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It was another sunny day, and I was still trapped inside of my room. Such a waste for the summer, when I totally planned that I was gonna make the best out of it. Like maybe get a job, make friends or maybe hook up with someone.

Well, maybe the hook up thing won't be happening.

Today was my third day not being able to do anything. I could walk a little, but I was limping, and sometimes a little crash here and there.

And today, since its a Saturday, Hansol was home, blaring whatever music he liked from the room next to mine.

How did Seungcheol hyung lived with him like this?


I groaned.

"Hansol!" I opened my door and yelled at the top of my lungs "Keep it down! I'm tryna sleep!"

Hansol popped out of his room, a bandana wrapped around the top of his head. Someone tell me why is he all dressed up when we're just chilling at home?

"Oh hey sis," He greeted me "wanna join the party?"

"Wait, what party?"

Hansol just shrugged and pushed his bedroom door wider, allowing me to peek inside.

And inside his room was a hyper Seungcheol, a lazy Jeonghan reading a Uniqlo magazine, Seungkwan who was trying to rap and a working Woozi. Oh, and who's the new guy by the way?

I stormed inside and hit the 'off' button on the music player with all my might.

"Hyung! What are you doing? Did you drink last night or something?" I ask Seungcheol hyung who was...grinding the wall?

My brother is embarrassing, God.

Jeonghan coughs and turned around, "Seungcheol doesn't drink."

"I know that." I retorted "oh, and hello Seungkwan."

"Did you know that this song is really good?" Seungkwan exclaimed happily, jumping up and down with excitement. Um, you mean Nicki Minaj is good? Yeah I don't mind but..

I coughed and pulled Hansol closer.

"Why are you teaching him songs that have indecent meanings?!" I whispered in his ear "does he even know what anaconda means?"

"I know! I know!" Seungcheol hyung giggled like a teenage girl "it means d-"

"Shut up hyung we all know what it means!" I closed my eyes, cutting Seungcheol hyung off before he could even finish. Is he high or on drugs or something?

I turned to Jeonghan, "What did he have for breakfast?"

"Rainbow Rush," He muttered.

I sighed and facepalmed once again, "No wonder. Why did you even gave him that?" Why does that cereal even exist in this house?

If you wanna know something about Seungcheol hyung, never EVER feed him stuff that contains a lot of sugar. Like, he'll go cray. More like he's high and starts acting up like a five year old kid.

I know this is supposed to be a secret but once he ate a whole box of Rainbow Rush, he got so hyper that he peed in his pants cough cough keep this a secret don't tell him please.

Anyway, that was like ten years ago.

I turned back to Hansol, "Don't teach him indecent music! Go make him listen to hymns or church choir or something."



"STAHP STAHP STAHP PLEASE BRO STOP." Hansol shut Seungkwan up, walking past me to stop him. Seungkwan looked annoyed, so he started to sing some Korean trot song or something. Tambourine was the only word that my ears could catch while he was singing.

My eyes landed on Woozi, who was working on his laptop ever so peacefully. Seriously, how could he focus on his work while there's a ruckus going on??

"Someone tell Woozi that if he wants some peace he can go use the room at the back," I told Hansol, and turned to the new guy.

"Hey! You new?" I ask.

He turned to me and smile, showing off his teeth, "Yeah! I'm Woozi hyung's friend. Lee Seokmin. Nice to meet you by the way." He held out his hand to shake mine.

"He works at a radio station with Ryeowook sunbaenim!" Seungkwan added, like he was Seokmin's mom or something "I'm his biggest fan!"

"Yeah like that one time you forced me to go to the radio station just to watch Seokmin hyung host it." Hansol says as he rolls his eyes.

Seungkwan glared at him, "Shut up."

"Hey, do you know Hoshi? He works at the radio station too. Hoshi told me about you joining his project." Seokmin tells me. Wow, how many jobs does Hoshi even have?

"Yeah! I know him. I just joined his charity squad a few days ago." I say, smiling.

Woozi took off his headphones and looked up from his laptop, "Hey, I'm done editing the lyrics."

"Really? Noona! Go have a look at the lyrics for the rap that Hansol wrote." Seungkwan says, motioning me towards Woozi's laptop.

