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By the time Jeonghan woke me up, we were in the middle of the city. He parked his car somewhere and we both left, off to wherever he wanted to go. And for some strange reason I accepted his offer. I don't know, I was hungry.

Still feeling hazy, I wobbled behind him.

"What are we doing here? Why aren't we home?" I ask.

"We're going for coffee," Jeonghan answers, taking out his earphones.

I huffed, "You know you can just drive thru. No need to go around and park the car and wait in line."

Jeonghan turned around and smiled, "My treat." He ruffled my hair. Before continuing walking, he took my hand in his and then swung both of our hands.

Gosh, why does his personality keeps changing? It frustrates me.

Like maybe this happened when he was buying my clothes. One second being nice and offering to buy me clothes, and the next he bought me ugly ass crop tops. Well they're not ugly to be honest, he just doesn't know how to pick the right colours. Like, I don't like neon yellow, to start off with.

Both of us walked inside the cafe, the door nearly slamming into my face when after Jeonghan went in. Pssh. Rude.

The cafe was different from hyung's cafe, indeed. There's so much technology and everything's so rush here and there. Probably because its in the middle of the city. Hyung's cafe's got a much calmer feel, compared to what's here. Business people, everywhere.

"Hey, go take a seat ouside. Its less crowded," he told me. The outdoor area had small canopies with tables placed under them, to block the customers from the heat in case summer could fry an egg.

I shook my head, "No. I'll go and take our order. You go sit down," I say, motioning him out of the line "I don't want anymore of your mistakes." I mutter.

"SAY WHAT?! I DO MISTAKES?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. I quickly covered his mouth when people's attention were on us. They looked at us like it was no big deal, like we were this newlywed, but really, I dont even like him.

"Idiot!" I pushed him away to the door.

He smiled evilly, "That's what you get." Shoot. And I just wanted to flip my middle finger at him but luckily I remembered that we were in public.

Thinking back, Americano was one of the things that made me and Jeonghan met. Really. It was cliche. Like, it was his fault we met! If he hadn't brushed his hand with mine we wouldn't even talk to each other, and my life would be perfectly peaceful.

But no, he just had to think that it was his coffee.

Coughs anyway, since its Jeonghan's treat, I'll just probably buy everything on the menu. Gulp all of them down. Without sharing. I don't care. I'm hungry. I'm always hungry.

I didn't know what type of coffee Jeonghan likes though. I'd prefer Americano, and he could possibly like flavoured lattes or so, because he looks like those 'I-have-no-specific-favorite' kind of person. I don't know either.

I ended up ordering a few muffins, because the bread that was sold looked soggy and stale. To be honest I was really craving for real bread you know? The ones sold in Korean bakeries are kinda hard and factory made.

I wonder why Jeonghan picked this place for coffee.

"Yours." I placed the tray of food in front of him. The second thing I did was snarf down the first chocolate muffin.

"Let's get to know each other." Jeonghan suddenly says, puttin down his phone and looks at me.

I swallowed my muffin, "Why?"

"God, Lia we're living together. I'm staying at yours for what's gonna be like....the next 20 centuries. We can't act like strangers forever." He says, leaning back against the chair.

I rolled my eyes, "Well I can. And you should really get a house becaude I don't like you living with me, because you raid all my food in the fridge."

"Its not my fault the food Seungcheol bought was delicious. Hey, lets play ice breaking!"


"I'm Yoon Jeonghan, 95 liner, fully Korean, call me a girl once more and I'll murder you." Jeonghan out of nowhere spat his spit on his hand and held it out, as if waiting for me to shake it.

I stared in disgust as he says, "Shake on it."

"Hey! That's from Peter Pan!" I exclaimed, part of me hoping that he would change the topic "its my favorite movie."

"Yeah, same, I kinda grew up with it. Now shake." He was still firm with this disgusting handshake. To be honest, I didn't mind doing this when we're at home but we're in public now??? People were staring at him when he was spitting. Its embarrassing, ok.

Being hesitant or whining wouldn't change anything. He's still waiting for me to shake his hand, the same way.

I sighed and spat on my hand, and literally screamed the whole time our hands made contact, because his spit was cold. Jeonghan, on the other gand, seemed pleased.

When both of us let go, there was a trail of our spit combined from both hands. Luckily a waitress was carrying a glass of clear water on her tray, so I took the glass of water and washed my hands with it.

"You weren't supposed to do that! You were supposed to lick your hand once again!" Jeonghan says.

"Bro you serious? That wasn't what Peter Pan did in the movie! And hell no am I licking your spit." I grabbed a tissue and wiped my hands with it, half clean. I'm gonna ask for some holy water to clean my hand once again.

Jeonghan nodded towards me, "Your turn."

"Choi Amelia, 19, you don't need to know anymore info about me because I'm hungry anyway so..." I took the sandwich that I ordered in my hand but Jeonghan slapped my hand away. RUDE.

"That's all?"


"Okay. Anyway, I've heard you haven't dated?" He asks I, an innocent random citizen who was trying to not die of choking on water.

I groaned, "Not the sensitive part, please."

He chuckled, "Okay fine. And your parents?"

"Well, they died. They were murdered...? I don't know either." I replied, still unsure of what actually happened "yours?"

"I've got no parents." He says, stirring the foam on his coffee.

"What do you mean?" I ask. Did his parents divorce and left him?

He smiled, and this was so far his most sweetest smile yet, "They died. They were killed."

"Oh." I mumbled sheepishly. It must have hurt to smile like that, while youre admitting something that you know is painful.

I know, I've been through everything. I hated those who gave me pitying looks, I hated those eyes that held the word sorry behind them. I just hated it when they look at me and think I've got no future.

And Jisoo. People's been giving him those looks since forever. I wanted to poke their eyeballs out, to be honest. But Jisoo remained calm, and he thanked those dickheads for their "sorrys". As expected from my gentleman friend. But he's holding something behind that thank you. Pain.

"Hey Lia, what do you think of me?"

The question out of nowhere voiced out from his mouth, and I was confused at first but answered anyway, with whatever that appeared in my mind when I think of him, "I think you're a crazy smug dipshit."

He played with my fingers, twiddling them, entertwining his fingers with mine once in a while.

He didn't answer. I let him be, sipping my coffee.

"You know, you've got really nice hands." He comments, spreading our hands and measuring both of ours "both of ours fit perfectly."

I'll be honest, I was really flustered when he said that. Why the sudden compliment?

Come on, which girl ain't happy when someone tells her she's beautiful. Besides her parents though.

"So the handshake a while ago...what was it for?"

"Its a deal. We're friends forever."

"But I never agreed-"

Jeonghan looked down at the table and brought my hand to his lips, planting a quick kiss on my palm. I could feel his soft lips curling into a smile on the palm of my hand.

"I really mean it. "

A shade of crimson was creeping up to my cheeks, as I stared at this angel - like he says - and when you look closely at him, you could actually see the twinkle in his eyes and you feel fuzzy when you hear him laugh.

"Okay." I fell under his spell.

"Oi! You better pay back for the glass of water!"

And the waitress just had to ruin it.



so this is what happens when youve got period cramps, and youre being super emo, then a hip hop unit song comes up, and youre high.

I didn't go to school today bc of rhe cramps like aRE YOU KIDDING ME IT FVCKING HURTS .

Anyways coughs Jeonghan is aesthetic. He does not need to be aesthetic. He himself is aesthetic. He's aesthetic than other aesthetics.

Forgive my nonsense istg im high

I just need a wonu rn to rub my tummy and feed me ice cream to kill the pain away sobs

So uh you guys can mail me a Wonu to malaysia, I'll be prepared.




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