Chapter 15~ Broken trust

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"Hello there (Y/n)! Looking hot as always!" One of the customers said to you as he walked into the bar.

He wasnt really flirting as it was just a way you and the customers that come here everyday greet each other.

"Oh please! We know that the hottest one here is Grillby." You answered, giving both the monster and Grillby a playful wink while at the same time continuing to clean the counter.

You heard Grillby snicker and if he didn't have his glasses on, you'd be sure that he'd roll his eyes.

"Was that a fire pun?" He asked, his tone showing that he didn't mind what was going on right now.

"I don't know. You tell me." You said with an innocent tone, making him shake his head, a small chuckle of amusement escape him.

You checked the time, your eyes widening when you noticed that it was already past your shift.

"Oh my Asgore! I have to get back before those two little buggers turn the house into a mess." You said quickly, jumping into the 'staff room' to change from your work uniform while ignoring the snickering that came from the customers and Grillby.

After you made sure that your uniform was nicely put on the shelf you ran out of the room and then the counter.

You said a quick bye to the monsters in the bar and then opened the door, your feet leading you back to the house.

It would be evening up on the surface, if the time they use down here was correct anyways. Well...If you could call it time anyway.

The snow crunched under your boots as you ran to what you could call your home, making the white powder fly into the air with every step you took.

You stopped in a halt, sliding towards the door and almost hitting your head against it.

You managed to catch your balance and not embarrass yourself by hitting the wood, instead you walked inside, letting out a sigh of relief when you saw Indarra spread on the couch with Sans, Papyrus and Undyne sitting on the carpet, listening to a story he was telling them.

You smiled and then closed the door, leaning on the wall.

"Okay kids. Time to get ready for bed. I will make dinner." You said, making the three of them finally notice that you came back.

"MUM!" You heard Papyrus and Sans say, standing up to give you a hug.

You blushed slightly.  You did hear them refer to you like this when they talked to Gaster, but never when you were in the same room. They would just call you (Y/n).

You felt two small pairs of arms wrap around you as the two skeletons hugged your legs.

You let out a chuckle and crouched down so you could hug them back.

"Awww! But I was going to get to the best part of the story!" You heard Indarra say from the couch, changing his position so he could look at you better.

Sans, Papyrus and Undyne looked up at you, giving you the best puppy eyes they could make.

You chuckled, shaking your head lightly. "Fine, just don't tell Gaster that I let you stay up past bedtime okay?"

"YEY! I PROMISE WE WON'T TELL DAD ABOUT IT!" Papyrus promised you, then he and Sans went back to Indarra, who continued his story.

You shook your head in amusement and went to the kitchen, going to make dinner while also listening to what Indarra was telling to the kids.

"Like I was saying before we got interrupted... I picked up my spear, watching as the human fell to the floor. I thought that we had won the war as the humans stood no chance against us. I looked up, ready to cheer with the rest of the soldiers, but everyone had fear in their eyes, looking up at the same spot. I turned around, wanting to see what everyone was so scared about and saw her, Golden Death. I couldn't see her face, it was hidden by a golden helmet. What I could see was her (h/l), (h/c) hair flowing in the wind, her golden armor shining in the sun, almost blinding us and her sword, the dreaded weapon that was the last thing many good soldiers saw before they faced their death. I should of done something, but I stood there, hypnotized by her and the other angels that showed from the clouds. One by one, with her on the lead, they fell down from the sky, turning monsters around me into dust with one, precise slash. I was lucky they didn't get me. To this day I remember the horror and haos that spread through our ranks when she showed up, leading the angels and humans to victory. Golden Wing, that's how humans called her. With angels now at their side, there was no hope for winning this fight, so we fell back, into this mountain to regroup. What we didn't know what that it was what they hoped we would do. From their ranks emerged powerful wizards and using their magic, they created the barrier and sealed us here, with no hope of getting out."

Your breath hitched, tears appearing in the corners of your eyes, your hands giving up on you, dropping the plate that you were holding, it shattering on the ground.

The story hit you hard, it was a reminder of your old life, all the crimes you commited under the dreaded name. A reminder of him and all the angels that you left behind, of all the lifes you crushed, for what? To keep the humans 'safe' from the threat they brought upon themselves by being racist towards something they just didn't understand.

Indarra must of heard the crash as he rushed into the kitchen, the kids behind him.

"Are you all right? Did something happen?" He asked worriedly, checking if you had any injuries from the glass.

"I'm...fine. Just...The scar acted up again, that's all." You lied, giving them a fake smile.

Hw knew you were lying, his expression told you that, but luckily for you he decided to drop the topic.

No one spoke about the accident afterwards and you managed to finish dinner without any incidents.

After that the kids began to get ready for bed, while you said goodbye to Indarra and Undyne, who left to their own house.

Gaster came back not too long after, making Sans and Papyrus forget about the whole plate accident, eager to tell their dad about the new cool story they heard from the fish monster.

You thought that it was over and you could finally enjoy some peace with the skeletons, but of course, life had other plans.