I scanned the lyrics as I read it out loud, "Yeah I know I'm only 17 I only got a few dollars...?"

Hansol came running towards us, "Wait! Wait! Wrong one."

After Hansol was done, I read the new lyrics, "Yo S.Coups here's the baton man..? Are you serious? Like you're in a race or something?"

"Pull up on yo wacks with a mac fully loaded...?" I read more, getting even more confused the more I read it "...peobueo???"

Hansol just smiled sheepishly.

"God, what does peobueo even mean?!" I yelled. See, this is why Hansol gets a fail for his Korean sometimes. Nice vocabulary inventing shit he got there.

"Yah, at least praise him. He worked hard for it. Woozi too." Seungcheol hyung says. I was flustered, since I was judging too harsh. Now that I've seen it, Seungcheol hyung doesn't look drunk anymore.

"Hyung are you fine now?"

Seungcheol hyung got the giggles again, "I love unicorns.. and rainbows..and warm bear hugs!" He approached me from behind and attacked me with his bear hug again, his chin resting on top of my head.

"Mine." He says loudly.

There guys, you've seen it for yourself. My manly bro, Choi Seungcheol.

I wiggled free from his hug, "Hyung. Go find a girlfriend."

I sighed in embarrassment, "I'll make him some soup. I'm leaving." I got up from Hansol's bed and walked out the door.

My eyes caught the sight of the Uniqlo magazine Jeonghan was reading and asked, "Hey, is that the new autumn audition?"

"Mhmm." He answered lazily.

"Anyways, you guys really need to keep it down or I'll kick all of you out." I warned, and walked out of Hansol's room.

But after remembering something, I turned around and went back inside his room.

I took the magazine from Jeonghan's hands, "Mine."

Jeonghan just shrugged.

• • • • •

"Yes, I told you hyung I'll be home by six. Can Hansol pick me up instead? What? Gosh speak clearly I can't hear you!"

Then the call ended just like that.

I furiously tapped on my phone and grunted at how stupid the line here was, and how brainless Jeonghan was, and how my feet hurt to walk all the way here.

"Aish I want to get a new phone. Stupid screen sensor." I muttered, and pushed the glass door open with all my might using the box in front of me. I hate Jeonghan for making me do this.

Minghao was the first one to greet me when I entered, "Lia!"

"Oh hey! I just came by for a while. I have stuff to donate." I say, placing the large ass box onto the table.

"Are you here to see Hoshi?" Jun pops out and stood next to Minghao.

Out of breath, I plopped myself onto a chair by the table. Wow. How did they even afford these nice ass chairs? I mean, its like a sofa. With an underneath cushion and shit.

Maybe I'm just too tired right now. These are the chairs that we have at home.

"Lia! You're here!" Hoshi appeared, clutching a file under his arm, his right hand holding a juice box. I greeted him back with a smile.

"What's these?" Hoshi's face brightened up at the sight of the box that I put on the table. Minghao and Junhui came to see.

"Just clothes for donation," I huffed, remembering what clothes Jeonghan bought "I told Jeonghan to buy me sweaters but he bought me crop tops."

"You mean the ones that go above your belly button?" Hoshi asks. Not exactly, to be honest, but I just nodded.

Seriously, that Jeonghan. Why did he buy me crop tops?? I mean summer will be over in a few weeks, I don't need them. I've got enough summer clothes, thank you very much.

Besides, even if you give me crop tops I won't wear them anyway. Stuff will start to show. Well that sounded wrong.

Jun offered me a cup of iced coffee, which was exactly what I needed. The four of us soon gathered around the table.

"In a few days, we'll be having our first charity project, since the recycling stuff isn't working." Hoshi explains, referring to his notes "I was thinking of having a booth where people can donate stuff that they want to donate. Get it?"

"Like, people come and give us stuff they want to donate?" Jun asks, getting a nod as a reply from Hoshi.

"Then we'll sort out the donation stuff according to categories. Like maybe for children, teens and the elderly." Continues Hoshi, and I scribbled down on my notebook.

Minghao looked up from his notebook, "How do we get people to donate?"

"Should we hand out flyers or hang a banner or something?" I suggested.

Hoshi shook his head, "I have a better idea."

