Chapter 17~ *Insert very creative and cool title*

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I don't know how to call this chapter so... Ignore the title or something. Also semi important A/n at the end.


Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since you left.

Two whole weeks of Gaster desperately trying to talk with you to no avail.

Every time he'd try to go to Grillby's to talk with you, everyone would be glaring at him and Grillby would immediately escort you to the kitchen, not letting him say anything to you. He was still let to order food here, but any time he'd start to say anything about you, Grillby would just cut him off with a firm and stern 'No.'

He stopped trying to ask about you after Grillby threatened to fry him alive.

Gaster let out a sigh, glancing at the time.

He slowly stood up from his bed and walked over to his door, slowly turning the doorknob to open them.

He walked out of his room and then down the stairs, briefly glancing at Papyrus and Sans playing with some toys on the couch.

A small, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on his face at the sight. At least this was back to normal and his kids weren't avoiding him anymore.

He walked into the kitchen and started to make dinner for the two skelebros.

A lasagna should be fine.

He slowly prepared everything and began to cook, halfly lost in his thoughts.

He summoned his magical hands to quicken up the pace and the food was soon in the owen, almost ready to eat.

As he waited for the lasagna to finish he sat down on one of the chairs and quickly fixed himself some coffee for the day and then made the hands disappear.

He sipped on the black substance and watched as his kids played with their toys.

As He started to doze off the owen let out a loud 'ding', signalizing that the food was ready.

Standing up from the chair, he walked over to the owen and carefully took the lasagna out, putting it on the table so it could cool off and so his kids would be able to easily reach it when they get hungry.

Glancing at the time he went back to the living room and took his coat, putting it on so he could go to work.

He said goodbye to the two brothers and gave them a kiss on the forehead, before opening the door and walking out into the snowy town.

As he walked he glanced in the direction of Grillby's, the bar visible in the distance.

He sighed and then quickened the pace, not wanting to be late to work.


"Doctor Gaster? King Asgore and Queen Toriel wish to see you."

Gaster looked up from his work at the monster that brought the message and then gave her a nod, signalizing that he heard what she said.

He quickly finished the calibrations in his new project and then teleported in front of the castle.

The guards didn't flinch, being used to Gaster doing it all the time. They gave him a nod and then let him into the castle without a word.

Asgore and Toriel were already waiting for him, tea and pie already on the table.

He greeted them and sat down, the goat monsters doing the same.

Everything seemed fine as they talked about small things and laughed at few jokes, that is until a certain question was asked.

"So Gaster...How is (y/n)?"

Gaster paled, if that was even possible, almost choking on the pie he was eating.

"Well..." He started, unsure of how to tell them what happened.

"Gaster...What did you do?" Asgore asked in a warning tone, while Toriel looked at him with worry.

Gaster cringed at the tone, looking down at the table.

He took a deep breath, mustered the courage to look up at the royal pair and...told them everything.


You stood behind the counter, cleaning it for the next customers.

Grillby was in the kitchen, making food so it was up to you to take the orders.

The door opened, causing you to look up at the new customer or customers.

Your eyes widened when you saw the familiar two skeletons quickly running over to the counter.

"Papyrus! Sans! What are you two doing here alone?" You asked, walking around the counter and then knelt down in front of them.

Both of them immediately tackled you in a hug, almost knocking you down.

You chuckled, hugging back the two kids, smiling happily.

"I'm happy to see you too, but my question still stands." You said when they finally let go of you.

"DAD IS AT WORK SO SANS SAID TO VISIT YOU AND SEE IF YOU ARE OKAY!" Papyrus beamed with a smile looking up at you.

You chuckled again and patted both of them on the heads.

"Well as you can see I'm all right." You reassured the younger brother.


You quickly hugged Papyrus again, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Of course I'm not mad at you! It's not your fault. Your dad just...Got scared because of them." You carefully picked your words and then spread out your wings, making Papyrus and Sans 'wow...' at them.

You had your wings hidden in the bar since they are big and would get in the way when you are working.

"YOU HAVE WINGS!" Papyrus exclaimed and immediately started to play with the feathers, Sans soon joining while making sure that his brother won't do something that would accidentally hurt you, like pulling at the feathers.

You chuckled, not moving from the spot you were at, letting the kids satisfy their curiosity.

Grillby walked back from the kitchen and smiled lightly at the sight of the two skeletons.

"So, the usual? It's on me." He asked and chuckled when the two nodded, beaming with excitement.

You helped them to the counter while Grillby disappeared in the kitchen again, only to come back with big portion of fries and a bottle of ketchup.

You talked as the two ate, mainly answering their questions about your wings and how it is to live with them. Time flies fast and soon it was getting late, making you worry about Sans and Papyrus going back home.

"It's getting late. Gaster will be worried if you two won't be there when he gets back home." You said to the two skeletons, who were starting to get tired.

Sans glanced out of the window and then gave you a nod. "I will teleport us back home. It's time for Papyruses goodnight story anyways." They both waved at you and then Sans took his brother's hand and then both of them got surrounded by the blue mist and disappeared.

You smiled lightly and then helped Grillby with cleaning up the place and soon you closed the place, quickly changed into a pajama Dogaressa brought for you and then went to sleep, nuzzling into the warm sheets.

"How do you stay so strong-"


Yea I'm not dead! Sorry it took so long. I couldn't really focus on writing since I will be going to high school in a week and I'm actually really excited since it's a school I wanted to go to since I saw it.

Also. Were getting close to 10k on this book! I'd like to thank everyone for all the support this book got! I never dreamed it would get thia high!

Since it's such a big number I'd like to ask you guys. What would you want me to do when we hit 10k? Comment any suggestions you have!

That's all! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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