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 author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

 Phantom: alright so what's this big secret you are telling everyone scrletfyre?

 author: its not my secret as everyone found out about your secret during the last chapter.

 Sam: I all ready knew it so it's no big shock to me.

 author: I know that Sam but they need to be filled in on it and how you know.

 Danny, Tucker, Valerie, and Jazz (in unison): yeah!

 Phantom: can I trust them with my secret?

 author: I know that you can Phantom.

Sam: as always we ask for you to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell us what you think. scrletfyre claims no rights or doesn't own any of the characters featured in the Danny Phantom series.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech


 Danny, Jazz, Tucker, and Valerie stood there stunned as they had just seen Phantom become an angel. The staff sythe that Phantom had in his hand vanished once he had made sure that everyone was all right. Sam let out a long sigh as she knew that she had a lot of explaining to do.

"Before I tell you what's going on and hwat you have just all seen, you must promise me to keep this a secret as nobody can know about this. It must remain a secret between the five of us." stated Sam. Danny, Jazz, Tucker, and Valerie all looked at one another as they nodded their heads to agree to keep this a secret. Sam looked at Phantom whom nodded his head as he could tell that they weren't lying. Sam let out another long sigh. "Phantom isn't my cousin, he is actually a dark angel from Heaven. I had found him when he came falling down from the sky."

"I am the only dark angel that exists within Heaven as the other angels hate and toture me because of it. One day it got so bad that several angels attacked me while I was kept chained up outside of Heaven while I was trapped in Purgatory. I thought that I had been abandoned and that nobody cared for me but, I was wrong. I had come to find out that I had not been truly foresaken as God is allowing me to stay on Earth to find out what the angels and demons are up too." added Phantom. He didn't dare say more than he had too.

 "Even though I had seen it first hand, I still can't believe it." stated Jazz.

 "But why does he look so much like Danny?" asked Valerie. Both Danny and Phantom looked at one another as they almost looked exactly like one another despite the difference in their hair color, eye color, and the sound of their voice.

 "Yeah why is that?" asked Danny.

 "Not even I know the reason to that. All I do know is that God fears that the demons and angels are teaming up as they plan to do something but I am not sure what. I believe thazt God maybe right about his suspisions as those demons had mentioned something about a tready they had with the angels." stated Phantom.

 "In the meantime we have to come up with a better story if you are going to be in a human disquise. Unless you can disquise yourself better." stated Jazz.

 "This is as close I am going to get. If I use any more of my powers then I will alert the angels to my presence if they haven't all ready sensed it." replied Phantom.

 "Well since you do look a lot like me and stuff, I think people are more likely to believe that you are my cousin rather than Sam's. We could tell people that you are from a foreign country which will explain your accent." stated Danny.

 "You would do that for me?" asked Phantom.

 "Of course we would. You willingly revealed yourself to help protect us, it is the least that we can do to keep your secret and come up with a more believable story." replied Valerie. Everyone agreed with Valerie as Phantom felt touched by these humans. They were the first true friends that he had ever made as they didn't see his black wings viewing him as a freak like many other do but, they only saw him as an angel there to help them. This touched Phantom that he begun to cry tears of blood as he flet moved by these humans.

"Thank you everyone." he replied silently as he cried. Phantom knew that he could trust these people these five humans to keep his secret.


 Phantom: all right so it wasn't that bad.

 author: see I told you Phantom.

 Sam: why do I have a feeling that things are about to get worse.

 author (grinning wickedly): it's just your imagination Sam.

 Phantom: I know that look scrletfyre, you have something evil planned in the next chapter.

 author: I am not saying a word (begins to laugh wickedly)

Phantom & Sam: .........................................

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