Chapter 17

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I dragged Y/N to go find some dogs. As we were walking I heard the meeting going on through my laurel! Lady Palutena thinks of everything! I turned corners, crossed streets and passed alleys until finally we found a dog.

(AN: Underlined words are words going on in the meeting.)

"Ok so how is Pit going to carry Y/N all the way to the rewind spring?" Athena asks

"Pit- the dog is coming towards us!"

Athena has a point

I can only fly for five minutes and the flight from the river styx to the rewind spring is twenty minutes at least!

"Pit the Dog is growling!!"

"Maybe he can use the lightning chariot!" Poseidon answers.

Good point, though how will we get it there? Maybe it already will be there! Then I can drive Y/N in it to the rewind spring!

"Pit! The dog has called it's friends!"

"Good Idea Poseidon!" Hestia says.

I wish I thought of that!

"PIT!!!!!!" Y/N screams in my ear.

"What?!" I recoil in surprise.

Y/N clutches my hands in fear "The dogs! They have surrounded us and want to suck our souls out!!" she shrieks.

Sure enough there are at least ten growling dogs circling around us snapping and growling. Y/N is trembling with fear her eyes round with terror and she goes behind me. I am starting to think that this wasn't such a good idea. In an effort to calm the dogs I try to talk to them.

I look at the nearest dog. It has a patch over his eye and looks like the leader. "Hey! Could you uh, maybe... call your dogs off??" I hold my hand out to it trying to be friendly. It snaps it's vicious fangs at my hand. I leap back in fear and Y/N gives out a gasp of fear.

I guess he isn't a guy for small talk.

The dogs start closing in and I decide to do the next best thing. RUN. I grab Y/N's arm and we start running, she over takes me with fear propelling her. But as you probably know dogs are faster than people and they back us into a corner. I let out a high pitched scream.

We both back away until our backs press against the wall. The eye patch dog snaps at Y/N who gives a high pitched yelp. "HELL NO!" She says and climbs into my arms clutching me tightly lifting her legs off the ground and quivering.

My cheeks heat up instantly. PIT NOW IS NOT THE TIME! The dogs close in on us forming a tighter and tighter circle. it looks as if they are out for blood. I hold Y/N tighter realising how scary dogs can be.

This really was a terrible idea.

"P-pit-t??" Y/N asks me as the dogs keep circling us.

"Y-yeah?" I answer trying to back us into the wall.

"I-if-f we m-make it I-I will k-kill you." she says not looking at me.

"s-ssounds g-good-d." I say and clutch her tighter.

The dogs look ready to leap at us Y/N hides her face in my neck and I close my eyes tightly expecting to feel teeth and claws.

"HEY YOU! STAY AWAY FROM THEM YOU MANGY EXCUSES FOR WOLVES!!!!" I hear a furious shout that sounded familiar.

I open my eyes it's PITOO?! what's he doing here? Y/N pulls away and stands next to me to watch. Pittoo is shooing the dogs away with a paper.

"SCRAM! SCAT! SHOO! BEGONE! GO FLY A KITE!" He yells at them and once all the dogs are gone. Dark turns to us and looks at us slightly amused.

"you do realise that they are just dogs? You could have just shooed them away!" he exclaims scowling at us a little. Y/N runs from next to me and gives Pittoo a big hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you...." She mumbles. Dark awkwardly pats her back "You're welcome I guess?" and Y/N pulls back.

I feel like to punch Pittoo for some reason. Am I jealous?! Nah... Probably too much coffee. Wait I never had any! Which only means one thing-

"Who's idea even was this?!" Dark asks us, Y/N just points at me.

Thanks Y/N.

Dark looks at me "I-i did it because of..... uh y-you know-" I give him a look and he nods and pulls me behind a building.

With Y/N:

My legs are still shaking from the dog encounter. And Dark pulled Pit behind a building for some reason. I think they are hiding something from me.

I really want to know what but Artemis told me to never eavesdrop. I feel if I break that rule then Artemis will truly be lost.

I wait for I think ten minutes and finally the two come out with serious expressions on their faces. How unlike them "What's wrong??" I ask them curiously. They look at me and seem to get sadder.

"Nothing." Dark tells me.

Pit just looks away.

"Dark how did you know we were in trouble?" I ask him and he looks at me and starts chuckling. "I heard a high pitched scream." He smiles "It sounded like Pit's scream." I giggle remembering that moment.

"I did not scream!" Pit huffs.

"What about the meeting?" I ask them "It finished." Dark answers. I look at them suspiciously "Anything important?" Dark hesitates before answering "No just reviewing the plans, Nothing that you don't know." Pit gives him a knowing look.

I stop.

That's it.

"I am not stupid! I know something is going on!" I snap at them "Why won't you tell me!?!?" Pit reaches his hand out and I recoil back wanting answers.

"Y/N please!" Pit looks at me "It's for your own good!" he says his voice thick with emotion. "Trust us." Dark says firmly "It's better this way."

HOW CAN IT BE?! I wail in my head.

I take a moment to calm down. Dark and Pit care about me. So it's probably for the best as much as I want to know. I sigh and quietly apologise.

Pit takes my hand.

"Let's go home."


WOW 2 chapters in one day! I am on a roll! And yes I am scared of dogs, though I still want one. DON'T JUDGE! My story is #1 in pitxreader! for now.

Thanks for reading! see you in the next chapter! Stay safe, stay happy!


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