• • • • •

Turned out that Hoshi wanted to hold a street performance for people to watch.

"Plus, I'll finally hook up with someone thay way, because they'll finally see my charms." As Hoshi says.

And Jun was in charge of the flyers. We decided to make them anyway. I learned that he was one of the best art students when he used to study in China. And apparently Minghao was there to help him.

Me? I was in charge of the stage setting and all that shit. Why did they have to give me the hard stuff.

Nice. Time to get to work once I get home.

"Hello? Seungcheol hyung? Where are you now? Where's Hansol?" I ask. I could here loud noises from wherever he was. And Hansol wasn't here to pick me up.

"You're at the cinema? What? With Hansol? Hyung! I thought he was gonna pick me up?"

"Are you kidding me? Walk home? What?"

"Take the taxi. Haha. Nice. Its not like I have enough money for it."

"Okay fine, I'll find a way. Bye."

I sat on the foot of the stairs in front of the building and sighed.

The rest of them already went home, and I was the only one left. I told Hoshi about the sweater incident (Jeonghan owes me again, for not explaining to Hoshi), and he said it was okay, since he found another sweater lying somewhere in the depths of the boxes. So I was left to find it, and I was the last one to leave.

I can't believe hyung and his squad left me to watch Scorch Trials. Are you kidding me? I wanted to watch that too!

I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my contacts.


Well why not we make this guy work once in a while?

I dialed his number which I had for some reason, stored in my phone, and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey." His voice was a little lower when heard on the phone.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Reading more of your mags. I'm getting bored. Your magazines suck."

I swallowed hard. God, this guy.

"Are you bored right now? I have a fun activity for you to do."

"What? "

"Come pick me up at the charity squad's place. Hyung and his squad went to the cinema."

"Where are you now? "

"Somewhere in the depths of Seoul. I don't know either. I'll text you the address and just find your way here. I'll wait at the bus stop nearby."

"Okay. I'll be there. Wait for me."


Wow. Jeonghan really is bored that he agreed to pick me up.

Alright. So first things first.

If Hoshi wanted to do a street performance and attract many people, I would suggest the stage to be held somewhere in a busy place...yeah the risk is big but who knows its gonna be worth it?

And I still don't know my way around here. I'm gonna ask hyung to take me around.

Hoshi told me to contact Chan and ask if he wanted to join this project. I'm certain he would love to, that dancing machine.

A black car stopped in front of me about half an hour later, and I could see Jeonghan's figure inside the car.

"Hey." I say, and pulled the car door close.

"Put on your seatbelt." He says.

"But I'm tired."

"Its just a seatbelt, do you want to die?"

"No I don't but I'm tired. My face muscles aren't moving."

"You're talking. Its moving then."

"Nhmdynt" - No they're not.

Jeonghan sighed and leaned towards me, his hand in between my thighs.

"What- y-yah, what are you doing?" I sat up straight from his sudden move.

He pulled my seatbelt and buckled it, and returned back to his seat to start the drive, "Doing what I should do. What, you think I'm into you? A girl like you? Please."

I was quite offended by what he said, because bitch just you wait and see, I'll get someone to fall in love with me in a blink of an eye.

Flustered, I ignored him and changed my gaze towards the buildings outside the window.

I couldn't blame myself if I ever had the thought that Jeonghan is into me sometimes.

I still remember that time when both of us were sprawled on Mr. Kim's lawn. He told me I love you, and I took it as a sarcastic joke when I said I hated him.

But maybe, just maybe, I heard him mutter ;

"What if I really meant what I said? "

I don't know...it could be my imagination...

"Yeah. That's it Lia. Its your imagination. You're not going to date that smug dipshit anyway. Pull yourself together." I muttered under my breath.


So yeah the previous chapter which I left hanging, I'm gonna leave it that way HAHAHAHAH okay no.

And yeah I think most of you didn't get what I meant by 'feathers everywhere', so please check the description of the story to know what I meant.



Countdown to jeonghan s bday guys.

And btw, wonwoo is wrecking my list each day, which is bad bc im writing a jeonghan fic and....yea.

Anyway if yall are annoyed with my updates then bE GRATEFUL BC I WONT UPDAtE DURING SCHOOL DAYS HAH.


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