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author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

Phantom: hey scrletfyre, what kind of bonds are we talking about in this chapter?

author: the one formed between people. I want to personally thank Leo112 for their poem and allowing me to use it. It helped alot in this chapter.

Sam: why use other peoples work?

author: I do happen to use it when I feel it is appropate as I also use people's ideas that they give me some time.

Phantom: so any clue how long this is going to last yet?

author: yes as I finally figured it out that I am going to chapter 18 as I still have the big battle for you to endure and go through.

Phantom (sighs): great!

Sam: don't worry Phantom, I am still by your side. I will still be by his side after everything is over and done with, right?

author: I can't say for sure.

Sam (sighs): oh man!

author: I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters and stuff featured on Danny Phantom or its series. This fanfiction story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech


Both Penelope and Ember helped Phantom to Sam's house. Both angels made the humans think that they saw the three angels take back off to Heaven after killing the demons that attacked. There was wide spread chaos that there was no way that they could wipe everyone's memory. Only God himself had the power to do that. Sam was a bit grateful that her parents were gone for the weekend. Sam began to wonder what on Earth possessed her to follow Phantom. A part of her wanted to help however she could as Sam and her friends helped direct people to safety. Sam felt like she had missed something important as know it seemed that Penelope and Ember were now allies. With Phantom visibly weak and drained, it might take him a while for him to recover. At Sam's house, everyone met up as Danny, Jazz, Tucker, and Valerie knew what Phantom, Penelope, and Ember truly were. Both Penelope and Ember explained everything leaving out the fact that Sam was Phantom's life mate as the dark angel wanted to tell Sam him self. The humans were surprised to learn that the angels weren't told everything about what was going on. Phantom told everyone what God had told him while he was out cold do to over using his powers. He even told them about the darker part of him that unleashed his truest form. Both Penelope and Ember were a bit shocked with Phantom telling these humans everything as they seemed to understand the situation.

*Phantom, are you sure its wise to tell these humans everything?* asked Penelope mentally.

*I trust them as they have been a great help to me seeing how I have been alone most of my life. These humans have taught me much during the time that I have been with them. I hold nothing back from them as I trust them more than others.* replied Phantom.

*That's understandable Phantom. But Ember and I are willing to work with you to stop these demons and other like ourselves. What Walker has planned is wrong!* stated Penelope as Ember nodded her head in agreement.

*Thanks you two, I appreciate the help.* replied Phantom as he began to wonder if there maybe others like Ember and Penelope whom could be allies to him in this up and coming battle.

It took almost a week for Phantom to recover as Sam had to hide the dark angel in her old tree house since her parents had come home early because of what they saw on the news from the demons attacking.

"I am sorry about this Phantom. It is possibly best if you don't be seen by my parents." replied Sam as she snuck some food over to him.

"Its all right Sam, I don't mind." replied Phantom.

"There was something important that you wanted to tell me about but never had a chance to." stated Sam.

"I love you Sam with every fiber of my being. I have discovered that you are destined to be my one and only life mate. Even if you are human, it doesn't matter to me. God is the one whom told me that you are my life mate. I don't think it matters if you are human or not when it comes to the one that you are destined to be with. I just wanted you to know that." replied Phantom. This caused Sam to blush a deep shade of red.

"I love you too Phantom. I had fallen in love with you ever since I had first laid eyes on you." Sam stated shyly. Phantom pulled Sam close to his body as his large wings wrapped around Sam as he leaned in close as he planted a kiss on her lips. Sam melted into the kiss as both she and Phantom kissed passionately. As the two shared their passionate kiss, Phantom could hear a voice echoing among the wind whispering a spell.

{Within life or within death everyone has someone that they will fight for, that they will live for, that they will strive for, and that they will kill for. When one finds their complete match, they are both inseparable. But when that bond is threatened by an outside force, the need to protect will become stronger than ever before and nothing, not even death itself will stop them from accomplishing that. So, if you dare threaten an angel's will get Hell its self!} Phantom could feel his magic flowing into Sam as he could feel and sense his bond with her growing stronger than ever before. Once the spell was completed, Phantom broke the kiss. Sam's face was a bright shade of pink.

"Wow.........I had no clue that you could kiss like that Phantom. So what do you plan now that it seems that you don't have to worry so much about Penelope and Ember since they are now on your side?" asked Sam.

"I will continue to try to hold off this world's destruction until God can step in to put a permanent stop to this. With Penelope's and Ember's help, I might find a way to stop Walker." replied Phantom.

"But what happened after all of this is said and done? Will you go back to Heaven?" asked Sam sadly as tears threatened to streak down her face. She didn't want to loose Phantom.

"I don't know. Only God himself can answer that question. In the meantime, I am not going anywhere." stated Phantom as he hoped that he would never be separated from Sam as his life mate was more important to him than life itself but he had other worries to attend to first.

NEXT CHAPTER.................ALLIES

Phantom: man oh man, you seem to be on a roll lately with this story.

author: I know. I guess once I got over that stump the ideas seem to be pouring out of me that I completely stopped working on another story that I was writing at the same time.

Sam: could that be how the stump all started in the first place?

author: I am not sure. It could be possible as the ideas for the other story seemed to flow much faster than this one.

Phantom: it is a pity that we are coming close to an end on this story. What's going to happen to me and Sam?

author: I am not entirely sure as I hadn't thought to much ahead on it.

Sam: cause if you do you might hit another stump.

author: exactly. I have one story that I am still working on as five more are in the wings for me to start, yet.

Phantom: sounds like fun. Anyway........please leave us your comments and reviews as we appreciate hearing what you guys think.

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