Chapter 28

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With Pit:

Y/N gave me one last glance.

I looked on in pain, wondering what would happen next.

She clashed her weapons together. For a second nothing happened but then half my sight was blurred by light and the other conquered by shadows. I struggled to keep looking, finally after a few seconds the effects died down.

I looked across the banks of the river styx and saw two figures lying on the ground where Hades and Y/N once stood.

"Y/N..." Artemis gives out a mournful wail.

No, this can't be the end!

I rush forward and unclip my toga and dive into the calm waters of styx. Y/N can't be dead, she promised me she would live!I swim across as fast as I can with frantic swim strokes. I ignore the chills of the river that has carried so many souls to their last stage, there are more important things to worry about.

I crawl out of the banks and run towards the smaller of the two figures.

I kneel down next to Y/N's body and lightly shake her.

Her toga is burnt at the ends and stained with blood. Her hair shakes lightly in an air draft and her E/C eyes reflect the river's water. Her eyes shimmer, almost as if she were alive.

She doesn't stir.

"Y/N." I shake her more. Nothing. "Y/N!" I shake her harder. Nothing happens. "Y/N?" I choke out knowing what's coming. I check her pulse, nothing.


I hear a splash and Pittoo comes up next to me.

"Is she...?" He asks. not wanting to say it.

"NO." I say firmly remembering what she said before she died. She promised she would come back, she told me to trust her. I will.

"Face it Pit!" Dark yells at me "SHE'S GONE!" he slumps down in defeat. "EVEN SHE CAN'T CHEAT DEATH!" his voice is broken by a sob.

He's crying.

I come crawl next to him, hesitating a bit. I put my hands on his shoulders and turn him so that he faces me. Tears fall down his face.

"Y/N will come back!" I say firmly my voice quavering "She promised-" my voice cuts off as I think about it. Dark's right, who am I kidding! She's gone! I turn away from him trying to hold back my sobs, but nothing can hold back this sadness.

I take Y/N's limp hand, I can't look at her face. It will make it all the more worse.

Her hand is cold. Lifeless.

Then I remember, the rewind spring! But, you can't be revived if you're already dead.

I hear someone else stirring.

I look over to the other figure. It's Hades, but he's still alive?! "I'M ALIVE!!!!" He shouts but not before Artemis punches him. I watch on, numb with pain as Artemis continues to tackle and hit Hades.

I think of all the things we did together.

We went to Demeter's temple. I give a sad smile remembering the trip, all the fun we'd had. Then there was the dog attack, the giant eel, Eris's temple, Aphrodites's visit, when she first came and when she promised me she'd stay.

I hide my head in my arms, hugging my knees to my chest. Refusing to believe Y/N is gone, a small part of me says that she really is.

I never got to tell her...

Artemis lays a hand on my back "Hades may be alive, but his power is gone. She saved us all." she says softly tears escaping her own eyes.

I look up at her feeling the pain of the loss.

"We may have won."

I say

"But for me-"

I take a deep breath before continuing,

"All is lost."

I put my head in my arms again thinking of unsaid words and broken promises. It has only been five minutes since the events but it feels like five hours. But then I hear a voice.

"Let me out!" it says softly "I can help you!"

I look up, wiping my tears away.

The voice is coming from Y/N's toga pocket. The one that always had candy bars! I smile a little remembering the time she gave me a candy bar in Ares's temple.

I reach in careful not to move her and pull out two candy bars, a brooch, a drawing and a bottle with a pink light in it.

I hold the drawing closer. It is burnt in some parts though I can scarcely make it out. I see Persephone with a plant pot smiling, next to Demeter who is watering it looking at persephone with a mother's love. I see Poseidon barbecuing some fish on the opposite side with Lady Palutena who has a nice smile. She is standing next to Dark Pit who has bunny ears over someone else's head. I look closer and with a start I realise it's me. I am sitting on the floor next to ice cream. Then close to the middle of the paper I see Artemis nocking an arrow looking at a boy, who also has wings he is holding a black and white pin. This is probably Saphiron. And in between all of the chaos is Y/N grinning happily.

I smile softly at the scene. Did Y/N draw this....?

"Hurry up and open the bottle already!" Squeaks the same voice in anger. I quickly put down the picture and place everything back in Y/N's pockets.

I hold the bottle. Inside is something that looks like a..... umm, uh, a fairy?

I uncork it and the fairy thing flies out.

"Hi! It's about time! Listen!"

Dark's voice sounds out "What is that thing?!"

It sounds annoying but then something it says catches my attention.

"I can save Y/N!"

"How?!" I ask dumbstruck but hopeful at the same time.

"I'm a fairy! From Link!"

With that it twirls around Y/N's body.

The blood disappears from her clothes along with the dirt and sand. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes flutter closed. She looks peaceful, as if she's sleeping.

Dark stares at her "Quick! Check her pulse!!" he urges me frantic. I quickly oblige. I feel it, her heartbeat!

I smile happily nodding at Dark who returns the smile holding Y/N's other hand.

Y/N is alive!

I shouldn't have doubted her!

Remind me to thank Link!

Y/N wouldn't break her promise!

There is hope.


WHOAH! Bet you didn't see that coming! Or maybe you did.... Anyways thanks for reading! I know my chapters haven't been so good especially the nighttime madness chapter. I'm sorry for that, I was running out of ideas and not feeling very motivated. I also wanted to have a book that was at least 32 chapters. Anyways, Thanks I appreciate you for reading!

The story isn't over yet! Keep reading and stay safe!


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