Chapter 16~ The best friends anyone could ask for

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"I'm going to have a talk with Gaster when I see him!" A white dog in armor said after you finally managed to finish the story without breaking down for the fourth time.

A second dog, also white and with armor, put his paw on her shoulder to calm down his girlfriend.

"Calm down Dogaressa, the important thing now is to make sure (Y/n) is all right." He told her softly, while smiling at you.

She sighed and nodded, putting down her axe while growling something under her breath.

You let out a small, weak chuckle at the pair, making most of the monsters sigh in relief. They were really worried that after what happened you'd stop smiling all together and turn into a depressed wreck.

You took a sip of your (f/d) that Grillby brought you and then sighed, seeing that some of the monsters were glancing at your wings.

I can't just ignore this much as I wish too...They are my friends and they deserve the answers after everything that they did to make sure I'm feeling better.

"Okay...I know that you probably have many questions about...them-" You started, lightly opening your wings to motion that isn't about them. "-and I thought that you'd ask about them , but you all stayed silent about them, respecting and seeing the fact that I really didn't want to talk about them. As much as I'd rather act like they aren't here, I can't do it...So if there are any questions...ask." You said, building up the courage to talk about what you once thought was a blessing, now only a curse that destroyed the life you created here.

One of the monsters shyly put his hand up, as if still unsure if he could ask about them.

You gave him a nod, motioning for him to ask what was on his mind.

You expexted him to ask something about which one of the angels you were, how strong are they or literally anything that had something to do with war or fighting.

"How does it feel to have wings? There aren't many monsters that have them and there are even fewer that can fly while using them."

You were dumbfounded at first, but it quickly changed into relief, seeing as the question wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

"I never actually thought about it. Having wings at first was weird, but now it comes naturally. They don't feel out of place, more like an additional limb. Moving them comes to me just as naturally as to you comes moving a hand." To ilustrate what you just said you moved one of your wings in a few directions, while also folding it and then spreading it a few times.

The monsters looked at it with curious expressions, carefully watching every move the wing did.

"That's amazing..." One of the monsters said.

"They look so soft..." Dogaressa mumbled. "Can I touch them?" She added after a second, giving you her best puppy eyes she could make.

You gave her a small nod, turning a little bit so it would be easier for her to do so. "Just watch out, the wings are very sensitive, just like your ears or tail." She nodded and then walked closer to you and lightly touched your wing.

You didn't really understood what was so exciting about touching them, there were a few monsters that had wings after all, they really didn't feel any different from them, or at least you thought, unless monster feathers felt different than yours.

"Hey it looks like you lost a feather." Dogaressa said after a moment, motioning towards the tip of your wing, where was a big space between one feather and the second one, as if there was a third one between them.

Your face paled a little when you heard that, but you kept your composure and decided not to worry them about it.

"Looks like I have." You answered, shrugging.

While everyone was focusing their attention on your wings, Dogamy looked at the time and then glanced at Grillby, since it was long past the time he closes his bar.

The fire elemental noticed the looked the white dog gave him and finally glanced at the time, letting out a quiet sigh.

"I'd hate to be the one to cut this short, but it's already late and (Y/n) is probably tired."

The monsters nodded, understanding where Grillby was coming from.

"Wait...Where is she going to sleep?" One of them asked, since there was no way she could go back to the skeletons house.

"Don't worry about it guys...I could probably find a hotel or something..." You started, but Grillby cut you out.

"Absolutely not. I will not let you waste all the money you got on a single night in the hotel we have here. You can sleep at my place." He said firmly, not giving you any chance to argue about it.

You shook your head and chuckled quietly in amusement, seeing how overprotective the fire elemental got of you.

"Thanks Grillby, I can't think of a way I could repay you."

"Don't let anything that Gaster said get to your head, he might be smart, but when it comes to things like this, he's an idiot."

You chuckled again and then said goodbye to your friends. You and Grillby waited until everyone left, he then locked the bar and led you to the fire exit and to a door you never really saw before. He opened it and let you walk in before doing it himself.

Inside was a medium room with a couch in the middle with a lamp besides it, facing a wall with a table and a TV against it, a bed in the corner and few bookshelves along the other one. The walls and the floor was just like it was in the bar, making the room have the same warm atmosphere there was.

"Before you start arguing about who takes the couch, I do. I'm out of fire so I don't really have to sleep that much, besides I won't have any neck pains in the morning if I'd sleep on it, unlike you." Grillby stated before you could say anything, morning for you to take the bed.

"Fine...I'm to tired to argue anyways." You shrugged, walked over to it and threw yourself on it, nuzzling into the warm sheets.

Grillby shook his head in amusement and went over to one of the bookshelfs, chose one and then sat down on the couch.

"Goodnight..." You mumbled to him, while covering yourself with the nice, warm blanket and hugging your wings close to yourself for extra warmth.

"Goodnight (Y/n)." Grillby said, giving you a small glance and then turning back to the book.


Gaster sat on his bed, covering his face with his hands, tears streaming down it, falling onto the floor in front of him.

He destroyed everything! Even his own kids were mad at him, but not as much as he was mad at himself.

If I wouldn't just rush into conclusions and let her say what she had to say, maybe it would of went different, but nooooo, I had to summon the blasters and give her a heart attack...Oh my Asgore I'm so stupid sometimes...

He lightly glanced up, his hand picking up the feather that he put on the shelf besides his bed, looking at the soft, black thing.

I should really talk to her, but will she even want to listen after this? She probably went to Grillby's and knowing that there are usually the same clients everyday, everyone there will probably want to punch me if I show up there, it's not like I don't deserve it tho...I'm at least going to try to tomorrow, I can't just sit here and cry hoping that it will fix itself eventually.

With that he sighed, put the feather back on the shelf and then walked out of his room.

If he can't fix his relationship with (Y/n)  now, he could at least fix his relationship with his sons.

"Still I have so many questions-"

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