Chapter 41~ Wedding bells

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Very important an at the end! Either read or don't come crying when you didn't.


Today was a very big day! Not for you, but for your dear friend! Dogamy's and Dogaressa's wedding!

You woke up early along with Gaster to get ready and to give your sons enough time to wake up.

Browsing your closet, you search for anything that would be fit for a wedding. You didn't want to overshadow the Bride of course, but most of your clothes weren't exactly maid of honour material.

You almost felt like hitting your head against the wall when finally something caught your attention. Taking it out, you decided that it was the perfect formal clothing and went to the bathroom to put it on.

After fawning over Gaster in a very fancy suit, you let him do your hair for you, while you took care of smoothing out your wings.

Soon you two were ready, almost two whole hours before the wedding. Perfect amount of time to get your sons to dress up too.

Papyrus was very excited at the occasion, practically jumping around in excitement as Gaster searched through his son's drawer to find an outfit.

Sans on the other hand, not so much. He spent half of the time you had teleporting away from anyone that came too close and it took Gaster outstanding him and teleporting behind him to finally catch the little bugger.

But alas, after some struggle, both of your little boys were wearing a suit, Papyrus's being a whitish one, while Sans's was black, just like his dad's.

With half an hour still to spare, you made your way to New Home, where the wedding would happen.

It wasn't hard to find where the place was, it being the only big open space area with a pretty fountain in the middle. A perfect place for two souls to be united forever.

Right now though, the iconic fully white look of New Home was spiced up with blue ribbons on the fountains surface and echo flower petals littering the ground. It looked quite breathtaking.

Immediately after stepping into the area, you spotted familiar faces of your friends from Grillby's along with the fire elemental himself.

Waving at them, your family made your way over to the corner they were standing in, which was where a long table for presents was placed.

You turned to Gaster who took out the wrapped gift you had for the two dog monsters and put it down on the ever-growing pile of colorful paper and ribbons.

With the wedding starting soon you split from your family and walked over to the small building that was serving as a last minute preparations building.

Walking in, you went to the right. There, with a small sticker on it that said 'Dogaressa' stood a simple door made out of birch wood.

You opened it, quite expecting to see a scene of panic or chaos, but the bride in question was sitting calmly on a stool with one of the bridesmaids doing a few last moment fix ups her fur.

You smiled at the sight, walking deeper into the room to see if you needed to help with anything and took your sweet time to admire how Dogaressa looked.

It was quite an interesting choice to wear a dress covered by fancy chain mail, but it definitely was her style. She looked gorgeous in it and the clanking of the armour when she moved added to the charm.

"You look beautiful Res!" You called out and the bride who was previously occupied with looking over herself in the mirror turned around, her tail wagging when she noticed it was you.

"(Y/n)! You're right on time!" Dogaressa responded, her face beaming from excitement.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world! I am the maid of honour after all!" You took a glance at the time, smoothing out your clothing for the last time and then turned back to your friend who was grabbing her bouquet.

It was finally time for the ceremony.

And what a ceremony it was! Dogamy, who was also wearing very fancy chain mail over his suit was close to crying when he saw his soon to be wife walk down the blue carpet that was put down beforehand.

And to be fair, a lot of people were too. It was such a one in a lifetime sight and you were glad you got to be part of it.

Their vows to each other were long and detailed, laced with honey and promises of the happiest life they could get and protection till the day they die.

And finally, the rings were picked up and carefully placed on each other's finger and sealed with the softest of kisses.

You were quite sure that it was Grillby who was clapping the loudest, wiping whatever fire elementals cry off his face.

With the spirits high, the newly weds turned to their audience and Dogaressa threw her flowers into the crowd.

You chuckled at the small army that was trying to catch the bouquet, only to freeze when the object landed at your feet.

"You planned this, didn't you?" You said, definitely not amused as you picked up the flowers.

"I sure did! You still owe me being the maid of honour too!" Dogaressa laughed at your expression then smiled innocently.

"I can arrange that" The smooth voice of your lover mentioned from behind you, causing your face to turn a lovely shade of red.

"I hate both of you. With passion." You groaned out, only to join in on the loud laughter that your comment caused.

Soft music started playing and people parted to make room for new weds first dance. It was quite comical, with the chain mail drowning out the sound of music, but you knew they wouldn't have it any other way.

With their first dance over, other pairs took over the dance floor.

You turned to Gaster and, sure enough, you found him with his hand outstretched to you in a silent invitation.

You took it without hesitation, him bringing you close as you joined the many pairs.

You laughed quietly, seeing Sans and Papyrus stuffing their faces with cake in the corner along with Indarra and then laid your head on Gaster's chest, letting yourself be lead by him.

This was everything you could have hoped for and more. A loving family and friends, a place to call home and the sweetest lover there is.

This was your perfect life.

"I won't let you fall tonight-"


To those who love perfect endings where everything is well, perfect, this is where we part ways.

I know I'm basically spoiling the last chapter, but I am no cruel jerk. I know some people hate endings that don't go their way.

So, I am giving you a choice to either consider this the end, or continue on to chapter 42.

To those who end this journey with me on this moment, thank you for sticking with this book and I hope the fluff is fluffy enough to be a nice note to end at.

And to those who want to learn the true ending, see you in the next chapter.

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