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 author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

 Sam: here we go again.........I wonder what kind of trouble you are going to get us into scrletfyre?

 author: whom said it was going to involve you Sam?

 Phantom: do you like picking on me or something scrletfyre?

 author: not really Phantom but it was the way that the chapter turned out.

 Phantom: just my luck.

 Sam: don't worry Phantom I have your back.

 Phantom: at least someone does.

 author: as always we ask for you to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell us what you think. I claims no rights or doesn't own any of the characters featured in the Danny Phantom series.

 Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech


 Phantom had learned that the girl's name was Ember McLain as he could feel Ember watching him like a hawk. Phantom ignored the feeling as he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself. Ember wasn't the only angel in the school. One of the angels was disguised as a teacher named Penelope Spectra. Even though Phantom tried not to draw too much attention to himself, it didn't mean that trouble wouldn't find him.

"Hey.....Fenterd......" shouted out a voice while the students were in the hallway. Both Danny and Phantom stopped turning around to see a bunch of jocks heading their way. Phantom could hear Danny whispering 'oh no' as the jocks approached. Dash and his friends crowded Danny and Phantom. "Well I can see that the ugly gene runs in the family. So what's up with you........are you trying to be cool or something?" asked Dash.

 "Come on Dash just leave him alone. We didn't do anything to you." stated Danny as he tried to push his way from the jocks.

 "Hey Dash.......do you think we will be able to stuff Angel into a locker as easily as we can Danny?" asked Kwan.

 "I don't know.....let's find out!" replied Dash as he and the other jocks grabbed both Danny and Phantom as they opened up two lockers.

 "Guys stop it..........not again!" shouted out Danny. Phantom managed to flip the jock that was holding onto him slamming him on the ground. Phantom then moved grabbing a hold of the two jocks that had Danny as he twisted their hands behind their backs freeing Danny as he shoved the jocks that he was holding against the lockers. The look of shock stretched across everyone's faces. Phantom had learned from Sam how to stand up for himself and to not take any abuse. For a change, Phantom was going to stand up for himself instead of taking the abuse like he used too.

 "Maybe you won't find it so cute if someone did it to you." snarled Phantom. The jocks had to admit that it was no longer fun and games when the tables were turned on them. "Are you all right Danny?" asked Phantom as the teen nodded his head yes. Phantom let go of his hold on the two jocks as Phantom and his friends walked off.

 "I can't believe that you just did that........nobody has ever stood up to Dash before." stated Tucker as they noticed that Phantom's hands were shacking.

 "Are you all right?" asked Sam.

 "I don't like the feelings that came over me when I felt threatened again. I never fought back before. It felt strange to fight back as it felt almost like I was becoming someone else. It felt almost like a darker part of me was releasing." replied Phantom. The human teens looked at the dark angel in concern. They had never seen a darker side to Phantom as for even a brief moment, they were afraid of him. Phantom would have never truly hurt those humans as he couldn't figure out what had come over him.

Ember had witnessed the whole thing as she shuttered. Parts of Phantom's true nature had somewhat surfaces as the teen angel began to feel uncomfortable. Ever since Ember could remember, the other angels looked down upon Phantom for being a dark angel. Dark angels were considered freaks of nature. Ember began to have second thoughts about the mission that she was given. Ember decided to keep what she had seen a secret from Penelope.

 'Why is it that I have a really bad feeling about this.......why does Walker feel so concerned about the dark angel? What in the world is truly going on?' Ember thought to herself. Both Ember and Penelope were dispatched to see what Phantom had found out......both angels could feel that there was more to this than meets the eye. One way or another they were going to find out the truth.


 Phantom: I can't believe that I just did that!

 Danny: if you ask me Dash and those guys deserved it.

 Sam: damn right.

 author: I am not a truly violent person but sometimes the thought crossed my mind to have those whom bullied have the tables turned on them.

 Phantom: but why is it that I was the one who did it?

 author: it is part of you nature.........more about it will be discovered about it in the next chapter.

 Sam: I don't trust Ember or Penelope.

 author: I understand your feelings Sam but things will take a turn in the next chapter......that's all I am going to say.

 Phantom: I guess we have to wait to see what happens next time. Please as always leave your comments and reviews.

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