Chapter 6

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I wake up suddenly unaware of where I am. My eyes are still closed then I remember. Ares. ARES. ARES!!! FLIPPING ARES!!!!!!

My eyes snap open and I leap out of bed "I SWEAR I WILL PORK CHOP YOU WITH A F***ING PIG AND THEN SIC THE MOTHERF***ER CUCCOS ON YOU ARES!" I shriek and then stumble.

"Whoah! Careful there Y/N!" Says someone as they grip me in firm hands and guide me back to bed. Once I sit I see that it is Pit. I look around, I am in my room and Pittoo is sitting on my table.

"MOTHERF**KING CUCCOS!" He laughs "F**KING PIGS!" He doubles over.

Pit picks up his slipper "LANGUAGE PITTOO!!" and throws it at Pittoo. "Don't call me that!!" he snaps at his doppelgänger and dodges the slipper.

I can't help but laugh at the scene "Now, now ladies, we can all agree that you are both beautiful." I chuckle. They both glare at me. I smile sweetly back. "So Y/N why so.... different?" asks Dark "Yeah?" adds Pit putting on his slipper.

"What do you mean?" I innocently ask.

"One second you're all formal and serious-" Says dark "And the next you're all fun and happy." interrupts Pit.

I sigh. I knew this was coming.

"No one knows how I appeared on Mount Olympus." I began "Artemis says I just appeared once and then the gods decided to keep me. They raised me, in a strict without love way. I was their servant, I lived to serve. sometimes Aphrodite would call out to me "Get me the powder of a minotaur horn" and I obliged flying off to kill the beast. Other times Zeus would demand "Collect some lightning in this bottle" And I did just that trying not to get burnt." I say with the bitterness in my voice.

My voice lightens as I think of the others "There were some though, that were different. Artemis used to fight on my behalf too. She tried her best to teach me with a bow, but I just couldn't. Instead she taught me martial arts. She was a sister to me." I say breaking off and blinking back tears.

"Demeter taught me about the world. She opened my eyes. She was like the mother I never had, she used to read me stories about the gods. Poseidon he wasn't exactly nice but he always helped me. he gave me advice." I say warmly.

"As you know then Saphiron died. He was the only other angel there. I cried that day and the next day and after that. After that The war happened." I look at Pit.

"Some gods asked me to run errands for the bad side, like eliminating you." Pit's eyes widen "I could not do that, I was torn between good and bad. Creator Gaea told me to find the scimitar of light and the dagger of shadows. I did. hades was there." I look away and pause.

"He took away my flight."

"I was so filled with grief and rage that I decided to lock my emotions away. I trudged to Medusa's lair as Gaea instructed. Gaea told me that you were losing and she said I knew what I had to do.I convinced Medusa to rebel against Hades." I explain.

"So when medusa hit Hades..." Asks Pit "That was you?" his eyes widen.

I nod.

"So you saved me." He states.

"After that the gods divided. Artemis gave me a set of instructions that I should come here should she ever disappear. Poseidon stopped visiting because Hades killed Medusa, his wife. Demeter went to the underworld to force Hades and Persephone to divorce because Hades is a psycho. Artemis disappeared. Athena tried to calm the rest of the gods. Apollo started grieving because his sister Artemis left. I try my best to lock away emotions because in the end they put me in danger. And here I am." I finish.

"WAIT.... HADES IS STILL ALIVE!?!?!?!?!" Screams Pit.

"Yup. He's a God. Of the underworld at that, he can resurrect himself." I say surprised.

"But I just obliterated him!" Whines Pit.

"Think about Link Pit-stain, He has to fight Ganon over and over!!" Snaps Dark. Dark turns to me "Well you had it rough" He says and awkwardly pats my back. Pit lunges at me and hugs me " I had no idea.." He murmurs. I flinch "Ow~" as I feel a pain in my side. Pit leaps back "Sorry.." he looks away.

"Wait Hades lives?" Asks Lady Palutena from the doorway "I knew he would come back somehow. Just not this soon...". "How long have you been there?!" Exclaims Dark, She smiles "Long enough." And gives me a look.

"Y/N we really need to know what happened down there, after hades died, when you took out the dagger." She says gently.

A million painful memories flood my mind. I look away trying to shake them off. Lady Palutena takes my hand in hers making me look at her. I take a deep breath "As soon as I pulled it out Hades emerged, seeking revenge." I say my voice shaking. "He told me that he had given Eris a fragment of his soul to put in the rewind spring so he could be resurrected." I explain.

"He then took my flight."

"As a form of energy to gain the power he needs." I tell them "He is turning the gods against humans so it will be easier to win the fight. Then he will betray them and take their powers." Palutena looks at me skeptically.

"Hades really told you all that?" She seems suspicious "He's hades, the guy literally vored Pit." I state. "Can't argue with that!" Agrees Lady Palutena.

"Wait you know about that?!" Shrieks Pit with a red face "Yes, I do. Hades came during a god meeting and told everyone." I say.

"Ok so you will have to go and check on all of the gods!" Says Lady Palutena. Pit groans, "You realise that we won't know if they are god or bad?!" Yells dark Pit. He turns to me "Why didn't you tell us before!?" He snaps at me. "I didn't wan't to talk about it!" I said back with a growl.

Palutena tells him to back off and leaves trying to think things over.

"I might know some gods that will help us." I say. "Who?" Asks pit eagerly I ask him to pass me a box on my table.

I open it.

AN: Thanks for all these reads! another chapter coming today!

Anyways- Here is a KIU video


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