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 author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

 Phantom: I am almost afraid to see what happens next.

 Sam: I know whom on earth knew that scrletfyre could be so evil?

 author: I am not evil Sam. I am just possessed.

 Phantom: I could fix that for you. (blasts author with magical energy)

 author: ..........I didn't mean it in that way Phantom. God can't you people take a joke?

 Phantom & Sam: ..............NO!

 author: God help me!

 Phantom: I don't think he is going to hear you.

 author (throws hands up into the air): ...................I give up!

 Sam: as always we ask for you to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell us what you think. scrletfyre claims no rights or doesn't own any of the characters featured in the Danny Phantom series.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech


Meanwhile up in Heaven......all of the angels were in an uproar when they discovered that their favorite punching bag, the dark angel named Phantom was gone. The chains that held him at Purgatory's gates has been magically severed by powerful magic which some of them had never seen before. They could sense his energy down in the mortal world before it vanished.

 What's going on? Did Phantom discover what we are planning as he went down to the mortal world to stop us? asked an angel. All of the angels were asking the same question.

 Quite everyone! roared a voice. All of the angels hushed as they stepped aside. A tall muscular angel whom was dressed in a black suit wearing a black hat and white sunglasses emerged from the crowd. His large white feathers rested against his back as everyone bowed their heads in respect. The angel known as Walker set up a ton of rules as his word was concidered law. I have been made aware of the situtation and already took steps to carefully monitor Phantom. I have also sent two of my own person angels to watch over Phantom while he is on the mortal world. They are both to report to me anything that they discover. stated Walker as the angels still slightly worried. If Phantom and/or God found out what was going on, they would be in deep trouble. The dark angels were considered God's ambinsary as they had more power than any other angel alive. If God and/or the dark angel knew of their plans, the angels could be destroyed without a second thought. Walker knew this when he banished Phantom to Purgatory and made sure that the angels life was a living Hell. If Phantom talked to God then he had some awareness to what's going on. Now that problems taken care of you all must excuse me as I have a meeting that I must attend to. he stated. All of the angels took off leaving Walker alone. Walker opened up his wings before he flew off.

 Walker flew down to Hell as he had a meeting with some of the leaders of Hell. Once Walker arrived in Hell, he was greeted by another demon and lead to the chambers where the meeting was taking place. Several demons stood in the background arguing with the leader whom stood in the middle. The leader looked like a vampire as his black hair was styled in a capital V as he wore a white suit similar to what a vampire wears as his skin was an ice blue color. His glowing all red eyes with no visible irises and/or pupils glared at the demons in anger.

 Lord Plasmius, the angel Walker is here by your request. stated the demon. Plasmius turned to Walker exposing his fangs.

 Finally. What's going on Walker? I have received word that the dark angel is on the mortal world as he had stopped several of my demons from attacking the humans. hissed Plasmius.

 I know.....I had just found out that the dark angel named Phantom has escaped from Purgatory after several angels attacked him. He must have fallen down to Earth. I have all ready sent two angels down to the mortal realm to send me reports on what Phantom knows and what he has discovered. We will take care of the dark angel. replied Walker.

 You better Walker, we can't go having this dark angel ruin our plans. snapped Plasmius.

 Fear not Plasmius. We can handle Phantom, you just keep up with your end of the bargain. stated Walker. Plasmius glared at Walker as even he knew not to over step his bounds with the angel. At one point the demons and angels were bitter enemies but now they were both working for a common goal, the domination of human kind.

 I hope that you are right Walker or we are going to have problems. stated Plasmius. Even the demons knew about the dark angels powers and whom they were employed by. If this dark angel was working under the commands of God then the plan cooked up between the angels and the demons would all be for nothing.


 Phantom: can I just say that I hate you know scrletfyre?

 Sam: I hate to agree with Phantom.

 author: come on guys its not that bad.

 Phantom: you have Walker as an angel and Plasmius as a demon.........What in the world were you thinking?

 author: just be grateful that you have no clue whom Walker sent.

 Sam (lunges for the author): I am going to kill you now!

 Phantom (grabs Sam and hold her back): you can't kill her Sam she might be able to fix this.

 author (grins): I could but you have a human school to attend.

 Phantom (releases Sam): go ahead and kill her.

 Sam: gladly!


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