Chapter 5

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"We are here." I say grimly

"Avoid any dogs as Ares can see through them. Avoid torches and spears as they are his symbols." I explain to Dark and Pit. With that we glide down the canyon into an opening.

The opening is dark and lit with torches. Dark reaches out to grab one, I quickly slap his hand away. "What did I just tell you!?" I exclaim "Besides we have the scimitar of light." I hold up the glowing scimitar.

"Beyond this there will be a labyrinth, Ares forced Icarus's father Daedalus to build it after Icarus fell into the sea." I explain with a painful tug at my heart. "How do you know?" Asks Pit "Who Icarus was, I mean." I look at him. "I was there when it happened, when Icarus fell." I look closer at Pit. "He had wax feathered wings that burned up, he flew too close to the sun." Pit looks back at me.

"He looked just like you." I gasp. Is Pit Icarus reborn?! No, it's probably just a coincidence...

"In the labyrinth there aren't monsters anymore unless you count Ares as a monster.." I say "After that there is a circular room where we find Ares." And with that I lead the two boys into the opening and into the labyrinth.

"I'M HUNGRY!" Groans Pit "Why didn't you eat before?!" snaps Dark. I sigh and take out a candy bar from my pocket and pass it to Pit. "Thanks Y/N!" Says Pit with a cute smile. Wait... CUTE?! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER Y/N!! I say to myself. I'm so busy thinking that I don't notice the drop in front of me. I almost fall but a firm hand pulls me back by the waist.

"Thanks Dark." I say with shame "If it weren't for you I would have gotten hurt... or worse." I smile at him. "It was nothing....!" He averts his eyes. I look over to Pit who is glaring at Dark.

We walk in the Labyrinth for what seems like hours. Until we see a dog. We all stop speechless when the dog speaks in a gravelly voice "Y/N I knew you would come." I nod at it curtly "Lord Ares." It gestures for us to follow it.

"Why'd you call him 'Lord'?" Asks Pit "Built into my system." I say grimly he nods and looks ahead. Ares is unpredictable and he loves a good fight, there's no telling what he will do to us, we really are in danger now I think as we reach the circular room.

"What brings you here servant?" He asks me.

Pittoo looks as if he's about to explode and opens his mouth, I quickly cut him off. "Goddess Palutena of light sensed darkness here your grace." I explain "We have come here at her command to find what is causing this Lord Ares of war." I say trying to be polite as I can.

Ares laughs.

This is not a good sign. I go closer to Pit and Dark and tighten my grip on the dagger of shadows. One more dog emerges from behind Ares and the two dogs circle us. "Poor, naive, weak, little Y/N..." says Ares his voice dangerously playful.

"I am the darkness." He says and lunges at me with a sharp spear made of obsidian.

"Y/N!!" screams Pit trying to get to me but Ares's dogs pull him back. Those dogs are dangerous, They are bigger and more ferocious than wolves, strong as Ares and they obey his every command through telepathy.

Ares's spear grazes my arm as I jump back. He goes for me again bu I spin my nunchucks to act as a shield. "Your weapon will look good on my wall!" Sneers Ares as our weapons clash. "It's a shame I have to kill you~~ you were such a promising servant." I use my dagger of darkness to make his attacks go through me. I get all the hits I can but I can feel my energy draining.


Ares's spear stabs my waist. I fall to my knees. Tears blur my sight, I see Pit struggling to fight Ares with tears in his own eyes, he isn't strong enough. Dark crouches beside me with pain in his face. I look at him blankly through a haze of pain.

"Stay with me Y/N!" He exclaims ripping off a part of his scarf and wrapping it around my waist. I see Pit thrown at a wall. That is it. I push Dark off me and get up clutching my side.

I stagger and look defiantly at Ares. "Any last words?" Asks Ares with a cruel smile.

"Yes actually." I say as Ares looks at me in surprise.

"Y/N?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Shouts Pit coming up next to me.

"Sagitta, Luna, Arcum!" I shriek and take out the whistle around my neck and blow. A sound like a deer's call comes out.

Three speckled deer come from behind us along with a great big silver bear.

"Take us away." I tell them and get on Sagitta. Luna head butts Dark onto her back and Arcum takes Pit. And they quickly gallop away into the labyrinth and then into the sky as Polaris distracts Ares.

I close my eyes letting myself rest on Sagitta and let the pain take over. I do not notice Sagitta's outline getting fainter and fainter as I slip away from reality into the world of dreams.

Pit's POV:

The deer slowly disintegrate before my eyes and soon we are falling. Pittoo remains in the air flying while me and Y/N fall.

"Palutena I need the power of flight!" I say through my laurel and feel power go into my wings. I dive after Y/N remembering she can't fly. As I am level with her I notice she is asleep. I quickly take her in my arms blushing a little and take her up to Pittoo as fast as I can.

"She's asleep!" I tell him. "Here I'll hold her legs. we'll go faster this way, you don't have time!" He says looking uncharacteristically concerned.

Luckily the palace is not too far from here and we make it just as I feel a burning sensation on my wings. Quickly me and Pittoo carry Y/N into the palace to Lady Palutena.

She gasps.

Looks like I underestimated Y/N's wound. My shirt is soaked in her blood.

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