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author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

 Sam: please explain to me why I took in Phantom?

 author: its because you feel sorry for him and you are falling in love for him.

 Sam: oooohhhh......,

 Phantom: scrletfyre claims no rights or claims to own any of the characters featured on Danny Phantom. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews

 Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, italic - angelic speech


 After both Sam and Phantom had breakfast, Sam got ready for school as she gathered up everything that she needed.

 "Sam, I wish to join you." stated Phantom as she looked at the angel shocked.

 "But somebody will see you." she replied. Phantom shook his head no causing Sam to look at him in confussion.

 "I can use my powers to make me transparent. You will be the only one whom will be able to see and hear me." replied Phantom as he pointed to Sam's hand as the mark that he gave her began to glow. Sam looked at the mark wide eyed as it faded away. "I wish to learn more about the human world and other things." stated Phantom.

 "I guess it will be all right if you come along. I just want you to be careful not to be spotted by the other angels as they may end up attacking you." stated Sam.

 "The other angels don't usually come down from Heaven unless they are given an order. But I will be careful not to be spotted by them." replied Phantom. Sam nodded her head as both she and Phantom left the house.

Casper High............Phantom flew behind Sam as the went to her locker first.

 "Hey Sam!" called out a familiar voice. Sam turned her head to see an African American male wearing a red had and wire rimmed glasses approaching. It was one of her friends Tucker Foely.

 "Hey Tucker, where is Danny?" asked Sam. Danny Fenton was another of Sam's friends.

 "Dash stuffed him in a locker again." replied Tucker as Sam rolled her eyes. Dashiel Baxter or Dash for short was the quarterback on the football team and all around high school bully. Dash's favorite past time was picking on Danny and stuffing him in lockers.

 "Come on and let's get him out before the bell rings." replied Sam as Tucker lead her to the locker that Danny was in as they could hear him pounding on the metal door.

 "Come on this isn't funny anymore!" shouted out Danny from inside of the locker.

 "Hold on Danny, we will have you out of there shortly." stated Sam as she pulled out a pocket knife flicking it open. She crammed the knife into the lock combination that was built into the locker asshe turned the combination lock to have the door fly open. Both Tucker and Sam helped Danny from out of the locker.

 "Thanks guys." replied Danny. Sam looked at him a bit shocked. If she didn't know any better, Phantom and Danny could have passed as twins. Danny had short black hair and bright sapphire blue eyes. Even Phantom looked surprised at how much the human looked like him despite the different hair and eye color. Sam used to have a slight crush on Danny until he had started dating Valerie Gray.

 'Maybe that's the reason to why I am falling for Phantom as something about him seemes different as he is more mysterious and innocent than Danny.' Sam thought to herself.

 "I am really getting tired of being Dash's personal punching bag." stated Danny.

 "I have told you before that you have to develope some guts Danny and stand up for yourself." stated Sam.

 "That's easy for you to say Sam. He doesn't pick on you." stated Tucker.

 "Its because he knows that I would fight back if he does." replied Sam. Tucker was kind of known as a TechnoGeek as he was heavily into technology as Danny was just your oridianry teen. The three friends gathered their stuff heading towards classl. Sam walked behind the two boys as they joked at how they would love to see Dash get a taste of his own medicine. All of the popular kids in the school picked on Sam, Danny, Tucker, and Valerie because they weren't rick, popular, atheltic, and other various reasons. Phantom tapped on Sam's shoulder causing the teen to jump. Phantom seemed to understand what it was like to be treated differently.

 "Sam........why do humans behave this way?" he asked. Sam understood what he was refearing to and wanted to answer his question but feared that Danny and Tucker would hear her. Sam poined at Tucker and Danny before she made a quick motion flashing her hand across her neck. Phantom nodded his head as he envoked his powers. Musical notes and an ancient language slipped from Phantom's lips as the mark that he had gave Sam glowed. Sam could feel a flash of power flood her body before it vanished. Sam looked at Phantom whom had stopped suddenly as he simply smiled at her. "Reply with your thoughts. I will be able to hear them as I had given you the power to speak to me mentally." stated Phantom as Sam nodded her head.

 *Its for the same reasons that the angels pick on you. It makes them feel better about themselves as you begin to doubt and question yourself.* answered Sam as they entered the classroom just as the bell rang. Everyone took their seats quickly as their teacher Mr. Lancer entered the room.

 At lunch Sam sat with her friends as the four of them sat in the back of the lunch room. Danny sat next to his girlfriend Valerie while Tucker was playing with his P.D.A. Of course the jocks and the cheerleaders were picking on them throwing food at the group.

 "God are we honestly in high school|? Some of these people still act like they are in elementary school." asked Valerie as she picked a spagetti noodle from out of her jet black hair.

 "It would be nice if they did get a taste of their own medicine. Just call it karma. Then they would see that it isn't so funny." stated a tall slender red head.

 "Hey Jazz, how come you are joining us?" asked Danny. Jasmine Fenton or Jazz for short was Danny's older sister whom was a grade higher then them.

 "No peticular reason." answered Jazz as she was clearly lying.

 "Admit it Jazz, they kicked you out." replied Sam causing Jazz to sigh.

 "Is it that apparent?" asked the teen as she sat down.

"Are we truly that pidiful?" asked Tucker.

 "You guys are letting it get to you. Why don't you stop complaining and do something about it. Develop some back bone!" snapped Sam. Everyone jumped including Phantom. Sam then grabbed two soda cans shacking them up as she got up walking over to the jocks and cheerleaders. Sam pointed the cans at them as she cracked them open spraying them all of the popular kids drenching them in soda. "Start acting your age!" she snapped at them before walking off. The other students began to clap, whistle, and cheer as Sam just nodded her head walking out of the lunch room as Phantom followed her.


 Tucker: its about time that we entered this story!

 Danny (looks at Phantom): how come I am playing two different parts?

 author: its because I had your Phantom self as his own and seperate person.

 Phantom: Sam I didn't know that you had such a mean streak in you.

 Sam: trust me you have seen nothing yet!

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