Chapter 16

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I put my paper and pencil down, happy that I got to talk to my friend, Link. I heard a knock on my door "Come in!" I called out. Lady Palutena came in "Here's your DRESS~" and she quickly left with a smirk on her face.

My dress was a white Doric chiton with a black trim and short sleeves, it had a black sash too. No way was I wearing that. But if I didn't Lady Palutena would get me. Suddenly I got a genius idea, why didn't I think of that before!

I could wear a cloak.

I threw the dress on and some boots and then draped my black cloak over it all. Take that Lady Palutena! I ran to my dresser and grabbed my weapons then I ran to my door and flung it open, I ran yet again to the throne room where Lady Palutena was already in her Ionic chiton.

"Y/N? Where's your dress?" She asks me I part my cloak with a smirk. "Oh no you are not!" She chides and with a wave of her hand she makes my cloak disappear.


I forgot she could do that. I glare at her and she smiles back sweetly.


Me and Lady Palutena look towards the door with a start and see Pit and Dark Pit fall into the room. Yes, they fall. They quickly got up, they are both wearing tunics. Pit was wearing a white one and Dark Pit was of course wearing a black one. I looked them in jealousy.

"Why can't I wear a tunic too!" I snap at Lady Palutena. She looks at me "Because you look so pretty in a dress!" she gushes "Tell her Pit!"

Pit stops doing whatever it is that he's doing and says "Uh... s-sure!" his cheeks heat up. I roll my eyes "Thanks for the compliment Pit." I say sarcastically. He gets nervous and starts waving his hands around "I-I didn't-t mean I-it like that!" I wave this off with a laugh.

"I was teasing Pit."


"You done being stupid Pit-stain? We have a meeting to attend so stop annoying Y/N and let's go!" Dark intervenes and glares at Pit. Lady Palutena opens the portal and then walks in, Pit afterwards then me and lastly Dark.

We come out at a human village. It has stray dogs viciously fighting each other, piles of trash and it is dusty. I think I prefer the god world.

I leap back in fear as one of the dogs comes close to me.

(AN: I am scared of dogs. DON'T JUDGE!!)

Dark looks at me in surprise "Are you scared of dogs?" he asks with a smirk. I glare at him "Yes." I look away ashamed. His eyes soften "Don't worry, I won't let the dogs get you." I smile at him gratefully.

"What about me Pittoo?" Pit chimes in "Will you save me from the dogs?"

"Save yourself!"Dark retorts.

I snicker at the exchange. They both glare at me, this just makes me laugh even more. We keep walking then suddenly Lady Palutena stops. I bump into Pit I quickly apologise.

"Here it is" Lady Palutena begins ominously "Starbucks."

The building is brown with green accents and a lady outlined in white on a green circle decorates the front. There is a sign that says 'Starbucks'. We push the door open and hesitantly walk in.

As soon as we go in we see a huge table with Athena, Persephone, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter and Hephaesteous sitting at a table. I smile a little thinking how comical it is to see gods in human clothes in a caffe.

We walk there trying to look casual and quickly sit down. I am in between Pit and Dark. I see Demeter smiling at Persephone looking happy, probably because she is plotting against Hades. Athena opens her mouth to start talking but someone interrupts her.

"Can I get your order?" It is a human.

"Uh.... sure I'll take a latte." She deadpans. "three normal cappuccinos for us!" Poseidon points to Hestia, Palutena and himself. "One Decaf cappuccino for me." Persephone says "I'll have a plain coffee." Demeter says. "One of everything!" Hephaesteous says. The waiter turns to us.

"I'll have a vanilla milkshake!" I say nervously. "I'll have a chocolate milkshake!" Pit chirps. The waiter turns to Dark. This is going to be good.

"I'll have a Dark Dark chocolate milkshake." he states. The waiter looks confused so Dark elaborates "A burnt Dark chocolate milkshake that is burnt again." The waiter nods disgusted and scurries off.

Athena sighs "Ok now someone explain the plan." Persephone volunteers and tells them what she told us.

The gods all turned to me.

I shrunk back into the couch wishing I could disappear. "How is this- kid, going to stop Hades?! Sure she's a god but still." Athena asks scornfully.

I feel embarrassed and angry, Pit grips my hand in his. Dark answers for me "It's not her fault she's supposed to defeat hades! She didn't choose this! The best you almighty gods can do is support her!!" He yells at everyone "Show some respect!!" he backs down.

"I agree." Hestia says.

"Anyways now to talk about something else." Demeter says giving Pit a look. Something passes between them.

"Come on Y/N! Let's go explore!" He smiles and drags me out of Starbucks.

With Pit:

Demeter gives me a look and I know that they are going to talk about the prophecy. I grab Y/N's arm and pull her out of Starbucks.

"Pit why did you take me outside?" She asks me. Oh this is going to be hard. I did not think of that, if she finds out Lady Palutena might fire me!

"Um.... to see dogs!" I exclaim.

Good thinking Pit

Thank you Pit

You're so handsome Pit

You're handsome too Pit

Pit, you're so smart

You too Pi--

"You do realise that I am scared of dogs?!" Y/N Shrieks at me.

"You'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiine!" I say stressing the 'I'.


What will happen next? Will Y/N be ok? Is Pit really a brick?! Will he get fired? Will I run out of Oreos?!! Will I ever stop writing these stupid questions?!

The answer is....... IDK

Anyways, Thanks for reading! Stay safe!


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