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"Is Lia noona okay?"

"Shh! You'll wake her up!"

"I was whispering!"

"Yeah but everyone can hear you so.."

"Guys! She's waking up!"

When I opened my eyes, the first thing that greeted me was Hoshi's face, only inches away from mine, "Good morning!"

"Get away from m- oww!!" I shrieked, I couldn't move my foot when I tried to kick him off the bed.

'Right. Last night. Ankle. Jeonghan.' I sighed after remembering what happened last night.

"Mr. Kim! She's awake!" Hoshi yelled, and afterwards Mr. Kim came running into my room, with a few bandages and plasters in his hand.

Mr. Kim shook his head, "Aish seriously, you kids. I told you guys not to wake her up." He sat at the side of my bed, where a chair was put.

"Chan's fault!" Jun quickly said, and Chan turned to him with his innocent 'What-did-I-do?' expression plastered on his face. Oh. So its the donation squad that's here?

"Why are you guys even here?" I ask. Shouldn't they be at work though? I mean, Seungcheol hyung could've probably told them I hurt my ankle so yeah.

"We came to visit." Minghao says with a smile. Aww.

Mr. Kim touched my ankle, "Does it still hurt? If it does you might have to rest for the whole day. What happened last night anyway?" He studied it for a bit, a little touching here and there, and to be honest I wanted to kick him and the others outside, because first of all I was only wearing pyjama shorts, and I'm not very fond of showing more skin to people I'm not familiar with.

Yeah, true I'm not that familiar with Jeonghan either but he already saw me in shorts a few times already and he doesn't mind.

Just remind me never to wear shorts after this because honestly, Jun is creeping me out. I need to watch out for this guy.

"Is she awake already? Is she okay? Lia!" Seungcheol hyung came bursting into my room, and the first thinf he did was to not allow me breathe.

As in, other words, hug me. Tightly.

"Um, hyung, yeah I'm fine, you can let me go now," I say, trying to inhale oxygen despite the bear hug that Seungcheol hyung gave me.

"Oh sorry." He let go and sighed. It looked like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Did he even sleep last night? He looks lifeless.

"Hyung," I call, squeezing his hand "get some sleep."

Seungcheol hyung smiled and nodded, his dimples showing. He excused himself, and went out of my room.

"So Mr. Kim, who brought me home?" I ask.

Mr. Kim raised an eyebrow, "How can you not know? Jeonghan was the only one with you last night. He brought you home. You two were sprawled in front of my lawn and somehow he knocked on my door and carried you home."

Jeonghan carried me here?

"But what about his ankle? I thought he twisted it?" I ask again, my voice getting louder despite the shock.

"He twisted his ankle? Really? You were probably dreaming my dear. He had no injuries. He was perfectly fine." Mr. Kim says, tapping his pen lightly on my sidetable.

"Oh - okay then." Were the only words that I could say. Maybe Jeonghan was joking about his ankle. That jerk.

Mr. Kim looked at his watch and stood up, his bag of stuff in his hand, "I should get going now. Get some rest Lia. You might not be able to walk or anything for a few days but I'm sure you'll get better in a flash."

Well apparently that's what all doctors say. I dont trust that line anymore, since I've been with Josh's doctors while he had his checkups. And trust me, he didn't get better after all.

But I just nodded anyway, "Yeah. Thanks Mr. Kim."

Hoshi quickly rushed to the chair by my bed, taking Mr. Kim's seat after he left and grinned. Like, bro, stop smiling you're too bright for me.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asks, suddenly putting on his harry potter sort of glasses. So these were the glasses that were trending eh? I'll admit, he looks cute in them.

"I can't do anything today. Let me sleep." I turned around, pulling my covers up to my head. Honestly.. why did they have to come so early in the morning.

Hoshi's hand stopped me from hiding under the covers, "Nope, I will help you become a productive person today!"

"Hoshi, I'm sorry but no thanks I just want to sl-"

"What are you talking about?" Hoshi laughed and slapped my back "We're going to have 100 facts with Hoshi time!!"

"Oh God, no, lord save me-"

"Now lets see," It was too late to avoid him, and this time, out of nowhere Hoshi pulled out a macbook from under my bed and started searching the web for something. Wow...since when did a Macbook existed under my bed?

"So, fact number one, did you know that my name, "Hoshi", meant star in Japanese?" He asks me in this proud tone.

"Yes I know that, Hoeshi, I've heard that in Japanese anime OSTs." I say, purposely pronouncing his name like that. I'm surprised he didn't notice.

Instead, he clapped his hands and gave me a thumbs up, "Wah that's good! Come, lets see fact number two."

Are we seriously going to do 100 facts?

