don't even know how many shoes he has but if he owns 100 pairs, then he'll name all 100 of them. Honestly he's such a dork sometimes.

"Hoshi will definitely tell m- wha- hey! That hurts! Watch it!" I shrieked, raising my head, unfortunately making contact with someone by hitting them in the stomache or something.

"Geez! Watch where you're going," I grumbled, rubbing the spot on my head as I shot a glare at the person. Honestly, what could get even more worse today?

"Lia?" Wonwoo calls me.

"You look....different.." Mingyu eyes me from top to bottom. Mostly my hair though.

"Yeah so? If you'll excuse me, I have some important business so get out of my way please." I motioned them to the side so I can go through, but Chan popped in front of me, smiling brightly.

Seriously. Is this kid always sunshine and unicorns and rainbows?

"Annyeong noo- WHOA WHOA WHOA noona what happened to your hair?!" Chan took a few steps behind, slightly taken aback by how I look. His face turned into a frown.

I pulled my hair out in frustration, "Oh come on people can't I just go to work in peace?!"

"What do you guys want?!" I snapped at Mingyu and Wonwoo.

"Whoa calm those moodswings there." Wonwoo held up his hands and put them on my shoulders. I brushed his hands off my shoulders, starting to get annoyed.

"Lia-ah," I heard Jeonghan (who was now fully dressed in case y'all would like to know) call me from behind.

"WHAT NOW?!" I screamed at his face.

"Okay, okay, sorry." Jeonghan stepped back, closing the door as he does so.

I sighed again, "Fine, sorry, what is it that you want."

The door swung open again, and Jeonghan appeared with a brush and a hair elastic in his hand, "You might want to use these."

I wanted to question him why bother brushing my hair when the brush can break into two but before I did Mingyu snatched those two things away from Jeonghan's hands and started brushing my hair. Furiously.

"Mingyu what the- OW! THAT- HEY WHAT- YAH!" I yelped in pain, Mingyu wasn't brushing my hair. He was practically pulling my hair out because he thinks I'm wearing a wig that's permanently glued to my head or something.

"MINGYU DO YOU WANT ME TO BE BALD?! STOP PULLING MY HAIR!" I gritted my teeth, trying not to be pulled from behind.

"I'm not! I'm just brushing your hair because it was so damn ugly!" Mingyu shouts back at me, this time pulling harder.


"Uh hyung," Chan tugged on Mingyu's sleeve, pursing his lips "I think you're going to pull out her brain too."

"Gyu come on, let her go, she's late for something, I think." Wonwoo persuaded Mingyu. Oh god finally someone who realizes what I'm going through.

But did that guy budge? Of course he didn't! He was too focused on murdering me! Even after Wonwoo sacrificed his aegyo for Mingyu to stop. And surprisingly Wonwoo's aegyo wasn't that bad at all.

It took a while, all those shouting and screaming in pain, but the pain eventually got lesser, and Mingyu managed to tame my hair by using just a brush and surprisingly, he didn't even break the brush. While I, take an hour to do my hair and well, most of my brushes broke into two.

I owe him, honestly. But save the thanks for later.

"Lia, we have a favour to ask you," Wonwoo started, nudging Mingyu by the rib asking him to continue.

"Oh right! Uh, we're leaving Chan with you." Says Mingyu.

"Why didn't you tell me eariler? Why are you leaving him with me?" I ask hurriedly.

"We're going shopping."

"Wait what?"

"Look," Wonwoo whispers, pulling me closer to him "its just an excuse okay. We need time off too. We can't look after him twenty four hours."

I laughed, which sounded more of a wheezing noise than a laugh, "What do you guys think I am? His babysitter?"

Mingyu pulled Chan to face me, "Do it."

Chan pouted, looking at me with pleading eyes, "Please noona? Can I stay with you? I promise I'll stay good!"

I sighed. When this day is over I swear I'm gonna sleep my head off the rest of the night.

I could reject it, but honestly I couldn't let them down right? I just met them a few days ago, and they probably have a bad impression on me because of all that yelling. And I kinda owed Mingyu for fixing my hair so..

"Fine." I sighed.

"Aw yeah! Thanks!" Mingyu raised his hand to high five me, but I didn't move so he motioned his hand to pat my back and laughed nervously, obviously embarrassed. What a fail.

"But seriously, where are you guys going without him?" I ask as soon as Chan had his back turned.

"The arcade, of course."

"Wait I thought you guys were going shopping?" I ask, eyebrows stitched together.

Mingyu let out a laugh, his teeth showing, "Bluffing. Don't you know what that is?"

"Its lying, Gyu. When did you get all formal?" Wonwoo laughed. I rolled my eyes. For the tenth time. I think.

"Don't forget to help Chan with his math homework." Wonwoo smirked ad if he knows I'm bad at math. Right. I wonder if I still remember those crazy math formulas.

They both went off, and here I was left with Dino the Chan. Chan the Dino. Even my head isn't right at times like this.