You felt your back ache, the pain being very strong this time. You held back a hiss and tried to act normal so you could slip back to your room.

"Yawn-I feel so tired, the shift at Grillby's was so busy today! I think I'm going to go to sleep now." You fake yawned and then stood up, going over to the stairs.

You heard Sans and Papyrus say goodnight to you, so you thought that you were clear, but you didn't notice the suspicious look a certain skeleton was giving you as you disappeared upstairs.

The moment you closed the door, your wings sprouted from your back, making you quietly sigh.

You walked through your room, aa quietly as you could and put few pillows under the covers so it would look like you're sleeping in the bed and then opened the window, made sure there was no one to see you fly out and then flew out of the house, giving your wings a chance to be used until you go back to the house and make them disappear for some time again.


A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you landed inside your room, your wings folding on your back. You quickly closed the window and turned around, only to freeze in your tracks when you saw someone standing in the middle of the room, their arms closed and eyes burning with many different emotions.

"So I was right..." His voice broke lightly as he looked up at you. His eyes held so many different emotions, yet none of them were good ones. Anger, sadness, disappointment and fear, making you hang your head in shame.

"Gaster I-" You tried to say something, anything to make the situation right, explain something, anything to him, but he cut you out.

"What?! You can explain?! I knew I should have not trusted you! You're one of them! A spy that would disappear when she gets enough information only to show up again with other of your kind to get rid of us once and for all! Tell me, which one of you you are?! Just a soldier, one of his guards, or maybe a general?!" His voice was cold, his words dripping with venom and his eyes burning holes in your soul.

At the mention of a general you stiffed even more, your eyes focusing on the floor, not able to look him in the eye.

He took a step back, as if he was hit, a realization dawning on him.

"You're...You are her..." His voice broke, a small tear showing in the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry Gaster I-" You looked up at him, taking a step forward while trying to explain again.

"Don't!" His eyes flashed blue and red, the holes in his eyes starting to glow as he summoned something you never saw before.

Two giant, dragon like skeleton heads, it's eyes glowing just like Gaster's and if it wasn't enough, the floating hands appeared again, every single one of them having a glowing hole in them, the color of the glow representing one of the soul traits.

You took a step back, letting out a scream. Your body began to tremble and tears sprouted from your eyes.

Feeling cornered you did the first thing that came to your mind. You dashed past him and then down the stairs, ignoring the confused looks Sans and Papyrus gave you.

You ran out of the house and onto the snow, not caring about the fact that you were wearing only shorts and a T-Shirt.

The cold air chilling your skin as you ran down the street, tears almost blocking your vision and making it all blurry.

You saw other monsters looking at you, making you cry even more.

They probably all hate me right now...

If only you would stop, take a second to look at their expressions, you would notice that none of them looked at you with hated, only with worry or compassion.

You didn't know where you were running, your feet leading you on their own, you didn't care anyways, there was no place they would accept you...

You didn't even notice that you stopped in front of a familiar building, the warmth emitting from inside making you want to walk in.

You went to knock on the door, but hesitated.

What if he would hate me too?

You didn't have time to turn around and leave as the door opened and the familiar fire elemental showed up behind them.

"Ah (y/n) wha-" He started to say, but then noticed your tears and quickly went quiet. He put his arm around you and led you inside, letting you cry onto his shoulder as he gently massaged your back in hopes of calming you down at least a little.

The other monsters in the bar, all of them being here everyday and knowing you, immediately went over to Grillby, who instructed them in what to bring to you.

In no time you were sitting on one of the stools with a pillow on it, a blanket on your shoulders and a warm (f/d) in your hands.

No one dared to say anything about what happened, giving you time to calm down and process what happened, until Grillby spoke up in a gentle and calming tone.

"(Y/n), I know that you probably went through a lot, but we cannot help you, if we don't know what happened. So could you please tell us what happened when you're ready?"


When he saw you, with wings on your back, he felt betrayed, reacted out of anger that clouded his mind.

Now, after you ran out of the house, eyes full of tears, the realization slowly hit him.

He let out a shaky breath, his eyes wandering to the two blasters on his side as he slowly realized what he had done.

He made them and the hands disappear, his eyes stopped glowing and he was left alone in the room of someone he once could even call a friend.

Still in shock, he walked out and saw Papyrus and Sans in the living room, staring at the door.

The younger skeleton turned to him, giving him a confused look.

"Dad, why did mum ran out of the house crying?" He asked, obviously oblivious as to what just happened.

Gaster stood there, not knowing what to say as he stared at his children.

Sans took Papyruses hand and, giving his dad a disappointed and sad look, teleported somewhere, probably to their room, leaving Gaster alone again.

He looked down, seeing a small, black feather on the floor.

As he started at it only one thought circled around in his mind.

I messed up...

"You make me feel like I'll be okay-"


Oh my god finally! I'm sorry you had to wait for so long, but my phone broke and I had to wait until it's fixed. I hope that a longer chapter will make up for it! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! ;)

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