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author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

Phantom: hey scrletfyre, why did you have Walker as an angel and not a demon?

author: its because I felt that his character was better suited to be an angel that is trying to control heaven since that is what he does in the series. Almost half of the villians will be either angels and/or demons.

Sam: Plasmius as a demon seems logical but Walker as an angel, I just don't see it.

author: as I said before Sam that's the whole reason to why I did it. I don't want for people to know what's comming as I feel that they will really be confused by whom I chose to be angels and demons.

Phantom & Sam (in unison): .......oh.......

author: as always we ask for you to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell us what you think. I claims no rights or doesn't own any of the characters featured in the Danny Phantom series.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech


The previous night Phantom stayed up studying various books both from Sam's book bag and from her self in order to become more knowligeable about the human world. Everyone had come to an agreement that Phantom was going to be Danny's and Jazz's cousin from Paris France whose parents maybe moving here so, they sent Phantom to check out the school and the area. For the time that Phantom was going to be disquised as a human his name would be Angel Fenton which was an actual play of words. Since Fenton and Phantom sounded so familiar it made the most logical choice to have his first name be Angel as no one would kn0ow that he was an actual angel. Phantom wanted to try to pull off being human without any body realizing what he was. Phantom was still slightly troubled by what had happened with the demons as he had a feeling that the angels could be disquised as humans to try to pull off their plans for the mortal wold. The only way Phantom could confirm his suspicion was to disquise himself as a human. He could witness for himself what the human world was truly like through a human's eyes. After a while Phantom let out a long yawn as he looked over to his life mate as a brief smile stretched across his face. Sam was the first being whom ever showed any compassion to Phantom. Over the last couple of days, Phantom has been experiencing a wide range of emotions that he has never felt before. He could feel this longing to be with Sam as he had noticed her slight blushes and trying to avoid looking at Phantom. Phantom had been reading up on human nature and emotions so he knew that Sam was either in love or falling in love for him. With Phantom beginning to feel and experience human emotions, he felt slightly confussed by what the motion meant that he was feeling. He did know however that he wouldn't allow anything to happen to Sam as his life mate was important to him in more ways than he knew. Phantom began to debate if he should tell Sam or not about how he felt and about her being his life mate. Knowing how she felt about him played an important part on his descision. Once Phantom made his descision, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

In Phantom's dream, he could see a brilliant light appear before him.

Phantom........you must be careful. Walker, one of the angels whom controls Heaven has sent two of his own angels after you. They are to see what you know and what you have discovered. I have all ready made arrangements for your human persona to be real. Protect the humans from the angels and the demons. Protect those whom have befriended you and your life mate. Some day we shall meet one another. Until then my dearest Phantom........be well. stated a voice within the light. Phantom recognized the voice to be God's as he carefully listened to what God had to say.

Phantom awoke before Sam as he proceeded to change into his human form. Phantom remembered what God had told him through his dream as he felt some how different. It was like he know understood what human emotions he was feeling meant. Everything had become clear. A smile stretched across Phantom's face as he leaned over kissing Sam on the forehead while she slept.

'I will soon tell you everything Sam........when the time is right. Until then, I will not allow anything to happen to you.' Phantom thought to himself as he made his way downstairs to wait for Sam. Today was going to be the first time that he attended a school of any type.

After Sam got up and dressed for school, both she and Phantom walked to school together. Before they got to the school, they met up with Danny, Jazz, Tucker, and Valerie.

"Are you sure that you really want to do this Phantom?" asked Jazz.

"I am certain as God has already taken care of creating my human identity that way nobody will be the wiser to know that I am not human. I was told to be on the look out for angels that maybe possing as humans." replied Phantom.

"Do yo think that they maybe after us?" asked Tucker.

"No....they are here to investigate me. They are to find out and discover what I do know." replied Phantom.

"Will we know them if we saw them?" asked Valerie.

"No.........possibly like me, they used Heaven's power to create their human identies. But I will be able to sense them regardless what form they are in." replied Phantom.

"If you are certain about this, then we won't stop you." stated Sam as the group entered into Casper High School.

Phantom was given the same schedule as Danny as they placed him in the same classroom as Danny, Sam, Valerie, and Tucker. Phantom could sense two angels close by. Phantom scanned the room carefully as he could spot a teenage girl that was dressed like a rock star, something about her presence felt familiar as she had a strange aurora surrounding her being.

'Well, that's one of them. She had disquised herself as a student which means that the other one must be either a teacher, a member of the staff, or a member of the faculity. No doubt that they are aware of me too. I best be on my guard.' Phanotm though to himself as he sat next to Danny in order to share the books for class.


Phantom: you never told us whom the angels in disquise are. Wouldn't I know their names?

author: not really Phantom.......you had been exsiled from Heaven so you don't know anyone's name and what they truly look like. But you can sense their aurora and what they are.

Sam: so who are they and what kind of trouble befalls us in the next chapter?

author: you just have to wait to see what happens as I want to see if readers can figure out whom one of the angels is as I gave a brief hint.

Phantom: god scrletfyre......you must really like tormenting us.

author: not really.......I just had a hard time writing this chapter so I ended it on a cliff hanger in order to go over what I had done before and what had lead up to this moment.

Sam: so you are trying to collect your thoughts.

author: exactly.......its hard when you have two stories running at the same time as it seems that sometime I get sidetracked by what I am working on. But I will promise my readers that I will have the next chapter up as soon as possible.

Phantom: in the meantime......please leave your comments and reviews to tell us what you think and who you think shall play what. I am interested in seeing what you guys think!

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