"Come on Chan, we're going." I slung my bag on my shoulder and walked first, Chan trailing after me.

"Where are we going noona?" He asks.

"I have work to be honest, and I'm kinda late so yeah." I replied, taking out my phone to call Hoshi. He didn't answer, which made me worry even more. What if he left while waiting for me? What if the bus came and he went first because I was too late?

"Chan! Let's run," I say to him, speeding off first while pulling him behind me.

"Noona! Slow down!"

• • • •

Thank god by the time I got to the convenience store, the bus was still there, and Hoshi was just about to board the bus. He wore a blue button down, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A black snapback to match his outfit, and did he borrow Jihoon's fluorescent sneakers? I saw Jihoon wearing those shoes the other day.

The three of us boarded the bus just in time.

I sunk in my seat, exhausted of all the rush from this morning.

"Sorry I'm late." I apologized, fixing my ponytail.

Hoshi smiled, "No that's okay, to be honest I was rushing too."

"By the way," I elbowed Chan gently "this is Lee Chan. He's one of my friends, even though he's younger, and he's left with me. You don't mind him following us right?"

"As long as he's not a sissy then its fine," Hoshi joked.

"Hey! I'm a man!" Chan retorted, folding his arms. Hoshi and I laughed at his reaction.

"I thought you had school today?" I asked Chan. Today is a weekday anyway, so he's supposed to be at school. Did his school gave studenta a day off or something?Was that why Wonwoo and Mingyu left me with him? Because their plans were ruined to spend time together?

Chan perked up, looking like he was excited to tell us something, "Nope! Our school burned down!"

His school burned down. Wow. And here he is, smiling like a kid who got his toy dinosaurs. Why is he so happy about it? He could die in there!

"What? Seriously? For real?" Hoshi looked like this is his first time knowing something burned down.

"Yeah, which means vacation for a week!" Chan fist pumped the air, his voice getting louder. All eyes on the bus were on us, and I felt kinda uneasy about it, but I ignored it anyway.

I hit him on the shoulder, "Yah, you're really lucky you know. When I was your age and if my school burned down, I'd probably have to go to other schools temporarily." Its true. That one time our whole school leaked because of pipes and we had to go to Jefferson High. That school was luxurious and accepts elite students only. Not to mention kids there were really snobbish, and they just gave us low classed classrooms. Without air conditioning guys.

How generous of them. Really.

Well at least they were nice enough to let us borrow their space but still though.

"What school do you go to?" Hoshi asks Chan.

"I went to Sangbong Middle School before, and now I go to Seoul Broadcasting High School. With Seungkwan hyung." He answers proudly. So...Seoul Broadcasting High School burned down? Wow. Just...wow.

Hoshi nodded, interested with Chan's school life. He asked a few more questions like how it was there, about dancing and performing arts and all. Do they have performing arts? I think they do.

"How about you noona? Where did you go to when you were in LA? What was it like there? There must be a lot of famous people that went to your school! Were people obsessed over Michael Jackson?" Chan asks, his eyes sparkling as soon as he said the word 'Michael Jackson'.

I laughed at his silly question. Chan, he must be a MJ fan or something, "No silly, no famous people there."

"I went to Clayton High with Joshua." I answered. Clayton's a pretty weird name if you ask me. Like, why Clayton? Its not like my school is made out of clay or something.

"Who's Joshua?" Hoshi asks. I giggled at his cute pronunciation, saying Josh's name like 'Jo-siu-wa'. This kid is funny.

"Just a friend of mine," I replied, giving them a tight-lipped smile. I wonder how Josh's doing now.

Hoshi glanced at my phone in my hand, "Is he the guy in the picture that you used for your lockscreen?"

I felt my cheeks burn, quickly covering my phone with my hands.

First of all guys, it wasn't just Josh that was in the picture, okay. It was us selca-ing, during our graduation day. Him hugging me from behind, his chin on top of my head and I was covering my face with my hat. He still had cancer at that time but I didn't care. I was so happy to see him during graduation.

"I'll take that as a yes," Hoshi laughed.

"Is he in America?" Chan asks me. I nodded in reply. It hasn't been a week yet, and I'm missing Jisoo already.

"Tell him I said hi," Hoshi says, but I smiled bitterly in reply. I hated to tell him how Josh's condition was, but I did anyway.

I sighed, "He's currently having cancer,"

Chan and Hoshi went silent for a while. I'm sure they felt sorry for Jisoo and I don't know why but I felt kinda angry about it. I hated people who felt sorry for Jisoo just because of his cancer.

Good thoughts, Lia. don't be ridiculous.

"I'm sorry," Hoshi squeaked.

I shook my head, my smile faltering as I stared out the bus window, "Its okay. I'm sure he'll be fine."



Oh yeah and btw I'm not as awesome and as swag as other writers out there. I'm not that funny either, so I'd like to apologize if you find my story really boring. Well its boring because here's where the cheesy romance part starts.

- Cee

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