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author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

Phantom: I am beginning to dread what's going to happen next. Hey scrletfyre, is it a good thing or a bad thing that is going to happen.

author: I will let you figure that out for yourself Phantom. It could go either way.

Sam: how much longer are you going to torment us and tell us what's going on in that wicked little mind of yours?

author (smiles evilly): never........I love tormenting people as it makes them long for more.

Sam: damn you........

Phantom: I hate to agree with her scrletfyre, but enough all ready. Get on with the story!

author (sticks out tongue): fine be that way. I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters featured in Danny Phantom as this story is completely my own idea!

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech


Phantom could feel his blood boiling when he saw the demons attack and hurt his life mate. Anger and rage burned as one within him. Phantom gently laid Sam down on the ground rising to his feet slowly.

How dare you harm the one whom is precious to me! How dare you harm my life mate! Phantom snarled as a darker and more sinister power unleashed from his body. The power seemed to consume him as his whole entire body began to transform. Phantom was unleashing his truest form, the one that he never released before. His white hair became white fire as his skin became an even paler color. Another set of black feathered wings ripped out of his back giving Phantom a total of four wings. Phantom's eyes became all lime green with no visible irises and/or pupils as they glowed brighter than before. After his truest form was unleashed, Phantom moved attacking the demons viciously as his power seemed much stronger than ever before. He wouldn't stand by and watch these demons hurt or harm anyone else. Out of the corner of his eye he could see both Penelope and Ember in their angelic forms flying over towards Phantom. At first Phantom thought that they were there to help the demons but he could clearly see both angels attack the demons. This brought a questioning look to Phantom's eyes. Ember went to protect the humans while Penelope flew by Phantom's side attacking the demons. Why are you helping me? I thought that you were working with the demons? asked Phantom angrily. work with the demons? They are our natural enemies! stated Penelope as she created a short sword to fight with.

According to God, Walker and the demons are after the same thing as they are working together. replied Phantom.

Its true that we work for Walker but he sent us down here without telling us anything as he wanted Ember and I to keep tabs on you and to find out what you know. We weren't given more details than that. stated Penelope as she slashed some of the attacking demons with her sword. After Ember saw what happened earlier and informed me about it, we both began to have second thoughts about this mission. We wish to help you Phantom to protect the humans. added Penelope. Phantom could tell that Penelope was being honest as Phantom decided that he could trust both Penelope and Ember. Both Phantom and Penelope took care of the demons while Ember protected the humans. The battle was long and hard as all of the demons finally laid dead before the three angels. Finally Phantom was able to calm down as he transformed back into his normal angelic form. Sam slowly regained consciousness causing Phantom to breath a sigh of relief before he lost all consciousness from over using his powers.

While Phantom was unconscious, he could hear God's voice calling out to him.


*Lord.......what happened? What's going on with me?* asked Phantom.

*I am sorry Phantom, I should have warned you about it before now. You have managed to unleash your truest form when your anger and rage made your blood boil. Under certain stimilizations the dark angels can pool the power from their darker part of themselves that exists with inside of them. But the power leaves you very weak and drained.* explained God.

*Lord, I have found out that maybe not all the angels know what Walker is up too. The two angels that were supposed to keep tabs on me, helped me in destroying the demons and to protect the humans. What are the angels and demons after?* asked Phantom.

*The destruction of the human race and to allow both Heaven and Hell free reign over the Earth.* replied God. God's answer shocked Phantom greatly. *Soon it seems that I will have no choice but to step in and put a stop to this once and for all. Phantom, do whatever you can to stop them for the time being. And maybe someday we will meet face to face.* replied God as his voice vanished.

Phantom slowly regained consciousness finding Sam arguing with Penelope and Ember. In Sam's hands she held a lead pipe like a baseball bat swinging at the two angels anytime that they came near her or Phantom. Phantom reached up touching Sam's hand softly.

"Sam it's all right, they are on our side. We can trust them." Phantom stated softly. Sam looked at Phantom as she placed down the pipe that she was holding onto.

"I hope your certain about this Phantom because I have no clue what's going on." replied Sam as the two angels helped Phantom back up to his feet.


Phantom: so now it seems that Penelope and Ember have changed their sides. Do I have more allies than them?

author: we will find out soon Phantom as I working on one chapter at a time.

Sam: why has it taken you so long to get to this part?

author: I had trouble figuring out what was going to happen next as my brain hit a stump that I had to reread what I had written in order to get the story to flow again.

Phantom & Sam: ..............oh..............

author: I will have the chapters up as soon as "humanly" possible, so please bear with me.

Phantom: we want to thank everyone whom has stuck by and read and reviewed this story as we appreciate it. And please keep them coming.

author: and to think that sooner or later I will have to end this story.

Sam: lets worry about it later when that time comes. Just keep working on this for the time being.

author (stands at attention & salutes): yes mam!

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