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 author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

 Sam: whoa you have quite a few reviews last chapter and a few complaints.

 author: yeah I know. I will try my best to make the chapters a little bit longer. Sorry!

 Phantom: scrletfyre can I have the cookie that yurithefurry gave you?

 author (tosses Phantom the cookie): knock yourself out Phantom. Yeah I love hyunhon's art work too as the artist gave me permision to use the art work for this story. I tried to keep it some what like the art work that is shown on their sight.

 Phantom: how about answering xsugarxblossomx's question, will anybody else be able to see me besides Sam?

 Sam (grabs Phantom holding onto him tightly): no way......he's all mine!

 author: you have to read to find out what happens as I don't want to give too much way.

 Phantom: I agree with yurithefurry as God should really kick those whom hurt me.

 author: we will see what happens. And to RQRGJM9311, even though I am Catholic doesn't mean that I necessarily believe in God either. And a special thanks to everyone else whom reviewed the last chapter

 Sam: as always we ask for you to leave your comments and reviews at the end to tell us what you think.

 Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech


 The next morning Phantom awoke feeling power flowing through his very being. He remebered what God had said to him the night before. A brief smile stretched across his lips as he used his powers to alter his form. His black wings shrank down into his back as his outfit changed into more modern clothing. He couldn't go wandering about the human world wearing his angelic garb. Once the transformation was done with a knock came on the door. Phantom recognized Sam's knock almost instinctfully. Phantom opened the door to see Sam standing there. Sam looked shocked and stunned that she stumbled backwards. Phantom moved quickly catching her before she fell down backwards down the stairs.

 "Careful Sam." he stated snapping her out of the trans. Sam slightly turned her head to see the stairs. Phantom pulled her back up to the landing away from the stairs. "This isn't the first time that you have seen me take on a human form." he replied.

"I know Phantom, it is just you look so ordinary that I find it hard to believe that it's you." replied Sam in a blush. Despite the outfit change he still had the ghost white hair and lime green eyes which were glowing lightly as it was hardly noticeable unless you looked hard enough. Phantom was now wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a white short sleeve tee shirt with a black vest. A red design of a human rock band sat in the middle of his shirt. He wore a pair of tinted silver sunglasses over his eyes and a pair of brown hicking boots.

 'God he's handsome. I can't believe that this is truly an angel standing in front of me.' Sam thought to herself being careful that Phantom didn't hear her thoughts. She didn't want the angel to know that she was falling in love with him because she knew that sooner or later Phantom would have to leave her. "Any way what do you want to do while you're here on Earth?" she asked.

 "Perhaps you can show me around. It seems that I may be here for a while. By the way that book you gave me to read helped alot. I have not been fully abandoned as last night I actually spoke to God." stated Phantom.

 "Well that's good news. I would ask what he had told you but that's information that I don't need to know. The less I know the better." replied Sam. Phantom understood what she meant by what she had said. He knew that she feared him leaving her alone without saying a word. "All right then let's get going, there is so much to see and to do." stated Sam as Phantom nodded his head.

Sam showed Phantom all around Amity Park as they ened up running into Sam's friends while in town near a local arcade.

 "Hey Sam, who is your friend?" asked Danny. Sam looked at Phantom not sure what to say.

 "I am her cousin, the name is Phantom." replied Phantom clearly lying to the human. "I am in town for a while so Sam is showing me around." he added.

 "It's nice to meet you Phantom." stated Valerie whom shook his hand.

 "So where do you actually come from as I can't place your accent?" asked Jazz.

 "Heaven's." answered Phantom. Everybody laughed thinking that he was actually joking as they all walked down an alley way.

 "So what do you think of Amity Park so far?" asked Tucker.

 "It seems like a very nice place from where I am originally from." replied Phantom as he could sense some demons nearby which caused him to curse in his angelic tongue. *Sam, we have a problem. There are some demons close by. I don't want to involve your friends if I have to fight these demons.* Phantome told Sam telepathically.

 *Where are they?* asked Sam mentally as it felt natural for her to hear Phantom to talk to her mentally as she knew that Phantom could hear her. Phantom never got to answer her question as a group of demons appeared within the alley attacking Sam and friends. This caused Phantom to curse even more in his angelic tongue. Sam yelled out for them all to run but the demons cut off their means of escape as the demons swared on top of them. Phantom couldn't allow these demons to hurt the humans.

 'Forgive me, my Lord!' Phantom thought to himself as he threw off the demons that were on him before he transformed back into his angelic form. Seeing that Phantom was actually an angel shocked everyone as Sam knew that she had alot of explaining to do. Leave these humans alone, they are under my protection. Phantom snapped at the demons.

 You can't stop us angel, we are under contract. replied one of the demons.

 Wait look at the color of his wings, he is a dark angel, one of God's soldiers! stated one of the other demons. This confirmed God's suspision that the angels and demons were working together.

 No matter, it is only one angel. stated another demon as the demons then moved to attack Phantom. Phantom's eyes and hands glowed in a lime green light as the energy as he wielded the energy blasting the demons as they lept at him. The energy destroyed the demons instantly causing them to curse in their demonic tongue.

 Damn it, he had the power of God's fire! Kill the humans quickly! hissed one of the demons. Phantom moved faster than the demons as a long staff with a sythe at the each end formed in his hands. Phantom used the staff sythe attacking the demons slashing them before they even had a chance to move. Phantom moved so fast that before anyone knew it, all of the demons had been destroyed.

 "Is everyone all right? Is anybody hurt?" asked Phantom as he quickly transformed back into a human form. Tucker, Jazz, Valerie, and Danny all stared at him not sure what to say as they all turned towards Sam.

 "I can explain everything." stated Sam after Phantom nodded his head.


 Phantom: boo yeah..... who kicks demon butt?

 Sam (sighing): easy for you to say your not the one whom has to explain everything.

 author: hey Sam it could always be worse!

 Sam: how?

 Danny: Dash could be stuffing you into your locker wearing absolutely nothing.

 author: Danny get your mind out of the gutter besides I won't allow it.

 Phantom: hell yeah. Even if he tries something he would have to get by me first!

 Dash (cracking his knuckles): sounds like a challenge to me.

 author: Dash I wouldn't do that if I were you........ (a huge fight breaks out as Phantom stuffs Dash into the locker wearing only his boxer shorts) See.....I told you!


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