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author: This fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

Phantom: Why are you so mean to me?

 author: I didn't do it intentionally as that's the way you appeared in hyunhon's art work.

 Sam: any way, Scrletfyre claims no rights or claims to own any of the characters featured on Danny Phantom. Please feel free to leave your comments and reviews

 Special keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, italic - angelic speech


 The next morning Phantom awoke suddenly recalling the terrible things that he had been through. As he looked around he remembered that a human had found him. The human didn't seem to be afraid of him or anything like that. The feelings that he had sensed from Sam was far different than anything he had ever felt before. Phantom slowly got up as he stretched out his tall and slender body. He could see that Sam wasn't in the room but he could feel her presence. He could hear her humming as she was in the kitchen cooking. Phantom picked up her bedroom making her bed. The dark angel then ventured out of the room to find Sam.

 "......Sam.......?" he asked when he entered the kitchen scarring the girl as the raven head teen shrieked sharply jumping and turning around quickly. Sam grabbed her heart glarring at Phantom when she saw him.

"Phantom, I thought that I had told you to stay in my room. What if my parents saw you?" scolded Sam.

 "I am sorry but, I didn't understand a single word that you said to me until I touched you. The only reason why I know your name is because I had read your mind." stated Phantom as Sam sighed out loud turning back to finish what she was doing.

 "That's all right. My parents are at work any way. I though that you were still sleeping as you just managed to startle me." stated Sam. Sam turned off the oven placing some scrambled eggs onto two plates as she then carried them over to the table. Phantom watched her every move as she went to the fridge to get ou the orange juice pouring two cups before placing back the juice. She then brough over the juice motioning for Phantom to join her. Phantom stepped up close to Sam as he was several inches taller than her. He took her right hand into his and he knelt down suddenly onto one knee. Shock and surprise stretched across Sam's face as Phantom closed his eyes placing his forehead against her hand. Sam's face turned beet red as the scene reminded her of a prince showing his devotion to a princess.

 "I owe you my life Sam. You have helped me where nobody else would. I am forever in your debt. Anything that you wish of me to do for you, I will do it. I will grant you anything that your heart desires." stated Phantom as he kissed Sam's hand. Sam could feel a sharp zap run across her hand before Phantom let go of her hand. Sam pulled back her hand suddenly clutching it. A glowing mark appeared on the palm of her right hand of a pyramid with a six pointed star in the middle. The mark then faded without a trace as Phantom rose back up to his feet.

 "Do you really have to go?" Sam asked shyly.

 "Not really. Heaven doesn't wish for me to exist there as I am the only one of my kind. I don't know where else to go or what to do." replied Phantom.

 "You could stay here with me if you want to Phantom." Sam stated softly.

 "You would like that? Are you sure that I am not too much trouble?"

 "Well the truth is that I don't have very many friends and I kind of like you Phantom." replied Sam as she kicked her right foot around slightly embarrished. Suddenly Phantom grabbed her hugging Sam tightly. Sam turned a bright shade of red.

"Thank you Sam. You have made me very happy!" stated Phantom cheerfully as crystal tears streaked down his face.

As Sam and Phantom ate, the two talked.

 "You said before that Heaven doesn't wish for you to exist as you are the only one of your kind. What did you mean by that?" asked Sam.

 "I am the only dark angel that exists. Because I am different from the other angels, I am often picked on and tortured for it. Heaven locked me up in Purgatory claming that I was an abomination, a freak, and a monster because I am a dark angel." answered Phantom.

 "That's just awful. There is nothing wrong with you Phantom. Nobody is perfect as everyone has some sort of flaw that the others will pick out. Take me for instance. I always dress in dark clothing and have a grim look on life. Because of this I don't have many whom associate with me. I do happened to have two really good friends whom know the real and true me." stated Sam. "And besides it is a well known fact that dark angels are very gifted, powerful, and special creatures." she added.

 "Your sweet to say such things Sam but I fear that they are right. I am not wanted." stated Phantom sadly.

 "Bull shit!" sneezed Sam causing Phantom to look at her. "I am going to show you that your wrong Phantom. I am going to show you the truth of the world!" stated Sam.


Sam: you know that I am an ultra-recylo-vegitarian

 author: yes Sam I do know that but I am the one writing this so I can change things to make it fit.

 Phantom: I have a really bad feeling about the next chapter.

 author: oh come on........I am not that bad (much)!

 Phantom: ............

 Sam: oh stop being a wimp!

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