Chapter 18~ How to fix a mistake

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Gaster sat on his bed, his journal in hand as he stared at one of the entries, desperatly trying to think of a way to apologize to you without having half of Snowdin on his tail bone.

He looked at his first entry on you, sighing quietly.

Oh how close he was to the truth about you. The truth he wished he had never discovered.

Sighing yet again he closed the journal and put it on his desk, his white pupils glancing at the window.

Asgore and Toriel were right. He can't just give up. Not yet, not ever. He had to fix his mistake.

A yawn erupted from him, making him realize how late it already was and how long he spend thinking about this.

For now. He needed to rest.


The door opened as Gaster walked into the living room, his bone brows immediately furrowed when he was meet with silence. His sons should be here to meet him, or at least be heard playing somewhere upstairs since he came home early and it wasn't their bed time.

Worry immediately washed over him as he threw his coat on the ground and ran upstairs. His footsteps echoed around the quiet house as he jumped up the stairs and then to his sons room, opening the door with a loud thud.

He fell silent, his breath hitching when he saw that the room was empty, no sign of his sons.

He quickly closed the door and turned around to run down the stairs again, when he heard a familiar sound and a blue mist appeard in the middle of the living room.

His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw his sons teleport into the room, not noticing him.

"Ufff... Dad isn't here yet." He heard Sans say as the young skeleton let go of Papyruses hand.

"SANS... WHY CAN'T WE TELL DAD ABOUT VISITING (Y/N)?" Papy asked as he sat down on the couch.

"He would be mad if he'd find out that were sneaking out of the house." Sans answered and sat down besides his brother.

There was a cough behind them, coming from no other than Gaster himself.

The skelebros stiffened, especially Sans, and turned around to see their father behind them, staring down at them with a disapproving glare.

Both of them gulped as Gaster leaned down, looking them in the eye.

"I'm waiting for your explanation."


"And why did you not tell me that you're visiting her? You know that I would let you do it right?" Gaster questioned, looking at Sans and Papyrus who were sitting on his lap.

"I...Thoughtthatyouwouldntsinceyouhadanargumentwithmum." Sans mumbled quickly, but his dad caught it anyway.

Gaster sighed softly and shook his head, ruffling his sons head.

"I wouldn't. The fact that we had....a small argument doesn't mean that you can't visit her, buttttttt since you did sneak out I will have to give you some sort of punishment." Gaster said with a small smirk, drawing out the 'but'.

Sans and Papyrus looked at him with puppy eyes, trying to wiggle out of it.

Gaster put his finger on his chin, tapping it lightly as to seem like he's thinking. "How about.... I will forget about this if you two little buggers help me apologize to (Y/n), deal?"

The two instantly perked up, giving him an eager nod. Not only they won't have to go to bed earlier, they will be able to make peace between mum and dad!



You sighed softly, your eyes drifting towards the window. It was near closing time and everyone had already left, including the two skeletons.

You glanced behind you at the fire elemental who was finishing cleaning the tables.

As you sat down on one of the stools near the bar, your mind started to drift towards a certain scientist.

Don't get me wrong, you were still mad at him for everything, but you just also happened to miss him just as much.

Another sigh espaced your lips, getting the attention of Grillby, who sat down besides you.

"You miss him, don't you?" He went straight to the point, putting his hand on your shoulder.

You gave him a quiet nod and then leaned back on the stool. "Yea... It's just... I want to know why he reacted like this... Like I know that the information was shocking and everything, but I didn't do anything to hurt anyone! So he should of at least gave me a chance to explain myself!" You groaned, your mind going back to what happened almost a month ago.

Grillby was silent for a few moments before speaking. "Okay... What if I'd let you speak to him if he comes here?" It was obvious that he wasn't happy about it, still wary about Gaster.

You smiled lightly and gave the fire monster a quick hug. "Thanks Grillbs! You're the best!"

Grillby chuckled and hugged you back. "I know, I know. Anything to stop you from mopping around all depressed and sad."

You huffed, lightly punching his shoulder. "I was not depressed!"

Grillby rolled his eyes, not that you could see it. "Yea and I'm made out of water." He retorted, giving you a smirk.

You narrowed your eyes at him. "I hate you."

He simply laughed, ruffling your hair. "I love you too."

After your sibling like bickering you went around the bar one last time to make sure that it was clean while Grillby went back to the kitchen to check if everything was ready for tommorow.

You were about to go to the room you shared with Grillby when you heard a sound you couldn't exactly pinpoint, making you turn around to check on it.

Your breath hitched for a second and you took a defensive stance the moment you saw Gaster teleport into the room, your wings sprouting from your back to protect you.  Maybe you did miss him, but you were still not comfortable when he was in the room, as much as you wanted to pretend otherwise.

Gaster scratched the back of his neck, suddenly at the loss of words.

"Hey (Y/n)...Listen I'm really-" It was you who cut him out this time.

"And why should I? When I wanted you to, you didn't." You didn't intend it to sound this hostile, but all the things you wanted to say to him, scratch that, to yell out at him came to you the moment you opened your mouth.


is gaze immediately fell to the ground, his shoulders slumped at the harsh tone of your words.

"I know... There is nothing that can justifice me lashing out at you without giving you a chance to explain yourself and all I can say is... I'm sorry." His voice was quieter now, the remorse radiating from his words.

"I just want to know... Why." Your voice broke at the end of the sentence, your stare burning holes in Gaster.

"...You probably noticed that my sons and I are the only skeletons in here. Well...There were once more than just us. Back in the days before Underground skeletons were just as common as Froggits or Whimsuns. When the war broke out...We were in the front lines, so when the angels came...We didn't stand a chance. I was the only survivor from my kind. So when I saw you back then, with wings on your back everything that happened came back...I reacted out of anger, spite, hatred. I know it doesn't justify me, but please... Please come back home. The kids miss you, I miss you." By the end of his story his voice broke down and a quiet sob escaped him, something you never thought you'd hear.

From all the commotion that was happening Grillby came back from the kitchen, but decided to not interfere for now.

You were taken aback by this, not knowing what to do now. Part of you wanted to go back with him, but part of you was still afraid.

You glanced back at Grillby for support and he gave you a small nod, showing that he's there.

"I..." You wondered for a few second, those few seconds feeling like an eternity for Gaster. Your mind went back to pleasant memories of the home this time, your small talks with Gaster, playing with Papyrus and Sans, your meals together and reading goodnight stories for the two, falling asleep with them and then magically finding yourself back in your bed. Suddenly you knew your answer.

"Fine-" A smile spread across Gaster's face and he finally looked up at you. "-but it might take a while for me to...Feel comfortable again..." Despite what you added Gaster didn't seem like he minded that one bit as his smile didn't dissapear.

"It's still more than I could ask for." He held back the urge to hug you, respecting what you said and knowing that he will have to regain your trust first.

You turned back to Grillby to say goodbye, him already being besides you. He gave you a quick hug and then ruffled your hair again.

"If you ever need something, you know where to find me." He then turned to Gaster. "Remember, I have my eyes on you." He threatened, halfly joking and halfly being serious.

You said the last goodbye and then walked out of the bar with Gaster in front of you, snow crunching your shoes.

You were finally going home.

"How Did you hide it all for so long-"


Okay ima make this quick. I have school now, it's hard and it sucks. Don't have much time except at Fridays. Will try to update as best as I can, but my lazy ass can't promise anything. That's all. Bye~

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