The three other boys were standing in a corner, quietly watching us. I'm surprised that they're this quiet today.

"Noona, China line and I need to go now," Chan told me, tilting his head towards the two Chinese boys. I nodded and smiled.

"Sure, go on. Come visit some other time." I offered. Minghao and Jun and Chan thanked me and left. I just want them to get married already, that China line. With Jun noogie-ing and poking Minghao every ten seconds, demanding attention, it was cute. And Minghao would give Jun a look if he got extremely annoyed, and Jun would hug Minghao from behind in a way of saying sorry.

So a squeeze of the butt is a way of saying hello, and hugs is a way for saying sorry. Jun is really something.

Chan left with them too, and for now Hoshi was the only one in my room.

"So fact number two, did you know that Jonghyun sunbaenim composed Playboy for Exo?" I didn't really get the second fact.

"What? Who's Jonghyun? Is it the SHINee guy?" I ask. I'm sorry, I don't really know these Korean people. Like yeah of course I know them but just that way. No extra information. And the only reason I knew Exo and SHINee was because Joshua likes them. I'm surprised he's into boy kpop groups...like shouldn't he be a fan of girl groups instead of gay stuff?

Fanboy. Yeah. That's normal I guess.

"You dont know Jonghyun????" Hoshi asks me back, his voice raising.

I sunk in my pillow, "I do but I get confused sometimes. Sorry." I squeaked.

Hoshi just shook his head, "No, its okay. You new. You nevermind." He said fully in English.

"Hoshi are we seriously gonna do 100 facts? Solid 100 facts?"

"Yeah, why?"


• • • • •

"Lia? Lia-ssi! Wake up!" I was woken by someone who was furiously shaking me, and I almost fell off my bed thanks to that.

"You fell asleep!" Hoshi pouted, looking a little upset but I quickly denied it.

"No of course I didn't! I heard your babbling- I mean - facts okay, I was just resting my eyes..." I trailed off, obviously lying. But this Hoshi guy looks like he'll believe me anyway.

"No more resting your eyes!" Hoshi scolded me, waving his finger like he was this old fashioned mom "my facts are gold!"

"Yeah, gold because you were reading facts from that drunk website." I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Drunk website?"

"Allkpop you idiot." I reminded him. That website is drunk. Trust me, its where fanwars start. Hoshi just laughed at my statement.

"So which fact are we at now?" I ask. Hoshi seemed like he already opened another website since I told him Allkpop is drunk.

"I opened a 100 tips to a perfect relationship website," He grinned "I really need it."

My eyes widened, "Wow thanks, I really needed those tips too. But those tips are just bullshit, like no I don't trust them." Talk about being single for 18 years of my life. But anyway, I don't really mind. I'm just a hopeless romantic when it comes to relationships. And why is that? Because fictional characters are bae.

"I read tips for relationships like, almost everyday." Stated Hoshi, his eyes scanning the computer screen.

"Wow, you must know lots about relationship and shit. But why are you still single though?" I ask. He must be a love doctor or something already. With all those tips he read.

Hoshi sighs, "I don't know, I'm confused too. But trust me, every lady wants a piece of me when they really see what I've got," he smirked.

Hmm. Too bad you don't have anyone yet. To y'all girls out there, there's a single cute-hot-goofy-guy-bunny here, if you wanna hook up with him just give me a call, yeah?

I don't understand why he's still single anyway. I mean, Hoshi is a great guy. Even if he can be a hoe sometimes.

Suddenly the door swung open and Chan came running towards me.

"Noona! Noona are you okay now? How's your foot?" He asks, standing at the end of my bed. Really, why does this kid have to be so cute. He's like, sixteen and its hard for me to believe that.

"Make it fast, Chan. We wanna go home." Mingyu and Wonwoo appeared, both of them standing outside my room.

"Oh hey guys." I greeted. Both of them waved back in reply. They seem hella tired. Must have a lot of customers today.

Is it just me or are those red marks on Wonwoo's collarbones...hickeys?

'Ignore it. Ignore it.' I blinked and chanted in my head.

"We just came home from the taco diner, and we heard you had an injury. Honestly we didn't even want to visit you." Mingyu says. Ouch. Well thanks Mingyu. That means a lot.

Nah it was probably because you guys frickle frackled so hard that you're too tired to even walk now.

Ignore this shit already Lia, I swear to god.

"But Chan begged us to stop by your house the whole way so yay be happy." Wonwoo added, and I turned to face Chan who was smiling. This kid really is the sun isn't he?

"Anyway, get well soon Lia. We'll be waiting outside." Wonwoo and Mingyu waved goodbye as they left my room.

Chan plopped himself next to Hoshi, "So what were you doing, hyung?" He asks Hoshi.

