Chapter 9~ Stay

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And so you began your story. You didn't even got to the 'falling from a mountain' part when you were practically surrounded by monsters from the bar. You chuckled worriedly and continued the story, though you made sure you left out the fact that you were an angel, saying that people accused you of being a witch and that you had to run away so you won't be executed. Yea...they luckily bought it and didn't question you about your past any further.

In the meantime Grillby cleaned the bar and served drinks. You noticed that he never used water if he didn't had to, being really careful when he had to. It was logical, he was made out of fire after all.

You turned to him, finishing the story. Monsters went back to what they were doing before you started it.

"Do you need any help? I'm not made out of fire after all." You chuckled and he smiled lightly. He thought for few seconds and then nodded so you walked around the counter and he lead you to the back where a small kitchen was held.

He explained what you needed to do, which was mainly washing the dishes or helping him serve the food and drinks. You gladly did, quickly getting to work.


You were serving a customer, when you heard the door getting opened. You looked up and saw Gaster walk in.

"I apologise for the long wait." He said, turning to look at you.

"We can continue now." He added. You nodded and turned to Grillby to say goodbye. He outstached his hands and put something in your own.

"You're welcome here any time. I could always use another pair of hands." You smiled and nodded so he turned around and went back behind the counter.

Both you and Gaster walked out of the door back into the cold snow. You looked down at your hand, seeing gold coins shining lightly. You showed them to Gaster.

"This is your form of payment right?" You asked.

He nodded and you smiled under your breath.

Great! I could find a house around here and work at Grillby's!

You quickly put the money into your pocket and continued after Gaster.

The surroundings soon changed and instead of snow you were surrounded by black ground with white sparkles, waterfalls with shining, light blue water and beautiful shining flowers.

"Welcome to Waterfall." Gaster said and made a movement with his hand.

You started laughing, making him furrow his bone brow. "What's so funny?"

You took few seconds to calm down before answering.

"I'm sorry... It's just... Who came up with the name?" You finally managed to say. He finally understood why you were laughing and let out a chuckle himself.

"Let's just say that our King isn't the best with the names..." You giggled.

"It can't be THAT bad. Waterfall doesn't sound that horrible. At least describes the land." You tried to defend the king, giggling like an idiot.

"Really...? The next land you're going to see is called Hotland and the main city of the Underground is called New Home." Your giggle turned into a laugh again, making Gaster smile lightly under his breath.

"Okay... I was wrong. That IS bad." Both of you laughed about it, walking along the path until you noticed something.

A house, but not any ordinary house. It looked like an angry fish face with a dummy standing not to far away from it.

Gaster noticed you staring at the house and started to explain.

"Undyne and Indarra live here. As you probably guessed, they are...unique, so of course their house had to be unique too. They take everything as a competition. A ghost lives not to far from here and his house kinda looks like one, so they did the same with theirs."

You nodded at his explanation, passing the house.


The whole tour took you less than you expected, probably because you thought that the underground would be at least two or three times bigger than that.

Gaster showed you his lab in Hotland and then New Home. He even brought you to the castle, not inside of course as you can't just walk in and expect that everyone would be okay with it, but considering how the guards bowed their heads when they saw Gaster it could of actually be like that.

Why would they bow their heads for him? He's just a scienceist...or is he?

You ignored the questions that were swarming your mind and followed him back to Snowdin.

It was a pleasant walk you had a small talk on the way back.

Sadly every good thing ends to fast and in a blink of an eye both of you were again surrounded by the snow and cold wind.

You stopped in front of the door to his home, the atmosphere being tense and awkward.

"So..." Gaster started, not really knowing what to say, which was rare for him.

You focused your eyes at the ground, thinking about where you could stay.

"Is it the moment we say goodbye? I hope I wasn't to much trouble for you..." You said quietly. You weren't the best when it comes to goodbyes. You looked around Snowdin.

"Maybe I could find a house around here...." You whispered to yourself and then looked back at Gaster.

He looked away and then mumbled something.

"Excuse me what? I didn't hear you." He grumbled something again and then spoke up.

"Stay with us."

You were shocked that he would propose something like this.


"The kids grew fond of you weren't as irritating as I thought you'd be." He said crossing his arms at the last part.

You giggled happily and gave him a quick hug.

"Thanks!" You squeaked out and opened the door, while he stood there for few seconds, stunned by the suddent contact.

As you got into the house, he noticed that black thing on your back again. Since you're staying with them he will have plenty of time to find out what that thing might be...

"Never thought you'd fall so far-"


Hi guys! Sorry for the long wait! :3

I have a question for you all. While I'm writing this book should I make a one shot book? I have few ideas for them but I wanted to ask you guys! Here are the propositions:

-Beyblade burst characters z reader(I'm only as far as Netflix has it so I wouldn't do any characters that appeared after)

-Stardew Valley characters x reader(yes even the ones you can't marry! Finally you will be able to be with Krobus!)

Choice is yours guys. If you don't want any just say so.

Anyways that's all guys! Stay determinated!

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