Chapter 29

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I lead Phos and Lux to Y/N from their hiding spot by the river. I had put them there so that I could be quicker in taking Y/N to the rewind spring.

I kneeled down and lifted her onto the lightning chariot as gently as I could. I looked back at Medusa, Viridi, Artemis, Hades and Pittoo.

"I will deal with Hades." Artemis reassures me. I look at Medusa skeptically, the last time I talked to her she was trying to kill me! Medusa caught my eye "If I was still evil would I risk my life to protect human souls?!" She has a point.

I nod and get on the chariot. "Hurry up and save her already!" Viridi yells at me. Dark gets in too "Can I come? There might be trouble!" he insists. I shake my head "No, you heard the prophecy. This is my job." I tell him.

"Y/N is my best friend. I don't want anything happening to her." Dark glares at me. "I will do my best to save her." I try to reassure him. Dark just turns away "If she dies..." he trails off "I will find you!" his voice hardens. I gulp and nod turning my attention to the chariot.

"Phos! Lux! GO!"

I snap the reins and am propelled with lightning speed to the rewind spring.

It takes barely a second.

We stop and I get down, I carry Y/N to the edge of the spring and lay her down so that the water laps at her arms. I want her to slowly gain strength.

"Hello Pit!"

I quickly turn around.

It's Eris.

So that's where she was all this time! Though this can't be good.

Eris smiles at me "I can't let you do that Pit!" she cackles "Otherwise Hades will remain powerless!" she speaks in a creepy singsong voice. I take my bow out.

"Pet of Hades I am Pit, servant to the goddess of light! And-"

"I wish it didn't have to be this way. I liked Y/N," Eris continues and circles me "But I am Bad and she is good. I don't have a choice." she falters. and then lunges at me.

I throw her off feeling a stinging pain on my cheek, where she scratched me. I shoot her with my light arrows and she falls.

When she gets back up- she isn't Eris. She's Y/N.

"You wouldn't hurt me would you Pit?!" She still has her voice.

I hesitate and turn to look at Y/N laying by the spring her chest moving up and down. She's alive but barely. I turn back to Eris.

"No I wouldn't."

Her smile widens

"But you aren't Y/N!"

I separate my bow and rush at her. I caught her by surprise, I get a few good hits before getting thrown off.

"I am not happy Pit!" Eris cackles like a maniac.

She sends out apparitions with blank eyes, they surround me. There are hydras and chimaeras! I can't fight them all. I slash at one but the others close in.

I back away, but there's nowhere to go.

Eris raises a hand to strike the finishing blow.

I close my eyes.

I have failed Dark.

I have failed Lady Palutena.

I have failed Y/N.

With Y/N:

I feel energy seeping into me! But that's impossible a fairy can only give so much!

I turn around hearing footsteps.

Familiar purple eyes meet mine.

I can't believe what I am seeing! It's Saphiron!

"Saphiron!" I screech flinging myself at him. He spins me around and hugs me like he used to. "Does this mean I'm dead?" I ask quietly pulling back.

He chuckles softly "No, it means you are coming back to life Y/N!" he smiles at me. "How are you here then?" I ask confused.

(AN: This part is in third person... for reasons.)

"I wanted to see you again."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not being able to save you! For forgetting you!"

"You couldn't control this Y/N. No one could."

"I forgot you!"

"You never did. I was with you every step of the way Y/N. I never wanted you to be sad. I wanted you to continue life, I wanted you to be happy."

"How can I?! You're gone!"

"You have new friends Y/N. New and old."

"But they aren't you!"

"Y/N. It's time to move on!"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can. It's time to try new things."

"Why did you have to leave??"

"Because of fate."

"Fate is wrong!"

"Y/N, you have people who care for you! don't throw that away!"

"I know."

"I will always be here! I'm not going anywhere."

"But I won't see you again!"

"You will when the time comes."

"Ok... you sound like an old man!"

"Who are you calling old!?"

Saphiron laughs, Y/N smiles tearing up at the sight of her old friend. He is as he always was. His red hair falls on his forehead as usual, his purple eyes glimmer, his smile is affectionate and his wings are grey. Everything Y/N remembered.

It seemed cruel to Y/N that here Saphiron was and yet she would never see him again.

"Y/N. It's time to go. Your friend is in trouble."

"But I won't see you again!"

The tears fall.

"You won't see him either if you don't go now!" Saphiron says firmly.

"Ok..." Y/N gives Saphiron another hug.

She pulls back teary eyed. It hurt Saphiron to see her like this, it hurt him to see her sad. But he knew that he had to let her go.

He pulled back "Goodbye Y/N."

Y/N was already fading.

Saphiron hesitates before saying.

"I-I love you."

But Y/N never heard for she was already gone.

Saphiron smiled sadly.

A single tear fell from his lilac eyes.

Y/N would never know how much he loved her.

It is better this way.

With Y/N again:

the last thing I heard was Saphiron saying "Goodbye Y/N." before all faded from sight.

I gasped and sat up, my eyes flew open.

I'm at the... rewind spring??

I see Eris in front of Pit. she is getting ready to kill him and Pit is backing away doing all he can to live.

I need to help him.

I am still feeling weak.

I pick up a rock and sneak behind Eris.

I pull the rock back behind my head and bring it down forcefully. Eris gasps and falls down unconscious. Her apparitions disappear too and Pit looks up.

His eyes meet mine.


He jumps up and gives me a big hug. He starts crying on my shoulder.

"You're alive!"


I told you Y/N wouldn't die. I felt bad writing that part about Saphiron. Thanks for reading! Stay safe and happy!


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