2: The Task

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[Not Edited]

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      EYES slowly fluttering open, Thorn woke up in an abandoned playground.

      She laid on her side, face partly pricked by the chips of wood that scattered all the ground. Slowly pushing herself up, she let out a high yelp as pain spread through her back like fire scorching her skin making her fall again face first.

      Tentatively reaching her back, she then remembered that her wings had been ripped out and new scars were starting to take its place. She let out a muffled sob, tears threatening to flow out as the pain started up again.

      After a few more moments of self-pitying herself, she started to push herself up agan, wincing in pain everytime she moved. Finally sitting up as straight as she could, she took in her surroundings.

      She seemed to be in a abandoned park as the front gates were chained and almost falling apart but still managing to hold up a sign saying that it was out of service. She then understood why it was out of service.

      There was a pair of swings in the far corner playground ready to fall apart as the seats were already dangling on the rusty chain ready to snap in any second. Then there was the monkey bars all rotted, holes already decorating it along with some mold.

      Last but not least were the tunnels wich had since then faded out their colors, now looking more like sewers than tunnels where little kids used to play in. That gave the park a creepy look.

       It seemed to be autumn as the breeze gently picked up causing the red, yellow, and orange leaves slowly swirl around in a mini tornado along the pavement.

      Thorn slowly got up deciding to get out of there. The wind harshly picked up, making the bare trees trash around wildly looming over her as if stretching out to grab her. Her long, black hair then started to whip around her making her loose her focus.

      Startled by the change of scenery, Thorn started to clumsily walk foward despite the pain in her back. Each step felt like millions of daggers stabbing her back repeatedly.

      After many agonizing steps, Thorn finally made it to the front entrance. The gates arched over her, nearly falling over. Looking up at the gates, Thorn felt weakend by the pain so much that she just wanted to lay down on the pavement and sleep but her determination kept her going.

      The old, rickety gates suddenly seemed like the tallest structure she had ever seen. She then decided to climb over them seeing as the chains, no matter how old they looked, seemed hard to break and she didn't have the strength enough to do it.

      Putting one foot in the edge of the bar, she got a good grip on them before hauling herself up. She repeated the same movements until she reached the top if the gate and swung her leg over to the other side crawling down rapidly until her feet touched the pavement with a loud thud.

      She then realized that she wasn't wearing the clothes she had back in heaven. Instead she wore some black leggings, black shirt, paired with some black combat boots. That's why climbing the fence seemed so easy.

      The thought of not knowing what to do frustrated her. As if sensing her distress, the wind once again picked up and if Thorn wasn't imagining it, she swore she heard the wind wispher something in her ear.

      "Check your pocket..."

      With that she stood there dazed at the voice but decided to do as it said. After searching her pockets, she found a note folded neatly into a square. Curiosity gleamed in her blue eyes as she giddily opened it.

      Reading it through, she stood there dumbfounded. She read it again to see if her eyes weren't playing tricks on her.

      "Dear Thorn,

       If you want your wings back, you must do me one favor. Bring Lucifer's son to me, alive and unharmed. And I will forgive your betrayal.

      Such a simple and easy task. Capture him and bring him to me, no questions asked. My angels have left you close by where he was last seen. To help you search for him, we have placed a bank account under your name. You will capture him and once you have him we will later give you directions on where to take him.

      Don't worry about your wings, they are being kept safe and secure so you'll get them back in good condition. Of course you'll have to do that little task first wich you have surely agreed on by now. Wait for further instructions, but for now that's all.

      Yours truly,


      Eyebrows up and eyes wide was how Thorn looked after reading the note.

      Hope sparked up in her like a bonfire. Hope of getting her wings back. She will practically kill two birds in one shot with what Lucifer promised her and the chance of getting her wings back.

      Suddenly eager by the thought of it she started walking in search of a bank, ignoring the pain aching in her back.

      The sky began to turn into different shades of purple indicating that it was already dawn. She hurried her pace knowing that the banks were probably about to close.

      It felt like an eternity after finally reaching into an unfamiliar town. She seemed to be in the end of the town since there was a sign saying 'Goodbye!' and 'Visit Soon!' written in bold letters.

      Cautiously walking at the edge of the road, she started to scan her surroundings.

      Many different type of stores were lined up in each side of the road. Flower shops, grocery stores, shoe stores you name it. She kept walking until she found the bank.

       Crossing the road, since it was in the other side, she made her way to the bank. Pushing the glass doors open, bells chimed above her announcing her arrival. She caught the workers attention who gave her a nice welcome.

      Smiling at them she started to make her way up to the counter. The bank seemed pretty empty cosidering that it was already dark outside. Guess the also worked in night hours.

      "Hello, how can I help you?" The lady attending her spoke in a chirpy voice.

      Smiling at her she then replied, "Yes well I'm here to pick up some money that was left under my name, ummm... Emerald?"

      She doubled checked to see if she had gotten her name right according to her name tag. Nodding in satisfcation she then proceeded to getting her money.

      "Okay then. What may your name be?" She asked. Her green eyes defining her name, gleamed in happiness. She sured seemed like a carefree person.

      "Thorn. Thorn..." She then remembered that she did not have or remember her last name.

      Emerald started typing away waiting for her to continue. Thorn started to panic, not knowing what to do. Frantically searching the note in her pocket, she unfolded it quickly scanning it trying to see if she had forgotten something.

      "Your last name?" Emerald asked. Now suspicious of the teenager in front of her.

      After reading the note she noticed that a name was written down in the back part saying that that was the name the account was under. Sighing in relief she then proceeded to tell it to Emerald.

      Emerald once again typed away in her computer. After a dew silence moments she spoke again.

      "Okay here it says that you have a total of five hundred thousand dollars under your name. Yes?" Emerald asked as she looked up from the computer.

      Thorn nodded in approval. Amazed at how much money she had.

      "How much money will you like to take out for now?" Thorn was thoughtful until she decided about a thousand dollars.

      Emerald then got up and went to the back of the store. Waiting a few moments, Thorn thought about what she would do next. She would probably go rent an apartment for now.

      After a few minutes, Emerald came back with some money in hand. Sitting back down, she got an envelope and placed the money in it. She then typed something in her computer that made the printer next to her whir and print out a paper.

      Grabbing a pen from her desk and passing it to Thorn along with the paper she pointed to the dotted line in the right hand corner.

      "Please sign here." Thorn picked up the pen and scribbled her name on the line, giving the pen back afterwards.

      Emerald took the paper back and handed her the envelope filled with money. Thorn gave her a friendly smile and made her way out after saying her thank you.

      Her smile quickly turned upside down as she stepped outside the bank, now clearly nightime. The streelights were turned on but barely managing to light up the street as it was flickering on and off. Dogs barked in the distance as a trashcan fell over causing meows and hisses to fill in the silence.

      Troubled by the eerie silence, Thorn started her search on an apartment to stay at night.

      Though lets just say she never got there.

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Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Its crappy I know but #Don'tJudge ;) Love the suspension! Don't you?! Well then wait for next time!

★ Alma ★

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