"We were playing 100 facts with Hoshi!" He beamed. Wasn't my idea though. I never agreed to do this type of shit. This wasn't the reality that I wanted.

"Yeah yeah just carry on with the next fact and get this finished will you?" I say, and Hoshi scrolled through the website. His eyes stopped at a sentence.

"Ooh! This one is interesting! I can relate!" He says energetically, bouncing a little "fact number 99, date someone that has talent."

I furrowed my brows, "Why? Are you saying that people that have no talent are not worth being dated?"

"It says here that rappers are good at kissing, vocalists let out the best moans, and dancers are good in bed." Hoshi reads, his eyes widening and shining at the same time. I pursed my lips at his words. Can someone tell me why is he reading this out loud again?

"But why?" Chan suddenly asks. Oh my god I totally forgot that there's a fetus cinnamon bun here. Someone protect this child's innocence and sanity, please.

"I'm a dancer, so I'm good in bed I guess...?" Hoshi asks out of the blue, and even if his sentence ended like a question I sensed a hint of proudness somewhere. But I stayed quiet.

"Holy shit this kid is good in bed." muttered under my breath, glancing at Chan.

"What was that noona?"


• • • • •

Seungcheol hyung made Hoshi and Chan go home when the clock showed that it was already evening. How long did they stay here anyway?

When they were finally gone, I was over the moon than ever. Just before I thought I could sleep, there was a knock on my door, and I groaned.

"Come in!"

Jeonghan came in, looking tired than ever. He sat down on the chair by my bed, heaving a sigh.

"Did you went inside the wrong room or something?" I ask him.

"This is my room." He chuckled.

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Says who?"

"Says I, the 1004 angel."

I just looked at him, confused.

"Anyway, you lied to me last night." I faked a disappointed tone in my voice "how did you carry me here when you twisted your ankle?"

Jeonghan laughed this time. He leaned back and stretched, looking like he was gonna doze off any minute, but held the tiredness in.

"I did twist my ankle last night." He confessed.

"Then why aren't you hurt?"

"I told you already, Lia, I have magic. Why won't you ever believe me?" He asks.

"Because magic doesn't exist! I stopped believing in those things when I was like 7 okay. Enough with this magic bullshit." I reply, wanting him to tell me what really happened.

Jeonghan looked slightly taken aback by what I said, but that couldn't be it right?

"Rude," he whispered.

"Yeah I was. Sorry." I mumbled sheepishly.

We stayed silent for a few moments, and it took me a while to come up with a logic conclusion from what happened yesterday. Maybe Jeonghan was just lying about the twisted ankle. Maybe he purposely told me that he got hurt because he wanted me to worry.

"S-so," I say, breaking the silence "what did Seungcheol hyung made you do?"

"Not much," he answers, tucking his bangs behind his ear "I just have to make dinner. That's all."

Dinner? Really? Just dinner?

Usually if Seungcheol hyung gets mad he would make people do extreme stuff like maybe paint the fence or house or bury shit but this guy...? He's a lucky jock.

So does this mean Jeonghan really is Seungcheol hyung's wife..?

Jeonghan suddenly tugged me by the shoulder, telling me to face him.

"Here, I bought you this." He says, handing me a black paper bag, with a box inside it. I took it from him and simply said, "Thanks." I put the box at the other side of my bed and lay down in my bed again, waiting for him to leave.

"Why aren't you opening it now? Open it!" Jeonghan says impatiently.

"Do I really have to?" I whine.

"Its a special present you idiot. I bought it using my own money." He seemed proud and to be honest I wanted to ask where he got that money because does he even have a job?

I took out the box and started to unwrap its silver wrapper, "Fine."

Inside the box was a silver dreamcatcher, the strings were gold in colour, and this was a strange dreamcatcher, because there were no decorations at the end of the strings. Usually there would be either feathers or crystals, but this one had none.

"Why is it empty and boring? Why isn't it decorated?" I ask, confused. You know, even if its silver and all but without the feathers and shiz it doesn't look like a dreamcatcher at all.

"Its so that you can decorate it yourself." Jeonghan answered.

I furrowed my brows, "Why did you even buy me a DIY dreamcatcher?"

"Because," Jeonghan paused, ending his sentence with a faint smile on his face "from now on, you'll see feathers wherever you go."

Then he walked away just like that.


A/N: Hint hint. Why will she see feathers?

Lmao no point of asking, the answer is already in the story lol.

Ya so I'm like living without wifi for a week and my data sucks af. I havent been on Twitter and tbh it pisses me of sksjfieiskkslwljJwj

Anyway, thanks for reading guys! I love y'all so much, like your comments are literally gold bc y'all are high af like me

- Cee

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